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In Christianity, there are many subgroups and religious organizations. The Christians are mainly divided into orthodoxy, Catholics, and Protestants. Not all protestant groups are the same but are divided into several groups.

One specific group of protestants is considered distinct from other Christians, which is called Seventh Day Adventists, for its different practices and beliefs.

Key Takeaways

  1. Seventh-day Adventists are a Protestant Christian denomination that observes the Sabbath on Saturday, while most Christians observe the Sabbath on Sunday.
  2. Seventh-day Adventists have specific dietary restrictions and emphasize a healthy lifestyle, which is not universal among Christians.
  3. Both Seventh-day Adventists and Christians believe in the teachings of the Bible, but they differ in their interpretations and practices.

Seventh-Day Adventists vs Christians

Seventh-day Adventists are a Christian sect that believes in Christ’s second coming, the Sabbath as a holy day of worship, and a healthy lifestyle. Christians are Jesus Christ’s followers who believe in the Holy Trinity and redemption via faith in Jesus.

Seventh Day Adventists vs Christians

Seventh-Day Adventists are the part of protestant Christians who originated in the US in the mid19th century. They are distinguished from mainstream Christians by their distinct practices and beliefs.

The members of Seventh Day Adventists are spread in over two hundred countries with a population of fourteen million members. 

Christians are the people who follow the beliefs, practices, and ways of the Christian faith. Their beliefs are focused on Jesus Christ, who was the son of God and became human to save the world.

Christian groups are divided into three major religious groups- Orthodox, catholic, and protestant.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonSeventh-Day AdventistsChristians
Jesus Christ Seventh-day Adventists consider Jesus as the archangel Michael but do not consider him any less divine.    Christians consider Jesus as the archangel Michael but consider him less divine.
SabbathSeventh-day Adventists consider Saturday, the seventh day of the week, as the sabbath.    Christians consider Sunday as the sabbath.
Mortal soul     Seventh-Day Adventists believe that the soul is not immortal, the soul dies with the body after death.    Christians believe in immortality, they believe after death, the soul travels to Jesus Christ.
ScapegoatSeventh-Day Adventists believe that Satan will act as a scapegoat by carrying the sins.Christians consider Jesus Christ as their scapegoat.
Dietary regulations Seventh-Day Adventists follow a strict diet, which mostly suggests a vegetarian diet. They also ban illicit drugs and alcohol.    Christians do not follow any strict diet. They can eat all the food. They permit casual drinking.

What is Seventh-Day Adventists?

Seventh-Day Adventists refers to a Christian sect, a sub-group of protestants that believe worship needs to be conducted on Saturday, the seventh day of the week, instead of Sunday, followed by most Christian groups.

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The religious group is rooted in Adventism, a mid-19th-century religious movement. 

The members of Seventh Day Adventists are spread in over two hundred countries with a population of fourteen million members. Seventh-Day Adventists follow several protestant beliefs and practices.

They accept the Bible as their only creed and follow several beliefs of the scripture. 

They believe in the existence of the sanctuary in heaven, which God sets up. The death concept of Seventh-Day Adventists is also very different from mainstream Christians.

They believe that after death, the soul dies with the body. Seventh-Day Adventists reject the concept of the immortal soul. They also follow a strict diet that bans alcohol, drugs and suggests a vegetarian diet.

One of this group’s most famous and early leaders was Ellen White, whose writings provide several practical and beneficial practices like teaching girls horse driving and harnesses.

Many of her teachings are still applicable and beneficial to society.

seventh day adventist church

What is Christians?

Christians are the religious group who believe in Jesus Christ and his teachings. A true Christian always has faith in Jesus Christ and his work. Christians follow a monotheistic religion where Jesus is the only God. 

Currently, there are mainly three groups under Christianity- the Roman Catholic religious group, the protestant religious group, and the eastern orthodox religious group.

According to a survey conducted in 2011, there were 2.2 billion Christians all over the world. 26% live in Europe, 37% live in America, 13% in Asia and the Pacific region, and 24% in the sub-Saharan region.

The major beliefs of the Christians are circled around Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is considered to be the son of God by Christians. They believe Jesus became human to save the world.

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They believe worship needs to be conducted on Sunday. They believe that salvation can only be achieved through God’s grace, not good deeds. According to Christians, salvation needs to be received by faith.

They believe in the immortality of the soul. After death, the soul leaves the body and goes to either hell or heaven with Jesus Christ. They consider Jesus Christ as their scapegoat.

There are no strict dietary regulations for Christians. They can eat all the food.


Main Differences Between Seventh-Day Adventists and Christians

  1. Seventh-day Adventists consider Jesus as the archangel Michael but do not consider him any less divine. On the other hand, Christians consider Jesus as the archangel Michael but consider him less divine.
  2. Seventh-day Adventists consider Saturday, the seventh day of the week, as the Sabbath. Christians consider Sunday as the Sabbath.
  3. Seventh-Day Adventists believe that the soul is not immortal, the soul dies with the body after death. Christians believe in immortality, they believe after death, the soul travels to Jesus Christ.
  4. Seventh-Day Adventists believe that Satan will act as a scapegoat by carrying the sins. Christians consider Jesus Christ as their scapegoat.
  5. Seventh-Day Adventists follow a strict diet, which mostly suggests a vegetarian diet. They also ban illicit drugs and alcohol. On the contrary, Christians do not follow any strict diet. They can eat all the food. They permit casual drinking.
Difference Between Seventh Day Adventists and Christians



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By Chara Yadav

Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.