MetaMask vs Difference and Comparison

Quiche vs Souffle 2023 05 04T090729.307 and MetaMask are two firms dedicated to maintaining, buying, selling and holding cryptocurrencies. However, choosing one among the two terms is a matter of concern.

In the present scenario, is quite popular in comparison to MetaMask. Moreover, people wonder whether these cryptocurrency firms are secure and safe to invest in. Hence choosing an appropriate firm is highly crucial.

Key Takeaways

  1. MetaMask is a browser extension that allows users to interact with the Ethereum blockchain and decentralized access applications, while is a cryptocurrency exchange, wallet, and payment solution.
  2. MetaMask only supports Ethereum and other Ethereum-based tokens, while supports many cryptocurrencies and tokens.
  3. MetaMask is free, while charges fees for trading, withdrawal, and other services.

MetaMask vs

The difference between MetaMask and is that, Since 2016, MetaMask has been in operation. On the other hand, it is evident that since its inception in 2016, has been in operation. Moreover, can be accessed via a personal computer or the internet on these systems. But MetaMask is available as a mobile application and a browser add-on.

Quiche vs Souffle 2023 05 04T090729.307

MetaMask is a type of lightweight browser extension. However, it works with a wide range of browsers as well. To get started, we need to go to the URL and download the browser extension. Then a fox on the right-hand side top of the browser can be noticed once it’s been installed.

The headquarters of MetaMask is in San Francisco, California. “” is the URL for MetaMask’s website. However, MetaMask has been in existence since 2016, thanks to ConsenSys, a blockchain software business that focuses on Ethereum-based tools and infrastructure. is a cryptocurrency payment platform. Its main goal is to encourage more people to use cryptocurrency. More than three million people have joined is based out of Hong Kong.

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The URL address “” can be used to access’s services. Kris Marszalek is the driving force behind’s growth.

Comparison Table

Parameters of
Founded year
Founded in 2016
Has been in existence in 2016
LocationLocated in San Francisco, CA
Situated in Hong Kong
FoundersCreated by ConsenSys in 2016
Founded by Kris Marszalek
Platforms operated inThe browser extension, Mobile app
Web, PC
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What is MetaMask?

Metamask is a user-friendly interface that connects your web browser to the Ethereum blockchain. This connection serves as the host network for many decentralised applications.

Netizens and customers can store Ether or any other ERC-20 token created on the Ethereum network and then use that cryptocurrency with their preferred dApp. The wallet was first accessible as a browser extension.

A Chromium-based web browser is required. However, it can be Brave, Firefox or even Chrome. The business has recently created an iPhone or Android app if you’d rather not use Metamask through a web browser.

Metamask’s encryption capabilities set it apart from other digital wallets. Passwords and private keys are safely maintained, and the user is only responsible for managing their seed phrase.

San Francisco, California, is where MetaMask is based. “” is the address for MetaMask’s website. However, MetaMask has existed since 2016, thanks to ConsenSys, a blockchain software business specialising in Ethereum-based tools and infrastructure.

MetaMask can be accessed via a mobile app or a browser extension.


What is was formed in 2016 and has been in operation since then. The headquarters of is located in Hong Kong. The website address “” can be used to access

Kris Marszalek is the driving force behind’s success. The platforms on which can be used on a computer and the internet. Kris Marszalek, a seasoned contractor located in Hong Kong, is in charge of the company.

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Bao. is a cryptocurrency investment platform that connects investors. On, the CRIPE provides a variety of goods and services to a digital asset exchange organisation, allowing an investor to purchase, pay bills, spend, earn, trade, sell, store, and loan funds.

The site is steadily gaining international recognition. As a result, many individuals wonder if is safe. Don’t worry if you have the same question; here’s everything you need to know.

On, the CRIPE provides a variety of goods and services to a digital asset exchange organization, allowing an investor to purchase, sell, trade, spend, store, earn, loan funds, and even pay cryptocurrency bills.

The site is steadily gaining international recognition. As a result, many individuals wonder if is secure and safe or not.

crypto com 1

Main Differences Between MetaMask and

  1. MetaMask has been in operation since 2016. On the other hand, was founded and has been in existence since 2016.
  2. MetaMask is situated and located in San Francisco, California. On the other hand, Hong Kong is the place from which is operated.
  3. The address of the website of MetaMask is “”. On the other hand, can be operated via the website address ““.
  4. Since 2016, MetaMask has existed due to ConsenSys, a blockchain software company that focuses on tools and infrastructure based on Ethereum. On the other hand, the man behind the success of is Kris Marszalek.
  5. The platforms through which MetaMask is operated are a mobile application and a browser extension. On the other hand, the platforms through which can be operated on personal computers and the web.

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About Author

Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.