No Ball vs Dead Ball: Difference and Comparison

Everyone enjoys and participates in sports daily. Sport’s rules and techniques are what make it more enjoyable to play.

Football, cricket, and basketball all have different rules and approaches, and certain rules are even similar in a few sports, such as no ball and dead ball, terms for sports.

Key Takeaways

  1. No ball is an illegal delivery in cricket where the bowler oversteps the crease, while a dead ball is a situation where the umpire temporarily halts the play.
  2. No ball results in an extra run for the batting team, while a dead ball doesn’t affect the scorecard.
  3. No ball allows the batsman to continue playing the delivery, while in a dead ball, the delivery is not considered legitimate.

No Ball vs Dead Ball

A no ball is an illegal delivery in cricket where the bowler has overstepped or delivered a full toss above waist height. A dead ball is when play stops for several reasons, such as rain or an injury. No ball is an illegal delivery, while a dead ball is the temporary stoppage of play.

No Ball Vs Dead Ball

A No Ball penalty is one run. A Free Hit frequently follows a No Ball in the shorter versions of cricket. On a No Ball, a batsman can only get out in three ways.

The MCC Laws of Cricket define all forms of no-ball in most cricket games, particularly amateur games.

In several ball sports, the phrase “dead ball” refers to a situation in which the ball is judged temporarily unplayable and no motion with it or the participants from their different locations of significance is permitted.

Based on the game, such occurrence may be quite commonplace, and it occurs most frequently among individual plays in the game.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonNo BallDead Ball
MeaningA no-ball is an illegal throw to a batter, as well as the additional run to the batting team.A dead ball is designated temporarily unplayable, and no movement is permitted from the participants’ specific roles of significance.
SportsIn most cases, no ball plays a vital part in cricket.A dead ball is a significant regulation in sports other than cricket, such as football, baseball, basketball, and soccer.
QualifyA no-ball does not qualify as being one of the overs.The ball is counted in the over if not attempted or a valid reason for not being ready is met.
DeadWhen the call of No ball is made, the ball does not turn dead.When the bowler initiates a run-up or bowling motion, the ball ceases to be dead and begins play.
SignalAfter pitching and passing beyond head height at the popping crease, the umpire calls No ball for delivery.If the ball has turned deadly, the bowler’s side umpire can call and sign the Dead ball to alert the players.
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What Is No Ball?

Crossing the line of crease causes no-balls, which are frequent in shortened versions of cricket, and pace bowlers are much more likely to bowl them than spinners. It can also be a no-ball if the bowler’s back foot touches or is wider than the back crease.

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The umpire might rule a throw a no-ball if it is unsafe or unjust; for example, a rapid short-pitched throw (a “bouncer”) may be ruled a no-ball, as can any elevated full-pitched throw (a “beamer”) or any purposeful front-foot error (deliberate overstepping).

Any beamer is unfair and so a no-ball, but the referee may determine that a specific beamer is somehow not harmful and thus does not deserve a warning or punishment.

For purposeful beamers and deliberate crossing of the line, the bowler may well be removed from bowling instantly and the incident recorded.

Recurrence may have further implications for the bowler and team for those other risky and unjust no-balls or hurling. The bowler may well be prohibited from bowling in the tournament, investigated, and asked to work on his bowling motion.

A no-ball may be called for a variety of reasons, most because the bowler violates the first regulation (a front foot no-ball), but also regularly as a result of risky or unjust bowling.

It is worth noting that if a ball counts both as a no-ball and a wide, it is a no-ball.

What Is Dead Ball?

The most common time for a ball to go dead is at the end of an over. It is up to the discretion of the umpire when this occurs, although the over is normally completed when the ball is returned either to the wicketkeeper or even the bowler, and the batsmen are not trying to attempt a run.

To guarantee that there is no doubt, the umpire must firmly call “over.”

When a wicket falls, the ball goes dead, and play is halted until the replacement batsman is prepared and the bowler begins to run in for the next delivery.

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The umpire does not have to indicate a dead ball, but he or she may declare “over” if that’s the final ball. Whenever the ball is dead in baseball, no runner can progress beyond their respective bases, and no runner may well be put out.

The term “dead ball” in association football (soccer) refers to a scenario in which the ball is not in play, including when play has still not been resumed just after the ball has moved outside the limits or a penalty has been committed.

In basketball, whenever play is halted for whatever reason, the ball is deemed dead, like when a foul is incurred and reported by a referee, a foul throw is taken and another one is still to be tried, or the ball has passed out of bounds. 

Main Differences Between No Ball and Dead Ball

  1. A no-ball is an unauthorized toss to a hitter, as well as an extra run for the batting team, but a dead ball is ruled momentarily unworkable, with no movement authorized from the players’ specified positions of importance.
  2. In most circumstances, no ball is an important guideline in cricket, but the dead ball is an important guideline in disciplines apart from cricket, including football, baseball, basketball, and soccer.
  3. A no-ball does not count as an over, however a dead ball counts as an over if it is not tried or if a good cause for not being prepared is provided.
  4. When a No Ball call is made, the ball does not become zero and invalid, but in a dead ball situation, the ball ceases to be dead and enters play whenever the bowler begins a run-up or bowling motion.
  5. The umpire calls “no ball” for delivery after throwing and crossing above head height at the rising crease, but if the ball has gone dead, the bowler’s line umpire can announce and sign “dead ball” to notify the participants.
Difference Between No Ball and Dead Ball
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About Author

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.