LDF vs MDF: Difference and Comparison

LDF and MDF are both database extensions that are a part of Microsoft SQL and are specifically built for data storage and retrieval.

This MSSQL database serves as a foundation for many businesses to build their databases. Unlike LDF, which is used as a supporting file, MDF is best used as a primary source for performing various operations.

Key Takeaways

  1. LDF (low-density fiberboard) is less dense and lighter than MDF (medium-density fiberboard).
  2. MDF is stronger and more durable, making it suitable for heavy-duty applications.
  3. LDF is less expensive and easier to work with, while MDF offers superior strength and stability.


Master Database File (MDF) is a database extension that acts as a primary file of Microsoft SQL. MDF files are used to store and retrieve user data. Log Database File (LDF) is a supporting or transaction log file by Microsoft SQL. It records the transactions of the MDF, such as insertion or update.


Companies utilise databases to study, store and retrieve information in the real world. MSSQL files are used by certain organisations. The acronym LDF stands for “Log Database File” and is a component of MSSQL files.

A log database file, or LDF, is essentially a log file that contains transaction details in a server. This database is used as a backup file.

MDF is a component of MSSQL files that generates a database to store data such as account information, personnel information, and market trends. The abbreviation MDF stands for “Master Database File.”

The Master Database file extension is a key data file source for the Microsoft SQL Server. The MDF, or Master database file, contains all of the vital information saved in the databases.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonLDFMDF
Full formLog Database FileMaster Database File
Type of extensionActs as supporting file, secondary file, transaction details are mentioned.Acts as primary file.
Constitutes ofData related to every action that took place, including changes and modifications done in the master database file. Transactions details.All the important, necessary information is stored in the databases.
Operations concernedThree types of transaction-related operations.Does not concern with any type of transaction-related operations.
Space requiredMore space is required.The space required is directly proportional to the size of the file itself.
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What is LDF?

Companies utilise databases to analyse, store, and retrieve data in practice. MSSQL files are used by those businesses. LDF stands for “Log Database File,” and it is a component of MSSQL files.

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A log database file, or LDF, is essentially a log file in which transaction details are recorded on a server. This database is used as a supplementary file of secondary importance.

The data in the log database file pertains to every action that occurred, including changes and alterations made to the master database file and transaction details.

The Log Database File (LDF), sometimes known as the Log Database File, is responsible for three sorts of transaction-related processes.

It addresses single transaction recovery, as well as the recovery of all unfinished transactions and database failure recovery. Because it records details of all information when any type of change occurs over time in any type of extension in the database, the LDF or log database file requires additional storage space.

What is MDF?

MDF is a component of MSSQL files that generates a database to store information such as account information, personnel information, and market trends. “Master Database File” is the abbreviation for MDF.

The Master Database file extension is a key data source for the Microsoft SQL Server. The MDF (Master database file) is a file that contains all of the vital data saved in the databases.

MDF, or Master Database File, is unconcerned with transaction-related tasks such as database recovery in the event of errors, as well as one-time and all-time incomplete transaction recovery.

Only enough space is required for a Master database file or MDF. As a result, when changes are made to a file, the size of MDF changes or remains constant over time.

Main Differences Between LDF and MDF

  1. Databases are used practically by companies to examine, store, and retrieve data. And those companies make use of MSSQL files. LDF is a constituent of MSSQL files, which stands for “Log Database File”. On the other hand, MDF is a constituent of MSSQL files, which creates a database to store information like data related to accounts, employees, and market trends. The acronym of MDF can be written as “Master Database File”.
  2. A log database file or LDF is mainly characterised as a log file where transaction details are mentioned in a server. This database serves as a supporting file having secondary importance. On the other hand, the Master Database file extension acts as a primary source of data files for the server of Microsoft SQL.
  3. The log database file constitutes the data related to every action that took place, including changes and modifications done in the master database file and details related to transactions as well. On the other hand, an MDF or Master database file constitutes all the important, necessary information stored in the databases.
  4. LDF, also known as Log Database File, is the care and is concerned with three types of transaction-related operations. It includes single transaction recovery, recovery of all transactions which are incomplete and tackling database failure recovery. On the other hand, MDF, also known as Master Database File, is not concerned with any transaction-related operations like database recovery in case of failures, one-time and all-time incomplete transaction recovery as well.
  5. The space required for the storage of LDF or log database files is more, as it saves details of all information when any type of change occurs over some time in any type of extension in the database. On the other hand, a Master database file or MDF require space equivalent to its size only. Thus, when changes are made to a file, the size of the MDF also changes or remains maintained accordingly over time.
  1. http://ami.ektf.hu/uploads/papers/finalpdf/AAPASM_31_from69to77.pdf
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About Author

Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.