Methodist vs Presbyterian: Difference and Comparison

The main belief that forms the base of Christianity is the concept that Jesus Christ is the lord and Savior. However, it is evident that different Christian religions follow the same style of ways but have a common ground, as mentioned above.

Though these variations in alternative divisions of Christianity are enough to mark a difference between totally different sorts of Christian religions, Presbyterians and Methodists are two such Christian faiths with marked variations from each other.

Key Takeaways

  1. Methodist denominations are a branch of Protestant Christianity that originated from the teachings of John Wesley, emphasizing the importance of personal faith, social responsibility, and the possibility of achieving Christian perfection.
  2. Presbyterian denominations are a branch of Protestant Christianity rooted in the Reformed tradition, emphasizing the sovereignty of God, the authority of Scripture, and a representative form of church governance.
  3. Although both Methodist and Presbyterian denominations share a Protestant background, they differ in theological emphasis and church governance, with Methodists focusing on personal faith and social action. At the same time, Presbyterians emphasize God’s sovereignty and a structured, representative church organization.

Methodist vs Presbyterian

Methodism emphasizes personal faith, social justice, and the sacraments, as well as the authority of Scripture. Presbyterians emphasize the sovereignty of God and predestination, as well as the authority of Scripture, and practice a form of church governance where decisions are made by elders.

Methodist vs Presbyterian


Comparison Table

Parameter of ComparisonMethodistPresbyterian
OriginMethodism was originated by Wesley brothers Charles and John in 1739 in EnglandJohn Knox founded the Presbyterian Church in Scotland in 1560.
DefinitionThe main belief of Methodism is that men can call for God’s kindness to rescue oneselves although they have fallen.The main belief of the Presbyterian Church is that men immensely need God’s kindness for their salvation and that they cannot get God on their own.
SalvationAccording to the Methodists, everyone who believes in God can get salvation.According to the Presbyterian, God has already picked those individuals he needs to save, i.e. once god has chosen an individual, he’s continually saved.
Worship guideThe Methodist Church worship guide is ‘The Directory of WorshipPresbyterian Church worship guide is ‘The Book of Discipline
Local structureThe local structure of Methodist church is led by an administrative council underneath a pastor, who works under the ultimate guidance of a bishop.Presbyterian local churches have the right to ask a pastor to go and “call” another to lead the church.


What is Methodist?

The Methodist church initially originated in 1739 in England. A spiritual worker named John Wesley split from the Anglican Church, Church of England, to devise his own religious belief known as Wesleyism.

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Methodists are involved with “actions not belief or faith,” which means that the Methodist religion acknowledges the great works of individuals as a mark of their religion.

Individuals can’t say that they are right or are good humans if they are not doing good deeds within the point of view of the Methodist religion. The Methodist Church worship guide is ‘The Directory of Worship.

Another facet of church governance that helps different Methodist churches from others is the choice of pastors for her churches.  

The working of the Methodist church takes place where their pastors are sent to every place where the church is established by choice of Methodist bishops who commands the required changes.

Methodism also approves of penalisation (death penalty) only when society experiences the foremost serious crimes and may solely be administered by the law.

Methodists committedly look at homosexuality as a sin without any exceptions.

methodist 1

What is Presbyterian?

Originally a Catholic priest, John Knox supported the Presbyterian Church in 1560. The Presbyterian faith has its origin in Calvinism.

John used several church doctrines to create the Presbyterian’s main beliefs. He found the religion in Scotland.

The Presbyterian religion believes that God’s grace alone helps in salvation. God selects individuals previously alone who can receive grace and visit heaven.

According to the Presbyterian, God has already picked those individuals he needs to save, i.e. once god has chosen an individual, he’s continually saved. Presbyterian Church worship guide is ‘The Book of Discipline.

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Another side of church governance that helps differing Presbyterian churches from others is the choice of pastors for her churches.  The Presbyterian religion hires, or “calls,” its pastors to carry out and lead the religious community.

The Presbyterian church unconditionally and actively resists capital punishment (death penalty). Presbyterians consider homosexuality a sin.

Despite this, they believe it is a complicated issue that’s troublesome to evaluate without additional examination.


