Taekwondo vs Kung Fu: Difference and Comparison

Learning several fighting forms has been in trend for a very long period. Earlier, people used to learn sword fighting, wrestling, and many other forms of fighting.

Nowadays, too, there are many martial arts forms learned by people for self-defence and their interests as well. And nowadays, when crime rates are increasing at a high pace.

They have become a necessity for living as well. Two martial art forms preferred by many are Taekwondo and kung fu.

Both of them have several common aspects in learning and fighting, but to learn any of these, it is important to learn about them. Starting with learning them, first of all.

It is important to understand the difference between Taekwondo and kung fu.

Key Takeaways

  1. Taekwondo is a Korean martial art that emphasizes kicking techniques, while Kung Fu is a Chinese martial art that incorporates striking and grappling techniques.
  2. Taekwondo sparring is done in a sportive setting, with protective gear and rules, whereas Kung Fu sparring is more varied and can include weapons.
  3. In Taekwondo, there is a strong emphasis on discipline and self-control, while Kung Fu emphasizes relaxation and fluidity in movement.

Taekwondo vs Kung Fu

Taekwondo is a Korean martial art that highlights fast, powerful kicks, and strikes. Taekwondo practitioners focus on mastering specific kicks and strikes. Kung Fu is a Chinese martial art that incorporates a wider range of techniques, including strikes, kicks, throws, joint locks, and grappling.

Taekwondo vs Kung Fu

Taekwondo is a form of martial art that originated in Korea. More emphasis is given to kicking and punching.

Therefore it includes the firm use of arms and legs. It was added to the Olympic events in 2000.

This art requires proper attire, known as Dobok or Tobo, which needs to be worn by every player while fighting. An instructor who guides every player is known as Sa Bum Nim.

Kung Fu is another martial art form that originated in China, also known as Thong Fu. It has been developed and changed over the years.

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Like other self-defence forms, this form includes different techniques with leg and arm movement for defence and attack. But along with the body techniques.

It also includes other weapons during the fight. There is a guide or instructor, also known as Si Fu.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonTaekwondoKung Fu
Place of originKoreaChina
Olympic eventYesNo
AttireDobok or toboWhatever is recommended by the instructor
Title for instructorSa bum nimSi Fu
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What is Taekwondo? 

This form is best known for its kicks, as it is the main technique in the fight. It is also the main difference between it and other forms of martial arts.

Kicking is considered to be the strongest body part that can be used while fighting for attacking. Hence opponent can be easily hurt without causing much trouble to the attacker.

It is practised and popular among all genders. It has several other advantages than self-defence. These are:

  • It develops force.
  • It develops speed.
  • It develops stamina and flexibility.
  • It increases stamina.
  • It boosts mental ability as well.

Many changes took place in this sport over the centurions. It involves not only physical and mental aspects of the body but also includes other things, for example, respect.

It is very important to have respect for both fighters in the fight. On winning every match, a belt or strip to add on the belt is given to the winner.


What is Kung Fu?

It is one of the world’s most popular and loved forms of martial arts. This fact can be easily observed from movies, as many actors have also specialized in this art.

Which contributes to making it more popular. But many misconceptions about this art are believed by people. 

It is believed to be one of the oldest martial art forms, as t was developed in the 4th century. It has several circular movements, is inspired by science, and has influenced animals.

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It has an article of special clothing or attire that the fighter has to wear during the fight, which the instructor decides.

Si Fu is the instructor or guide who provides direction and guidance to the fighter on how to fight. This form of martial arts focuses on using different weapons in the fight.

How these could be used without harming anyone in a serious manner.

kung fu

Main Differences Between Taekwondo and Kung Fu

  1. The firstmost and major difference between Taekwondo and kung fu is in their place of origin. Korea is the place of origin for Taekwondo, whereas China is the place of origin for China.
  2. Many events and martial arts take place in Olympic events where players from different countries come together to fight against each other.
  3. Like many other sports, Taekwondo is added to the Olympic events, whereas Kung Fu has the disadvantage that it is not included in the Olympic events.
  4. Both of these included attire that they had to wear during the official fighting, and they could not wear anything else except them.
  5. Taekwondo has attire known as Dobok or Tobo, whereas the attire of Kung Fu is decided by the instructor, and hence it’s not fixed.
  6. Both of them have different titles for their instructors (who give them instruction or guide them in the techniques and skills of the fight).
  7. The title for an instructor in the case of Taekwondo is Sa Bum Nim, whereas the title for an instructor in the case of Kung Fu is called Si Fu.
  8. Both of them are indeed used for self-defence. And for fighting, both of these martial art forms use several techniques and weapons.
  9. In Taekwondo, more focus is not given on using the weapons but on kicking or on the moves of their legs, whereas Kung Fu is more focused on fighting by using weapons.
Difference Between Taekwondo and Kung Fu
  1. https://www.scirp.org/html/34909.html
  2. https://journals.lww.com/nsca-jscr/fulltext/2009/07000/taekwondo__physiological_responses_and_match.9.aspx
  3. http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&profile=ehost&scope=site&authtype=crawler&jrnl=20815735&AN=125393503&h=2rS2vTKUTPJvZIgt0i9x3P4ekytDRnqfhgwKithtMGqfhEugi%2F2lQomxB149qG%2FptOsiFwpAdffOwcjMfgPyAw%3D%3D&crl=c
  4. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1466853X10000660
  5. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3588652/
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About Author

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.