Vendor Name vs Company Name: Difference and Comparison

The business’s success depends on branding, company structure, sales, product suppliers, and marketing strategies. 

A company is a commercial business formed by a group of people. Conversely, a vendor is a company or person who offers products or services for sale.

Key Takeaways

  1. A vendor name is a name used by a company or individual that sells goods or services; a company name is the legal name of a business entity.
  2. A vendor name may be a trading name or a DBA (“doing business as”) name that differs from the business’s legal name; a company name is registered with a government agency and used for legal and tax purposes.
  3. A vendor name can be changed more easily than a company name, which may require legal documentation and notification to various government agencies.

Vendor Name vs. Company Name

A vendor is a company or individual that sells products or services to other businesses or consumers. It is used to identify the vendor in transactions, contracts, and other business dealings. A company name is the legal name of a business entity used in official documents and marketing and branding.

Vendor name vs Company name

For example, Cloudtail India is a vendor that sells various items like books, make-up, and other products on Amazon. Here Cloudtail India is the vendor, while Amazon is the company.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonVendor NameCompany Name
DefinitionThe name of an individual or a company that offers the products for sale to the company.The legally recognized name of a business that resales products by various sellers (vendors) or someone who makes the products.
Legal DetailsThey do not have many legal liabilities.They have many legal liabilities as they are the face of the business. They own property, can be sued, and can sue others too.
BrandIt is not recognized as a brand or a trademark.It is recognized as a brand or a trademark.
PlansThey have no specific plans and can make swift decisions regarding their business.They have specific plans regarding the company and need them approved by three-quarters of the votes.
Role in BusinessThey act as the distributor for a particular product—they resell products.They act as the maker of products or as a company that resales all kinds of products on a platform.

What is a Vendor Name?

A vendor is someone who sells their products through other companies. The name of that individual or business is called a vendor name.

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They can change their name and even start selling different products. They can sell the products to other businesses, consumers, or the government.

A farmer’s stall that sells vegetables can be considered a vendor. They come first in the line of the market chain.

vendor name

What is a Company Name?

A company name is the name of a legally recognized business that resells products and services or makes them. The company name is legal proof.

A company is owned by several people who make decisions for it together, vote on it, and if it passes the margin of three-quarters of votes, it can be carried out.

We know several companies like YouTube, Amazon, Flipkart, Netflix, etc. They all sell different services and products from different vendors from all around the world.

company name

Main Differences Between Vendor Name and Company Name

  1. A vendor name is the name of a retailer or a supplier of products and services. A company name is the business name that makes or resales the products by different vendors/sellers.
  2. A vendor name holds fewer legal liabilities than a company name.
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Last Updated : 11 June, 2023

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