Main Differences Between Methodist and Presbyterian

  1. Methodism was originated by Wesley brothers Charles and John in 1739 in England, whereas John Knox founded the Presbyterian Church in Scotland in 1560.
  2. The main belief of Methodism is that men can call for God’s kindness to rescue their elves, although they have fallen. In contrast, the main belief of the Presbyterian Church is that man immensely needs God’s kindness for their salvation and cannot get God on their own.
  3. According to the Methodists, everyone who believes in God can get salvation. In contrast, According to the Presbyterians, God has already picked those individuals he needs to save, i.e. once god has chosen an individual, he’s continually saved.
  4. The Methodist Church worship guide is ‘The Directory of Worship’ whereas the Presbyterian Church worship guide is ‘The Book of Discipline.
  5. The local structure of the Methodist church is led by an administrative council underneath a pastor, who works under the ultimate guidance of a bishop. In contrast, local Presbyterian churches have the right to ask a pastor to go and “call” another to lead the church.
Difference Between Methodist and Presbyterian


Last Updated : 13 July, 2023

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21 thoughts on “Methodist vs Presbyterian: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The article serves as an intellectual guide to understanding the multifaceted nature of Christian religious traditions, particularly the contrasting beliefs and practices of Methodist and Presbyterian denominations.

    • Absolutely, the nuanced analysis of their theological distinctions challenges readers to ponder the intricate tapestry of Christian beliefs, fostering a deeper appreciation for the diversity of religious thought.

    • Indeed, the comprehensive dissection of Methodist and Presbyterian doctrines invites readers to embark on a scholarly exploration of religious diversity, promoting an intellectually enriching engagement with theological ideologies.

  2. I appreciate the article’s unbiased approach to exploring the differences between Methodist and Presbyterian denominations. The factual presentation provides a valuable resource for gaining knowledge about various religious perspectives.

    • Absolutely, the absence of bias makes this article a reliable source of information. It encourages critical thinking and open-mindedness in understanding theological differences.

  3. It’s quite intriguing to see how religious beliefs can be interpreted in such different ways. The article effectively outlines the core distinctions between Methodism and Presbyterianism, which is very enlightening.

    • Absolutely, the contrast in origin, definition, and even views on salvation are quite profound. Understanding these differences provides valuable insight into the complexities of Christianity.

  4. This article meticulously examines the theological differences between the Methodist and Presbyterian denominations, elucidating their unique doctrines and forms of church governance. A thought-provoking analysis of religious diversity indeed.

  5. This article provides an interesting comparison between the Methodist and the Presbyterian denominations, highlighting numerous differences between the two, which is quite informative and educational.

    • I agree, the distinctions in church governance and theological emphasis are particularly enlightening. It’s fascinating to see the variations in interpretation and practice within the broader Christian faith.

  6. The in-depth comparison of Methodist and Presbyterian beliefs in this article offers readers valuable insights into the religious nuances and theological discrepancies that characterize these Christian traditions.

    • Absolutely, the comprehensive examination of their religious practices and foundational beliefs enriches our understanding of the diverse theological perspectives present in Christianity. It’s an intellectually stimulating piece.

    • I couldn’t agree more. The impartial assessment of the Methodist and Presbyterian denominations instigates a profound reflection on their distinct theological ideologies, fostering a deeper comprehension of Christian diversity.

  7. The contrast between the Methodist and Presbyterian denominations is indeed compelling. This article expertly navigates through their history, beliefs, and practices, which broadens our understanding of Christian traditions.

    • Yes, the article establishes a robust foundation for comprehending the diverse doctrines and traditions within Christianity. Unraveling these distinctions fosters a more inclusive perspective on religious diversity.

  8. The detailed comparison presented in this article offers a comprehensive examination of Methodist and Presbyterian beliefs, providing a deeper understanding of the key aspects that distinguish these two religious denominations.

    • Indeed, the comprehensive breakdown of their beliefs and practices sheds light on the rich theological diversity present within Christianity. It’s a truly insightful read.

  9. The comprehensive comparison of Methodist and Presbyterian beliefs showcases the unique aspects of each denomination. It serves as a compelling read for individuals seeking an in-depth exploration of religious diversity.

    • The insights presented in this article promote introspection and contemplation about the intricate facets of Christian faith. The thought-provoking content encourages a deeper understanding of religious traditions.

    • Absolutely, the article effectively captures the essence of these distinct Christian traditions. It encourages readers to engage in thoughtful reflection about religious pluralism.

  10. The scholarly discourse presented in this article demystifies the complex theological differences between the Methodist and Presbyterian denominations, providing readers with a nuanced examination of religious diversity.


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