JAXB vs XmlBeans: Difference and Comparison

To store and structure programming languages certain sets of rules, tags are used. This makes an electoral text be read easily.

They are no programming language. Here we are talking about JAXB and XmlBeans.

Though they have more or less the same purpose yet they differ in certain ways. 

Key Takeaways

  1. JAXB is simpler to use than XMLBeans.
  2. JAXB is faster than XMLBeans.
  3. JAXB is more commonly used than XMLBeans.

JAXB vs XmlBeans

JAXB is a standard API for mapping XML data to Java objects, while XMLBeans is a framework for creating Java objects from XML schemas. While JAXB is best suited for creating object-oriented representations of XML data, XMLBeans provides a more schema-driven approach to working with XML.

JAXB vs XmlBeans

JAXB allows API, structure, and tools for automating mapping between XML documents and java objectives. Besides, it provides a compiler to compile XML schema to java classes.

The obvious classes include string, int, date, list, etc. also you can generate further classes from the schema. Once you generate the java classes from the schema you can use them in other applications.

XmlBeans is used for a more java-centric binding. One of the significant purposes of XmlBeans is its application in all non-streaming XML programming situations.

BEA systems in 2003’s September introduced XmlBeans to Apache XML projects and Apache Incubator. The project finally became a part of the Apache XML federation under the mentorship of Ted Leung.

The project was sponsored by Steven Noels in 2004.

Comparison Table

Parameters of comparison JAXB XmlBeans
Released date 20032004
Is it a memory-reliant process?No Yes 
Which of the two is better in unmarshalling?It is better for unmarshalling.It is not as good as the former.
Difficulty level Simpler Complex 
Which one of them has higher memory management?It has higher memory management.It does not have higher memory management.
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What is JAXB?

JAXB is a JavaEE standard that can be expanded into Java Architecture. For XML binding, JAXB is utilized. XML is a markup language that may be extended.

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Markup languages have specific tags, and it is vital to stress that XML is not a programming language like Java, C++, or others. The objective of XML is to marshal and unmarshal programming languages so that they may be easily interpreted.

Unlike HTML, XML focuses solely on text and not on layouts, making it more widely used. JAXB allows you to handle XML documents in Java without having to understand every nuance of XML technology.

Binding XML standards and Java representations are simple and convenient. This facilitates the incorporation of XML data and processing features into Java programs.

Unmarshalling is the process of converting XML texts into Java representations. The Java content trees can then be accessed, updated, and validated against schema requirements.

The next step is marshaling, which involves writing the java representation into an XML document instance. It also assists in accessing, updating, and validating Java content trees in terms of schema requirements.

The new JAXB 2.0 version includes more functionalities than the previous JAXB 1.0 version. Support for all W3C XML schema features is one of the enhancements.

The time spent creating schema-derived classes is minimized. Libraries now have a shorter runtime, and so forth.

What is XmlBeans?

Before XML, XML was processed using the Simple API for XML (or SAX), as well as the Document Object Model. The developers’ work was intended to use JAXP to invoke DOM or SAX.

This was the situation for the code to examine the language in the XML document. In a nutshell, XmlBeans is a Java-friendly interface for interacting with XML.

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It compiles Java interfaces using the XML schema, which aids in the modification of XML instances. In terms of XmlBeans’ history, it began in 2003 and was finally authorized in 2004.

Now that you know who the project’s mentor and sponsor are, let’s look at some of the features that set XmlBeans apart. The features or distinguishing characteristics of XmlBeans are complete XML Schema support and complete XML Infoset integrity.

As a result, you are not limited to a subset of options. XmlBeans is made up of three key APIs: XmlObject, XmlCursor, and SchemaType.

XmlObject is the base class for the Java classes. As a result, each element in the bounded XML has strongly typed getters and setters.

And each XmlObject will provide you with an XmlCursor, which makes it easier to retrieve the XML Infoset. It released an updated version in 2005 and is continually exploring ways to improve.

Main Differences Between JAXB and XmlBeans

  1. The initial version of JAXB was released in 2003, and the first version of XmlBeans was accepted in 2004.
  2. When it comes to robust XML features like XQueries and direct access to XML documents, JAXB falls short of XmlBeans.
  3. If you need a simple XML application, JAXB is better than XmlBeans.
  4. JAXB is not a memory-reliant process, unlike XmlBeans.
  5. JAXB outperforms XmlBeans when it comes to unmarshalling.
  1. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/4746728/
  2. https://www.repository.cam.ac.uk/handle/1810/197079
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Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.