LCD vs OLED: Difference and Comparison

With the evolution of technology, it is vital to keep our viewing gadgets as updated as possible in order to not miss out on anything. LCD and OLED refer to two different viewing screens present on television.

Key Takeaways

  1. LCD screens use a backlight to produce images, whereas OLED screens emit light through individual organic pixels.
  2. OLED displays offer superior color accuracy, contrast, and viewing angles compared to LCDs.
  3. LCD technology is more cost-effective, making it prevalent in budget devices, while OLED screens are found in high-end devices.


LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) uses a backlight to illuminate pixels and create images, and it consumes more electrical power. OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode) pixels emit their own light, and this allows for better contrast, deeper blacks, and energy efficiency, and it is energy efficient.


This is done by a matrix of liquid cells that hold the ability to turn opaque and change in color with the help of a current or electric field. A backlight lights up all the pixels in LCD.

OLED is a fairly new technology that uses individual lighting mechanisms for each of its pixels. This gives it an edge over LCD. The screens used for projection in OLED consist of a layer of carbon and other organic substances.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonLCDOLED
NameLCD- Liquid Crystal DisplayOLED- Organic Light Emitting Diode
Made ofIt contains a matrix of liquid cells and organic substancesIt has a layer of carbon and organic substances.
AdvancementLCD has been around for quite a time. Has fairly old technology.OLED comparatively is newer in the market. Therefore, it is technologically advanced.
Black/WhiteLCD has a clean white color, by comparison.OLED offers a better black color.
Power ConsumptionLCD consumes higher power.OLED requires lesser power.
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What is LCD?

The abbreviation of LCD expands to Liquid Crystal Display. LCD is a display device concerned with displaying images, graphics, figures, and letters. 

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This is what forms the pictures that one can view on their screens. This is done with the assistance of a current or electric field. 

All the pixels in LCD are lit up by a backlight. These pixels are a product of chemical combinations of different liquid organic substances.

LCD reimagined the field of viewing, and screens were breathed into life by the stunning visuals it presented. Higher definition viewing techniques now succeed it. 

LCD is powered by a sole backlight that carries the responsibility of illuminating all of the pixels. This offers a bright and clean white color that is unparalleled. They also offer a higher level of brightness.


What is OLED?

OLED is used as a short form for Organic Light Emitting Diode. OLED is one of the most advanced technologies available for viewing screens.

The OLED screen uses a layer of carbon and organic substances to make it. This recent bout of technology is considered to offer some of the best viewing experiences to its customers.

To achieve its acute clarity, OLED has an individual lighting mechanism in each of its pixels. This eliminated the need for collective blacklight.  

OLED consumes energy in relation to the brightness of the screen. Overall consumption of OLED is observed to be lesser than LCD. However, OLEDs are expensive when compared to their counterpart.


Main Differences Between LCD and OLED

  1. LCD offers more brightness and a clean white color to its pictures. OLED has a better contrast ratio in its display and is better known for showcasing black color.
  2. LCD is less expensive but consumes higher power. OLED is, by comparison, more expensive and requires lesser power.
Difference Between LCD and OLED
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About Author

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.