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Oxymoron and Paradox are terms that are frequently used when we talk about ideas that contradict each other. However, even though individuals confuse these terms with one another because both terms signify the same concept of contradictory ideas, the two times are dissimilar and should be used differently.

Key Takeaways

  1. An oxymoron is a figure of speech that combines two seemingly contradictory terms or concepts, such as “bitterly sweet” or “deafening silence,” creating a rhetorical effect.
  2. A paradox is a statement or situation that appears self-contradictory or absurd. Still, it may reveal a deeper truth or insight, such as “less is more” or “the only constant changes.”
  3. The main difference between an oxymoron and a paradox is their structure and purpose; an oxymoron is a specific figure of speech combining contradictory terms, while a paradox is a broader concept involving statements or situations that appear contradictory but offer deeper meaning.

Oxymoron vs Paradox

An oxymoron is a situation where words are used together to create a new and unique word or phrase and its purpose is to make a dramatic effect. Paradox is a situation in English language where a couple of sentences contradict each other but still manages to have an inherent truth.

Oxymoron vs

An oxymoron is a dramatic figure of speech consisting of an amalgamation of two or three terms with entirely different meanings contradicting each other. Oxymoron consists of two opposite words that bounce off each other to make a point, playfully and amusingly.

A paradox creates a seemingly contradictory circumstance that cannot happen, as a sentence can’t be right and wrong simultaneously. In literature, a paradox helps draw the reader’s attention because they are considered tantalizing brain teasers that add meaning to the words.

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Comparison Table

Parameter of comparisonOxymoronParadox
MeaningAn Oxymoron integrates words opposite each other to structure a unique word or phrase—for example, dark light.A paradox is a seemingly self-contradictory phrase, a sentence or group of sentences that aren’t true but likewise aren’t false either. For example, all humans are equal, but some are considered more equal than others.
PurposeAn Oxymoron helps to create a dramatic and ironic effect in a passage.A paradox is entertaining brain teasers, giving the audience time to be innovative and creative.
EtymologyAn oxymoron was instituted in the mid-17th century and was derived from the Greek word oxys and moros.A paradox was instituted in the mid-16th century and was derived from the Greek word paradoxo.
ConceptAn oxymoron can be framed with only two or three words that are different from each other.A paradox can compromise either a complete statement or an entire paragraph.
ConnectionAn oxymoron is the condensed version of a paradox.A paradox can be formed using an oxymoron.


What is Oxymoron?

Oxymoron refers to the combination of terms that create a unique phrase, word, or words that contradict each other. The word oxymoron was derived from the Greek word “oxys”, meaning sharp and “moros”, meaning dull.

The purpose of oxymorons in literature is to create a dramatic effect in the passage by adding two words with entirely different meanings. Oxymoron helps in adding a playful tone to writing and is also said to give the quotation or sentence a more profound sense and adds irony to the sentence as it provides the reader with time to think over the context in a different light.

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There are various novels where oxymorons are consistently used. An example of oxymorons used in literature can be ‘Romeo and Juliet’ written by William Shakespeare, where Shakespeare uses the phrase “parting is such a sweet sorrow’ which refers to when Romeo is inflicting pain of unrequited love.


What is Paradox?

A paradox is a group of sentences which may contradict each other yet also lays out an inherent truth. The word paradox derives from the Greek word “paradoxon”, meaning perceived opinion.

The purpose of a paradox in English literature is that paradox helps in finding the unique meaning of a specific event. It makes the readers consider the event, which, in turn, allows them to comprehend the details of the passage or sentence.

Many other novels use paradoxes consistently and effectively, for instance, Animal Farm, written by George Orwell, Hamlet by William Shakespeare, and so on. Some examples of paradox in English literature are shown in the novel ‘Dystopian’ by George Orwell.

Main Differences Between Oxymorons and Paradox

  1. An oxymoron is a composition of two or more words that are different from each other to form a new or distinctive word. For example: living dead.
  2. The primary purpose of an oxymoron is that the two words that contradict each other create a dramatic and ironic effect in the passage or sentence. The primary purpose of a paradox is that it allows the readers to stop and think, enabling them to give additional meaning to the context.
  3. An oxymoron was derived from the Ancient Greek word ‘oxys’, meaning sharp and ‘moros’, meaning dull. An oxymoron was first instituted way back in the mid-17th century.
  4. An oxymoron has the basic concept of forming distinctive words with the help of two or three opposite words. The basic idea of a paradox consists of either a whole sentence or a paragraph since a paradox is a description of a phrase.
  5. Since an oxymoron is formed from two opposite words, it is considered the shorter version of a paradox. Since a paradox compromises a whole sentence, an oxymoron can be used to make a paradox.

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By Emma Smith

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.