Methodist vs Baptist: Difference and Comparison

The two most important branches of Protestantism, Methodist and Baptist, were formed to protect their followers.

The differences of opinion in the belief system and practices led to the rise of these two branches.

The two major belief systems, called the Methodist and Baptist, existed for a long time on Earth. More importantly, they both are the most prominent branches of Protestantism.

Their belief in God and the Bible is unshakeable. They genuinely trust Jesus Christ and his teachings too.

Though they belong to Protestantism, they are not similar in their belief systems. Of course, some aspects intercept, but fundamental differences are way too different from one another.

Key Takeaways

  1. Methodists and Baptists are Protestant Christian denominations rooted in the 18th-century revival movement.
  2. Methodists emphasize the role of personal experience and sanctification in faith, while Baptists prioritize the authority of the Bible and individual responsibility.
  3. Baptism practices differ: Methodists practice infant baptism and sprinkling, while Baptists perform full-immersion baptism for believers only.

Methodist vs. Baptist

Methodism emphasizes personal faith, social justice, and the sacraments, as well as the authority of Scripture. Baptists emphasize individual faith and salvation through faith in Jesus Christ, with baptism as a symbol of that faith and Scripture as the source of divine revelation.

Methodist vs Baptist


Comparison Table

Parameter of ComparisonMethodistBaptist
Baptism BeliefMethodists believe in Baptism for all, irrespective of age.Baptist believes in performing Baptism only to grown-up, mature adults who shall confess.
Infant BaptismThey perform Baptism on Infants.No, They do not.
Baptism Ritual PracticeImmersion, Sprinkling, and Pouring.Only Immersion
GovernanceCongregations are linked to one another; Bishops appoint pastors.They are self-governing, and the Churches appoint the Pastors.
Faith and Belief SystemMore liberal and less FundamentalThey are strict fundamentalists.


Who is Methodist?

Methodist is one of the major denominations of Protestantism. It was founded by John Wesley, George Whitefield, and Charles Wesley. Methodism was formed in the 18th Century AD.

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This denomination became separate after Jon Wesley’s death.

The faith system of Methodist is more or less similar to many denominations of Christianity. Certain doctrines may differ from others as well.

Methodists strongly believe in God, the Bible as well as Jesus Christ. They even consider Jesus Christ, the savior of Humanity.

Methodists have their practices in Church, and more importantly, they are liberals and not strict fundamentalists. Baptism in the Methodist Church is open to all.

That means to say; Baptism is done to all, irrespective of their age. Infants, youth, and adults, anyone can be baptized.

Baptism is performed by immersion, sprinkling as well as pouring. They have open communion.

Their Governance is also structured. The Episcopal organization has Bishops.

The Bishops have the authority to appoint the Pastors after a discussion with the congregation. The congregations are connected.

Pastors are not restricted to Gender. They can be a male or a female too.


Who is Baptist?

Baptist is another major denomination of Protestantism. It was formed during the early 1600s with its belief system in place.

After the first and second great awakenings, Baptists set to emerge during the 18th century and started spreading across the world.

Baptist has the core belief system intact. Yes, they believe in God, Bible, and also Jesus Christ.

Their way of practice is different from others. For example, Baptism and communion are one of their faiths, but how it is handled is where the difference comes in.

Baptism is performed only to mature adults. Baptists believe that only grown-up, mature adults can understand the faiths of the system and God.

More importantly, Baptism is done to people who confess, which only happens through mental maturity. Nowhere in the Baptist norms is the Baptism of Infants allowed.

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The Baptism ritual is also slightly different from most denominations. They strictly perform Baptism only through immersion.

They are very strict in their faith and fundamental beliefs. On the contrary, their governance is independent.

The local Churches can appoint their Pastors. The Pastors must be strictly Male. Further, the Churches are independent and not linked to one another.


Main Differences Between Methodist and Baptist

  1. The main difference between Methodists and Baptists is that Methodists perform Baptism to all, while Baptists perform only for mature adults and restrict it to infants.
  2. Baptism is considered religious in both Methodist and Baptist, but how it is performed differs. Baptism is performed by immersion, a sprinkling of water, and pouring in the case of Methodists, whereas only immersion is performed in Baptism in the case of Baptists.
  3. Both the Methodists and Baptists appoint Pastors to their Churches. However, there is a difference in that too. Methodist does not have any restriction on gender when establishing Pastors, while Baptist shall appoint only Male Pastor.
  4. The Congregations of Methodists are linked to one another, while the Baptists follow a self-governing policy.
  5. Methodists are very liberal and follow minimal fundamental aspects, while Baptists are strict.
Difference Between Methodist and Baptist


Last Updated : 13 July, 2023

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22 thoughts on “Methodist vs Baptist: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The article provides a comprehensive and detailed comparison of Methodism and Baptist, enriching the reader’s knowledge of the diverse denominational practices within Protestantism.

    • I concur, the thorough analysis of Methodism and Baptist enhances our understanding of their religious traditions and practices.

    • The insightful comparison of Methodist and Baptist offers a valuable contribution to the scholarly discourse on Protestant denominational differences.

  2. The comparison of governance structures and faith systems between Methodism and Baptist is particularly enlightening, offering a deeper understanding of their organizational differences.

    • Indeed, the detailed descriptions enhance the reader’s knowledge of the distinct governance and belief systems of Methodism and Baptist.

  3. The comparison table and detailed descriptions of baptism beliefs and practices provide a thorough understanding of the key differences between Methodism and Baptist.

    • I couldn’t agree more, the article effectively outlines the distinctions in baptism practices, contributing to a comprehensive understanding of these denominations.

  4. This article provides an insightful and detailed comparison between Methodism and Baptist, shedding light on their differences in beliefs, practices, and governance.

    • I agree, the detailed comparison is very informative and helps in understanding the distinctions between the two branches of Protestantism.

  5. This article offers a comprehensive and methodical comparison of Methodism and Baptist, contributing to a greater appreciation of the diversity within the Protestant tradition.

    • Absolutely, the systematic analysis of Methodism and Baptist illuminates the multifaceted nature of Protestant denominations.

  6. The article gives a comprehensive overview of the historical background, belief systems, and practices of Methodism and Baptist, making it an excellent resource for those seeking to learn more about these denominations.

    • I appreciate the in-depth analysis provided in this article, it really helps in clarifying the distinctions between Methodism and Baptist.

    • Absolutely, the comparison table and detailed descriptions are incredibly helpful for gaining a deeper understanding of their differences.

  7. The detailed analysis of the belief systems and historical backgrounds of Methodism and Baptist facilitates a deeper comprehension of their theological and doctrinal disparities.

    • Absolutely, the nuanced exploration of their belief systems fosters a more profound understanding of the intricacies of these denominations.

    • The article effectively elucidates the theological variances between Methodism and Baptist, offering valuable insights into their doctrinal distinctions.

  8. The article effectively delineates the key differences in the faith systems of Methodism and Baptist, shedding light on their theological disparities.

    • I concur, the in-depth exploration of their faith systems provides a nuanced understanding of their theological variances.

  9. The article presents a well-researched and unbiased comparison of Methodism and Baptist, which is essential for promoting understanding and tolerance among different denominations.

  10. The author has done an excellent job of highlighting the differences in baptism beliefs and rituals between Methodism and Baptist, making it easier to comprehend their contrasting practices.

    • I completely agree, the article effectively explains the nuanced differences in baptism practices, providing valuable insights into the two denominations.


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