Reactants vs Products: Difference and Comparison

The whole world consists of various chemicals. These chemical elements undergo several modifications called a chemical reactions; these chemicals turn into another chemical material.

A significant part of our everyday lives is chemical reactions. For example, the burning mechanism allows one to take advantage of the ease of driving a car.

Chemical reactions that generate electricity using automobiles, trucks, and transport vehicles, make this possible. Brew, wine, cheese, and yoghurt are examples of these food and drink brands.

Key Takeaways

  1. Reactants are the starting materials in a chemical reaction, which undergo a chemical change to form products.
  2. Products are substances formed due to a chemical reaction between reactants.
  3. Reactants are written on the left side of a chemical equation, while products are written on the right.

Reactants vs Products

The starting agent for a chemical reaction is a reactant. Products are the chemical species found after the response has been completed. Chemical reactions include acid-base reactions, redox reactions, and combustion reactions. Therefore, due to the kind of reaction, it involves the same reactant that gives different products. The most significant distinction is that reactants are absorbed during the reaction, while compounds are produced from the response.

Reactants vs Products

Substances present at the initiation of a reaction are reactants during the reaction. No reactants are present at the end of the reaction, or fewer reactants may be present (if the response is partially completed).

Substances such as catalysts and solvents may also occur when a reaction begins. However, certain compounds are not consumed during the response and are not categorized as reactants.

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During a reaction, the products became the latest compounds. They form through the reaction between reactants and have characteristics distinct from those of reactants.

The substance formed following a reaction is measured according to the number of reactants used, reaction time, rate, etc. Products are all we are involved in after a response, but other substance detection and cleaning methods exist.

Comparison Table

Parameters of CompanionReactantsProducts
DefinitionSpecies of chemical reactants are the beginning material for a reaction of chemicals.Products are chemical reaction materials produced.
ConsumptionDuring the whole reaction, reactants are ingested.Products in the reaction are not absorbed.
ConcentrationThe reaction mixture has a fast or slow decrease in the number of reactants during the response.The number of products present in the reaction mixture is raised quickly or gradually.
BeginningOnly reactants are involved at the beginning of the reaction.Products do not appear in the reaction mix at the beginning of the reaction.
End Reactants may or may not occur in the solution mixture at the end of the reaction.Products are found in the solution blend at the end of the reaction.
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What are Reactants?

Chemical reactants are chemicals that combine to form a new compound. Air, for instance, consists of chemicals such as hydrogen and oxygen. Another example is salt, consisting of a mixture of chemical elements, sodium and chloride.

These distinct elements interact to form new chemical compounds or undergo a chemical reaction. In addition to the chemical element, more complex substances, such as compounds, can also include reactants.

Baking soda consists of many components, including sodium, hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen. The reaction between sodium hydroxide and carbon dioxide is chemical.

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Carbon dioxide is a carbon alloy of two oxygen molecules. When combined with these chemical reactants, sodium bicarbonate is formed, or what is known as backing soda.

Chemical equations are written to point an arrow to the final result of the chemical reaction. These calculations also provide the use of other reaction compounds. Catalysts, enzymes, temperature, and other chemical-substance interaction factors are included.


What are Products?

As the name means, substances made of chemical reactants are chemical products. The chemical product is baked soda in the illustration described in the previous section. It is made of sodium and carbon dioxide consisting of chemical reactants.

The final result is more complex than reactants in chemical reactions involving the mixture of atomic particles.

Conversely, there are fewer complex chemicals with chemical reactions involving the reduction of atomic particles. These reactions commonly break the chemical bonds in initially present compounds. An enzymatic mechanism is a clear example of this process. 

Catalase is a bacterial particle-produced enzyme. The enzyme is essential in breaking down hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen. That is why hydrogen peroxide is used for wounds to create bubbles.

In the bacteria that contaminate wounded beds, the catalase enzyme is present. Consequently, hydrogen peroxide has been broken down into the previously cited chemical components. 

Chemical components are positioned on the right side of the arrow in chemical equations. However, chemical reactions are more complex, and compounds can also become reactants. These chemical equations use two hands, showing the chemical’s reversibility.


Main Differences Between Reactants and Products 

  1. During the reaction, reactants are ingested, whereas products in the response are not absorbed.
  2. Reactants are visible before a reaction, whereas after the reaction, products are available. (After a response, responding reactants may also exist.)
  3. Reactants may or may not occur in the solution mixture at the end of the reaction, whereas products are found in the solution blend at the end of the response.
  4. Reactants are substances that react with each other, whereas products are new substances created.
  5. Chemical reactants are the beginning material for a reaction of chemicals, whereas products are chemical reaction materials produced.
Difference Between Reactants and Products

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About Author

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.