ISO 45001 vs ISO 18001: Difference and Comparison

ISO 45001 and ISO 18001 explain the various management systems that should be used to manage hazards and safety in different workplaces.

Moreover, it also considers the type of management systems needed on an industrial level and a personal one.

Key Takeaways

  1. ISO 45001 is the international standard for occupational health and safety management systems, replacing the earlier OHSAS 18001.
  2. ISO 45001 emphasizes employee involvement and proactive risk management, whereas ISO 18001 focuses on hazard identification and control.
  3. ISO 45001 adopts the Annex SL framework, which enables easier integration with other ISO management system standards, while ISO 18001 uses a different structure.

ISO 45001 vs ISO 18001

The difference between ISO 45001 and ISO 18001 is that ISO 45001 is specific to occupational health and safety management systems, whereas ISO 18001 refers to the broader concept of quality management systems, including customer satisfaction and promotion of organizational excellence.

ISO 45001 vs ISO 18001

ISO 45001 is an international standard for information security management and lifecycle management of information assets.

This standard aims to establish a framework for the consistent development, use, management, and retirement of digital assets throughout their lifecycle.

ISO 18001 is the governing standard for managing the quality management of a business. They work to improve quality management systems and continuously assess these systems to meet the needs of their clients and suppliers.

ISO 18001 is based on the commitment of all key persons within an organization, including staff in the sales, marketing, and production departments alike.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonISO 45001ISO 18001
DefinitionThis ISO 45001 standard was made with the consideration that there are various types of hazards in a work environment.ISO 18001 defines the requirements for a management system that companies must implement to achieve strategic goals such as customer satisfaction and employee productivity.
EssentialsIt is quite flexible depending on the users’ needs.It has certain requirements for developing a Management System.
DirectivesIt has barely any directives.It has strict directives.
ProminenceIt emphasizes efficiency, optimization, inter-employee collaboration, and harmony, as well as confidence-building.It emphasizes quality in organizations including customer satisfaction and promotion of organizational excellence.
Take inSafety and health responsibilities, management of risks to people, and principles for managing risk.Systematic performance improvements.
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What is ISO 45001?

The ISO 45001 standard defines standards and processes that should be followed when creating or managing information assets, such as computers, software systems, websites, and databases.

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Moreover, it also describes the necessary tools, processes, and people to support information security management.

ISO 45001 is one of the most comprehensive occupational health and safety management standards in the world. Moreover, it is an international standard covering all aspects of OSH.

The standard was developed by ISO (International Organisation for Standardisation) with input from national governments, where it sets out to achieve a balance between good business safety and good practice in human work organizations.

The ISO 45001 is a solicitation of a non-segregated management approach defining that it applies to all facets of occupational health and safety, from the spotting and abolishing of hazards to creating a healthy and shielded working environment for workers.

The standard is structured around three main areas that are the organization, management commitment, and management responsibility.

Moreover, it is also performance-based and permits companies to hand-pick which management system elements are most pertinent to their business and implement them accordingly.

However, not all elements can be selected as required, and some management system elements must be in place to fulfill the requirements of the standard.

An organization can use ISO 45001 as a standalone standard or implement it as part of a larger integrated management systems framework.

What is ISO 18001?

ISO 18001 is the International Organization for Standardization standard for quality management. It is a voluntary, not regulatory, standard that assists organizations in the development of plans to improve quality and reduce risk.

The standard provides requirements, guidelines, and recommendations for establishing, implementing, operating, monitoring and improving a quality management system (QMS).

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ISO 18001 will enable your business, whether it be in manufacturing, food production, healthcare, and service delivery, to maintain an effective quality management system and ensure that they are meeting their goals.

In addition, ISO 18001 can help the company achieve compliance with legislative requirements such as those from the EU or FDA.

Achieving ISO 18000 certification is an important step for any business in achieving sustainable operations. The certification is independent, impartial and can be obtained by all organizations regardless of their size or industry.

Businesses will benefit from obtaining ISO 18001 Certification by being able to demonstrate that they have implemented a certified Environmental Management System.

ISO 18001 is a standardized approach to the design and implementation of a quality management system. Conformance with ISO 18001 begins with the development of an effective quality management system but goes beyond it.

The overall policy of conformity is based on the achievement of an organization’s quality objectives and its commitment.

Main Differences Between ISO 45001 and ISO 18001

  1. ISO 45001 is a new international standard for occupational health and safety management systems, whereas ISO 18001 is an international standard for environmental management systems.
  2. The ISO 45001 standard is designed to be universal and encompass all aspects of occupational health and safety, whereas the ISO 18001 standard only addresses environment-related topics such as energy conservation, recycling, waste control, and water treatment.
  3. The ISO 45001 has barely any ordinance, whereas the ISO 18001 uncompromising has an ordinance.
  4. The essentials of ISO 45001 are pliable, hanging on the customer’s needs, whereas the essentials of ISO 18001 have a specific ordinance for creating a Management System.
  5. The ISO 45001 encompass safety and health authority, risks management, and rules for tackling risk, whereas the ISO 18001 encompass Systematic development in performance.


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About Author

Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.