Jews vs Christians: Difference and Comparison

Jews are adherents of Judaism’s religion. Ancient times forbade images and statues because they were considered idolatrous.

Contemporary art, on the other hand, encourages a variety of styles. Jacob, Isaac, Moses, and Abraham are the founders of the Jews or Judaism religion.

Christians are individuals who adhere to Christian religious practices. In the Christian religion, portraits and sculptures are mainly seen in Orthodox and Catholic churches.

The Lord Jesus Christ laid the cornerstone of Christianity.

Key Takeaways

  1. Jews follow Judaism, while Christians follow Christianity.
  2. Christians believe in Jesus as the Messiah, whereas Jews do not.
  3. Jewish and Christian religious texts have significant overlap but also key differences.

Jews vs Christians

The difference between Jews and Christians is that Jews practise Judaism as a religion. Pictures and statues were forbidden in ancient times because they were considered Idolatry. However, different forms of artwork are now promoted. Christians are persons who practice Christianity’s religious activities. In the Christian religion, portraits and sculptures are primarily used in Orthodox and Catholic churches.

Jews vs Christians

Jacob, Isaac, Moses, and Abraham are the founders of Judaism. Three times a day is the norm for Jews.

However, one additional prayer is added to the list on festivals and Shabbat. Shacharit is the morning prayer, Mincha is the afternoon prayer, and Arvit is the night prayer.

Jews are monotheists, believing that there is only one God. They believe that God is the sole genuine creator and that anything that exists in front of God does not last eternally.

The Lord Jesus Christ is the one who laid the foundation stone for Christianity. In the church, Christians also pray and worship.

They read the Bible and participate in sacraments. They are also interested in charitable activities.

Christians believe in a single god and the Holy Trinity, which consists of the Holy Spirit, the Son, and the Father. The Holy Bible is the sole scripture that practically all Christians adhere to.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonJewsChristians
FounderJacob, Issac, Moses and AbrahamJesus Christ
Holy ScripturesThe Tanakh and TorahThe Bible
Original languageHebrewLatin, Greek and Aramaic
PrayerThree timesNot fixed
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What are Jews?

Jews are monotheists, meaning they only believe in one God. They believe that God is the sole creator and that whatever exists in front of God does not exist indefinitely.

Tanakh and Torah are the two essential scriptures that Jews follow. The majority of Jews communicate in Hebrew, which is also their native language.

Jews think they will be saved if they firmly believe in good deeds and God. Jews are those who practise Judaism’s religious customs.

Pictures and statues were not permitted in ancient times because they were considered Idolatry.

Three times a day is customary for Jews. However, additional prayer is added to the list on holidays and Shabbat.

The morning prayer is called Shacharit, the afternoon prayer is Mincha, and the night prayer is called Arvit.

Different forms of artwork are, however, welcomed nowadays. Jacob, Isaac, Moses, and Abraham are the founders of the Jews or the religion of Judaism.


What are Christians?

Almost of Christians follow the Holy Bible as their only source of inspiration. Latin, Greek, and Aramaic are examples of original languages utilised for communication.

Christians believe they can be saved via Christ’s Passion, Resurrection, and Death.

Christians also believe in a single god and the Holy Trinity, which includes the Holy Spirit, the Son, and the Father. In the church, Christians can also pray and worship. They read the Bible and observe the sacraments.

They also participate in charitable activities.

Christians are those who follow the religious practises of Christianity. In the religion of Christianity, the usage of pictures and sculptures is primarily evident in Orthodox and Catholic churches.

The Lord Jesus Christ is the one who laid the cornerstone of Christianity.


Main Differences Between Jews and Christians (With Table)

  1. Jews are those people who follow the religious practices of Judaism. On the other hand, the people who follow the spiritual rules of Christianity are called Christians.
  2. Pictures and statues were not allowed in ancient times as they were considered idolatry. However, in present times different types of artworks are encouraged. On the other hand, pictures and statues are seen predominantly in Orthodox and Catholic churches in Christianity.
  3. The founder of the Jews or the religion of Judaism is Jacob, Issac, Moses and Abraham. On the other hand, Jesus Christ, the lord, is the one who led the foundation stone of Christianity.
  4. Jews pray three times a day. However, another prayer is added to the list on holidays and Shabbat. Out of which, the prayer done in the morning is called Shacharit, the one done in the afternoon is called Mincha, and the Arvit is done at night. On the other hand, Christians also pray and worship in the church. They read Bible and follow the sacraments. They are also involved in acts of charity.
  5. Jews are monotheists. They believe in only One God. According to them, God is the only actual creator, and anything that exists in front of God doesn’t remain here forever. On the other hand, Christians also believe in one God and the Holy Trinity, which consists of the holy spirit, the SSon and the Father.
  6. The two primary scriptures that Jews follow are Tanakh and Torah. On the other hand, the Holy Bible is the only scripture that almost all Christians follow.
  7. Most Jews use Hebrew for communication, which is the original language of Jews as well. On the other hand, some languages considered authentic and used for communication are Latin, Greek and Aramaic.
  8. Jews believe that if they keep thththey achieve salvation eir thorough belief in good deeds and God, they can achihand, Christians believe that they can achieve salvation through Christ’s Passion, Resurrection and Death.
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Difference Between Jews and Christians
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Chara Yadav
Chara Yadav

Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.


  1. An informative read, but the representations of the differences seemed a bit too oversimplified for the complexity of religions.

  2. The differences and similarities have been presented in a very detailed manner. Good to see how Jews’ and Christians’ beliefs differ.

  3. The post gave a clear understanding of the fundamental differences between Jews and Christians. I wish it had focused more on the cultural and historical aspects.

  4. The author drew a clear comparison between Jews and Christians, but I didn’t find anything new and exciting about it.

  5. A comprehensive and in-depth comparison of Judaism and Christianity. It was interesting to know the different languages used for communication in both religions.

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