ISO 9000 vs ISO 14000: Difference and Comparison

ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 are two management systems controlling different sectors in the process of production. ISO 9000 covers the quality management sector, while ISO 14000 covers the environmental management sector.

These two management sectors focus on different sectors.

ISO 9000 uses the Annex SL structure that consists of sections and clauses similar to ISO 14000. But the focus of it is Quality based products. They help to maintain quality products and were developed by International Organization for Standardization.

ISO 1400 also uses the Annex SL structure, but there are differences in the focus of the management system. International Organization for Standardization established and published this set of rules and standards.

They help to maintain a proper healthy environment. They helped to develop around 570 international standards.

Key Takeaways

  1. ISO 14000 is a series of environmental management standards aimed at helping organizations minimize their environmental impact, comply with relevant regulations, and continually improve their environmental performance.
  2. ISO 9000 certification demonstrates an organization’s commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, while ISO 14000 certification signifies a dedication to responsible environmental practices and sustainable operations.
  3. ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 standards provide a framework for implementing and maintaining management systems. Still, they focus on different aspects of organizational performance, with ISO 9000 targeting quality management and ISO 14000 emphasizing environmental management.

ISO 9000 vs ISO 14000

The difference between ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 is that ISO 9000 helps in the production of quality products and is a Quality Management system. On the other hand, ISO 14000 is an Environmental management system. They help to work within a healthy environment.

NauseaISO 9000 vs ISO 14000vs Fatigue

ISO 9000 was established by International Organization for Standardization that formed an effective quality assurance system. They keep the system of production, manufacturing, and customer needs in proper health.

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They maintain quality and services with proper rules and regulations.

ISO 14000 was established to keep the environment of work safe and hygienic published by the International Organization for Standardization.

ISO 14000 series of international standards accepted and maintained for environmental purposes. It was the first standard accepted worldwide. They guide the System, techniques, and principles to keep environmental surroundings healthy.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonISP 9000ISO 14000
First PublishedIn 1987, ISO 9000 was published by International Organization for Standardization.In 1992, it was published by BSI (British Standards Institution), and later in 1996, it was published by ISO.
FocusISO 9000 focuses on Quality management and service provided.ISO 14000 focuses on healthy Environmental and environmental health management. 
ImplicationThe implication of ISO 900 is done by Commitment, the establishment of an implementation team, Management Representative (MR), observe.The implication of ISO 14000 is done by improving compliance with laws (environmental), Sustainable development, credibility, protests and works of environmentalists, worldwide. awareness, etc.
SeriesSome standards of the ISO 9000 series are ISO 9004, ISO 9003, ISO 9001, etc.Some standards of ISO 14000 are ISO 1400, ISO 14004, etc.
AdvantagesImprove quality and maintain it. Market credibility, etc.Environmental healthy surroundings, Saving resources, sustainable development, etc.
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What is ISO 9000?

ISO 9000 determines the quality policy objectives and is a quality management system. They help the organization to attain proper quality products.

Proper documentation and implementation of proper procedures are also seen. Proper improvement and consistency are attained with the help of ISO 9000.

The need of the customers and stakeholders are kept in mind, and performances are maintained. Quality and customers are given priority in this section of the standards.

ISO 9000 deals with the fundamental quality management system, which includes eight management principles.

ISO 9000 provides a standardized set of qualities that makes international trading smooth. Minimum quality assurance is given by ISO 9000 but doesn’t take whole assurance for the certified organizations. They also have a significant bearing on marketing credibility.

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ISO 9000 has eight clauses: Management responsibility; Measurement, analysis, and improvement; Product realization; Resource management; Quality management system.

The eight principles are Continual improvement, Leadership, Mutually beneficial supply relationships, System approach to management, customer focus, Factual approach to decision-making, Process approach, and Involvement of People. 

What is ISO 14000?

ISO 14000 is concerned with Environmental health and management systems. This is the first worldwide published and accepted Environmental management system.

It was first published in 1992 by the British Standards Institution. International Organization for Standardization in 1996 published it again.

ISO 14000 is all about managing environmental health while doing business or production. They help organizations to involve incorporate environmentally responsible practices.

They help keep up the products and performance and maintain the environmental issues.

ISO 14000 has many stages of implementation. Firstly, it can be implemented by improving compliance with the environmental laws within the organization.

Secondly, by maintaining sustainable development. Thirdly, with the help of activists and environmentalists. Lastly, by more worldwide awareness.

In the series of ISO 14000, ISO 14001 is the first in the series. ISO 14020 – ISO 14024, ISO 14004, ISO 14010 – ISO 14015, etc., are some of the standards. They all have different areas covered for environmental health improvement.

The certification process is by Preliminary assessment, Document review, Initial assessment, main assessment, certification, and surveillance.

Main Differences Between ISO 9000 and ISO 14000

  1. ISO 9000 standards are for the quality of products, while environmental safety is looked after by ISO 14000.
  2. ISO 9000 was implemented in 1987, while ISO 14000 was implemented in 1996 by ISO.
  3. ISO 9000 focuses on Quality Management systems and Customer services. ISO 14000 focuses on the Environmental and waste management of the organization.
  4. ISO 9000 is a much older structure published by ISO itself. But BSI first published ISO 14000 and later by ISO.
  5. ISO 9000 helps the customer much more, while ISO 14000 helps the workers and organization to work in a healthy environment.
  6. ISO 9000 increases Customer satisfaction and retention. And ISO 14000 reduces waste which leads to an increase in production.
Difference Between ISO 9000 and ISO 14000

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Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.