Single vs Double Hung Windows: Difference and Comparison

A distinction that needs to be made is that double-hung windows are always hinged on the side of the window, not the top. Single-hung windows are hinged at the top, which makes it easier to clean underneath them.

A downside is they are more difficult to open and close.

Key Takeaways

  1. Single-hung windows have a fixed upper sash and a movable lower sash.
  2. Double-hung windows have two movable sashes, allowing for more ventilation options.
  3. Double-hung windows are easier to clean and offer better energy efficiency than single-hung windows.

Single vs Double Hung Windows

A single hung window can be operated only from the bottom, offering less air ventilation. It is affordable to set up and easier to lock. A double-hung window can be operated from the bottom and top, offering more air ventilation. It is costly to set up and difficult to lock.

Single vs Double Hung Windows

A single-hung window is one of many window types, and it is the most common in the United States. It features a top-to-bottom or side-to-side opening that hinges on one side with a vertically sliding sash.

This type of window is simple to use, easy to clean and can be found in different materials. Double-hung windows are used in homes, offices, and other buildings.

They consist of two hinged sashes that tilt inward or outward on a horizontal axis. This window design is also known as an “ingle” window.

In Europe, double-hung windows are very common. In America, however, they are less popular and more expensive than single-hung windows.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonSingle Hung WindowsDouble Hung Windows
Operable sashBottomTop and bottom
Air VentilationLessMore
Locking systemEasyHard
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What are Single Hung Windows?

Single-hung windows are hinged at the top, which makes it easier to clean underneath them. A downside is they are more difficult to open and close.

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Single-hung windows are hinged at the top, which makes it easier to clean underneath them.

There are many different styles of single-hung window frames, and they can range from simple window blinds to decorative window panels.

Most Single-hung windows are hinged at the top, which makes it easier to clean underneath them. One of these styles is called the ‘traditional style.

This style uses a simple horizontal frame that consists of a single vertical panel. Because it has no frame, it can easily be cleaned from top to bottom.

The best way to do this is to use a paper towel to wipe the window before you use it, then wipe it with damp paper towels.

It is also recommended to hang the windows in a dark room so the light from the door doesn’t reflect. If you prefer a more traditional look, you can also use a broom, dustpan, or even a bucket.

Make sure to leave the windows open, and you’ll find that the smell of fresh paint is rather pleasant.

single hung windows

What are Double Hung Windows?

Double-hung windows are made of two frames that are hinged on the side. The top window is lowered to open and moved to one side, which then allows the bottom window to open.

This design lets you regulate the temperature better than less expensive single-hung windows.

The term double-hung window refers to the design of the top sash. The hinges are mounted on the side of the window, not at the top. This is different from single-hung windows, which are hinged at the top.

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They are hinged on the side of the window, not the top.

This is because they provide an easy opening and closing mechanism, so they can be used in a variety of ways. A double-hung window has sashes that open horizontally, with one sash that moves up and down.

The hinges are on the side of the window, not the top. Double-hung windows are installed on the exterior of your home, and they are always hinged on the side next to the home.

This ensures that the window will not snag or break when you open it. The other thing about double-hung windows is that they do not have screens, which lets air flow freely through them.

double hung windows

Main Differences Between Single and Double Hung Windows

  1. A Single-hung window has an operable bottom sash, whereas the double-hung window has both top and bottom operable sash.
  2. Air ventilation is more in double-hung windows compared to single-hung windows.
  3. Single-hung windows are difficult to clean as compared to double-hung windows.
  4. Single-hung windows are cheaper than double-hung windows.
  5. Single-hung windows are easier to lock as compared to double-hung windows.
  6. Single-hung windows are safer compared to double-hung windows.
Difference Between Single and Double Hung Windows

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About Author

Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.