Should Be vs Will Be: Difference and Comparison

The words ‘should be’ and ‘will be’ are among the most common terms people use while talking or writing in their sentences. Both these words have different meanings and characteristics.

Hence, both these words shouldn’t be replaced with each other in any sentence as it would change the meaning of the sentence.

Key Takeaways

  1. “Should be” refers to something expected or recommended, while “will be” refers to something certain or planned.
  2. “Should be” implies a level of obligation or responsibility, while “will be” implies a statement of fact or intention.
  3. “Should be” is used in situations with a desired outcome, while “will be” describes what is likely to happen in the future.

Should Be vs Will Be

The difference between ‘should be’ and ‘will be’ is that ‘should be’ is used in a sentence to say in accordance to denote with the main verb and subject only, whereas ‘will be’ is used in a sentence to mark the first, second or third person by someone.

Should Be vs Will Be

People use the word ‘should be’ in a sentence when someone has to say that a specific thing is a right thing to do for someone at that point. This word is most used in the future or past tense, depending on the type of sentence.

The word ‘will be’ is used by a person in a sentence in which he or she or she has to want to make a statement in a future continuous statement. Using this word may not define that exact time, but the event will indeed be conducted by someone or something in the future.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonShould BeWill Be
MeaningThe word ‘should be’ is used to express an opinion or advice in a sentence by a person.The word ‘will be’ expresses that a particular statement will happen.
TenseThe word ‘should be’ is used in a past or future tense sentence.The word ‘will be’ is used only in a future continuous tense sentence.
Derivation in the yearThe word ‘should be’ was derived long back in 1200 BC.The word ‘will be’ was derived in the 5th century BC.
PlacementThe word ‘should be’ can be used only with a subject and main verb in a sentence.The word ‘will be’ can be used in a sentence regarding the first, second or third person.
Relation with shall‘Should be’ is the past tense of the word ‘shall be.’The word ‘will be’ is a replacement word for the word ‘shall be.’
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What Should Be?

People use the word ‘should’ in a sentence when someone has to say that a specific thing is what a person is supposed to do at a particular point in time.

This word is most used in the future or past tense, depending on the type of sentence.

A person uses this word to denote or give an order to someone to do something or provide an official order to someone to do something.

The word ‘Should be’ is also used when a person saying a statement wants to convey that something is initially the case or initially not the case in the happening of an event.

Following are some examples of ‘Should be in a sentence—

  1. I should be moving towards school now, or I’ll be late.
  2. I should be at the temple right now.
  3. She should be writing a letter.
  4. There should be a second chance given to everyone.
  5. The camping site should be somewhere here.
should be

What Will Be?

The word ‘will be’ is used by a person in a sentence in which a person has to want to make a statement in a future continuous statement.

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Using this word may not define that exact time, but the event will indeed be conducted by someone or something in the future.

When a person uses this word in a sentence, the assurance of something happening is a hundred per cent.

This word can be used only in the case, whereas verbs denote any performance relaying.

Regarding a physical action, it can be used only in sentences denoting that performance will happen in a definite time.

Following are some examples of ‘Will be in a sentence-

  1. I will be going to the mall tomorrow.
  2. She will be giving her exam in the midweek of January.
  3. They will be going trekking in December.
  4. I will be a bit lit for the party.
  5. You will be going as a substitute for Ravi for the football tournament.
will be

Main Differences Between Should Be and Will Be

  1. Should be’ is the past tense of ‘shall be‘; on the other hand, ‘will be’ is a replacement word for ‘shall be.
  2. The word ‘should be’ is used in a sentence with a past or future tense, whereas, on the other hand, the term ‘will be’ is used only in a sentence with a future continuous tense.
  3. The word ‘should be’ is used to express an opinion or advice in a sentence by a person, and, on the other hand, the term ‘will be’ is used to say that a particular statement will indeed happen in the future.
  4. The word ‘should be’ can be used only with a subject and main verb in a sentence, and, on the other hand, ‘will be’ can be used in a sentence regarding the first, second or third person.
  5. The word ‘should be’ was derived long back in 1200 BC. In contrast, the term ‘will be’ originated in the 5th century BC.
Difference Between Should Be and Will Be
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About Author

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.