In Mexican cuisine, most of the dishes are based on the type of sauces used and their stuffing. The dish salsa Verde is based made from the tomatillo.
Now, these tomatillos are small and green vegetables. In appearance, they look like tomatoes and actually do not belong to the tomatoes genus.
So in Mexico, a salsa Verde is a salsa based on tomatillo and is then mixed with several ingredients like onions and chilli peppers. Talking about the exact meaning of salsa Verde, it actually means green sauce in both the languages, Italian and Spanish.
Key Takeaways
- Tomatillos are a type of fruit with a papery husk that is removed before cooking.
- Salsa Verde is a green sauce made with tomatillos, chilli peppers, onion, and cilantro.
- Tomatillos can be used in various dishes, while Salsa Verde is specifically a sauce.
Tomatillo vs Salsa Verde
Tomatillos are green or yellow in color, covered by a papery husk that needs to be removed before use, have a slightly sour taste and are used in a variety of dishes. Salsa verde is a type of sauce made from tomatillos along with other ingredients such as chillies, onions, cilantro, and lime juice.

Tomatillo that is also known as the Mexican husk tomato, is a plant that looks like a tomato with a little husk but does not belong to the same family but is from the same nightshade family. Tomatillo bears small and spherical-shaped green or purple colored fruit having the same name.
Salsa verde is the Spanish and Italian name for green sauce. Basically, salsa verde is a family of half-cooked sauces that is made with herbs.
It actually comes under Mexican cuisine and is made with tomatillo. It is served with other Mexican dishes like enchiladas and chicharron.
Along with tomatillo, you need lime, jalapeno, chilli peppers, and onions.
Comparison Table
Parameters of Comparison | Tomatillo | Salsa Verde |
What are they? | Tomatillo, also known as the Mexican husk tomato, looks like a tomato with a little husk. | Salsa Verde is the Spanish and Italian name of green sauce. |
Originated from | Mexico | Mexico |
Main ingredients | Tomatillo itself is an ingredient and is used in several dishes. | The main ingredient used for making the salsa Verde sauce is the tomatillo. |
Type | It is a type of tomato but with a little husk on it. It does not belong to the family of tomatoes but with the same nightshade family. | Salsa Verde is a type of green sauce used and eaten with many different dishes. |
Uses | Tomatillo is used in many dishes as an ingredient. | Salsa Verde is a sauce that is eaten as a compliment with several dishes. |
What is Tomatillo?
Tomatillo that is also known as the Mexican husk tomato, is a plant that looks like a tomato with a little husk but does not belong to the same family but is from the same nightshade family. Tomatillo bears small and spherical-shaped green or purple colored fruit having the same name.
Tomatillos were used to cultivate in the Columbian era, but they originated from Mexico only.
Tomatillo is a staple or very common in Mexican cuisine. They are cooked with a variety of dishes and are eaten with many of them.
The main dish they are made with is salsa verde. Wild tomatillos are found everywhere in America and their related plants except for the far northern area, where there is the highest diversity in Mexico.
Before the coming of Europeans, tomatillos were domesticated in Mexico. After that, they played a major part in the culture of the Maya and Aztecs, even more important than tomatoes.

What is Salsa Verde?
Salsa verde is the Spanish and Italian name for green sauce. Basically, salsa verde is a family of half-cooked sauces that is made with herbs.
It actually comes under Mexican cuisine and is made with tomatillo. It is served with other Mexican dishes like enchiladas and chicharron.
Along with tomatillo, you need lime, jalapeno, chilli peppers, and onions.
There are many subtypes of this green sauce like- cooked sauce, in which several ingredients are cooked, and then they are grounded, other one is roasted salsa sauce, in which all the elements of the ingredients are roasted in the comal and are grounded, then there is raw in which all the ingredients are ground, and the sauce is prepared without even cooking, and the last one is a combination of everything where the ingredients are cooked properly.

Main Differences Between Tomatillo and Salsa Verde
- The main difference between tomatillo and salsa Verde is that Tomatillo, which is a Mexican husk tomato, is a plant that looks like a tomato with a little husk, while Salsa Verde is a Spanish and Italian name for green sauce.
- Tomatillo originated from Mexico, and salsa Verde also originated from Mexico.
- Tomatillo is an ingredient used in several dishes, while the main ingredient used for making the salsa Verde sauce is the tomatillo.
- Tomatillo is a type of tomato with a little husk on it. It does not belong to the family of tomatoes but with the same nightshade family of it, but Salsa Verde is a type of green sauce used and eaten with many different dishes.
- Tomatillo is used in many dishes as an ingredient, but Salsa Verde is a sauce that is eaten as a complement to several dishes.