Toronto vs Vancouver: Difference and Comparison

Canada is a North American country consisting of three territories and ten provinces. The territory of Canada extends from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean and from the north to the Arctic ocean.

It is the second-largest country in the world in terms of its geographical area. Canada shares its border in the west and north, covering the longest national border.

Ottawa is the capital of Canada. But three cities that are very popular and metropolitan are Vancouver, Montreal and Toronto.

Key Takeaways

  1. Toronto, located in Ontario, is the largest city in Canada, while Vancouver, in British Columbia, is the third-largest city.
  2. Toronto has a more diverse economy, while Vancouver relies primarily on industries like tourism, film, and natural resources.
  3. Vancouver has a milder climate with more rain, while Toronto experiences colder winters and hotter summers.

Toronto vs Vancouver

The difference between Toronto and Vancouver is that Toronto is one of the most populated cities in Canada and is situated around the western side of Lake Ontario. Vancouver is the biggest city on the western side of Canada. It is situated in the region of British Columbia. Toronto is a cosmopolitan and multicultural city as different types of art, culture, and finance can be found. While Vancouver is a diverse city with having ethnic and linguistic population.

Toronto vs Vancouver

Toronto city, on the western side, is surrounded by lake Ontario. It resembles the golden horseshoe in its structure.

Toronto is a multicultural city with different types of diverse people living there. Although the language spoken in Toronto is English.

But almost 160 languages are spoken in the city. It is the cultural capital of Canada as it is a hub for music, theatre, motion picture production, and television production.

Toronto is one of the most populous and financial capitals of Canada.

Vancouver is one of the most populous cities in Western Canada. In population density, Vancouver of Greater Vancouver is the third-largest metropolitan area in Canada.

It is one of the best cities in the world for its quality of life. But it is also the most expensive city in Canada.

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It also plans to become one of the greenest cities in the world. Vancouver Port is one of the largest and busiest ports in the whole of America. Tourism and Forestry are one of the largest industries through which it earns money.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonTorontoVancouver
ProvinceOntarioBritish Columbia
WeatherTougher and sub-zero temperatures during winter.Milder during the rainy season and hot and humid during summer.
Cost of livingCheaperExpensive
Districts/Neighbourhood6 districts22 neighbourhoods
GDP$57,004 per capita$56,159 per capita
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What is Toronto?

The name ‘Toronto’ was recorded in French and English with different spellings. The word Toronto means “The Narrows”.

It was the first time recorded by Samuel de Champlain in 1615. It is derived from ‘Mohawk’, meaning a place where trees stand in the water. Earlier, before the Britishers arrived in Toronto, it was the home of the Iroquois people.

Various types of diverse groups used to live there. After the french founded Fort Rouillé, they made it their Exhibition ground.

After seven years of war, the French lost it, and the Britishers captured them. Toronto has a hot, humid climate.

But because of its topography, it experiences four seasons. During winter, it has a tough climate with frequent snow, storm, ice etc. Many of the buildings and architecture of Toronto date back to the 19th century. Each has its design and charm.

Some of them are built in the 21st century as well. It has very tall buildings, up to 30 metres high.

Toronto has six districts: Etobicoke, North York, East York, Old Toronto, Scarborough and York. It also has several smaller and larger neighbourhoods surrounding it.

Toronto has a wide range of public spaces and parks like Yonge–Dundas Square, Nathan Phillips Square, Mel Lastman Square, Harbourfront Square, 3D Toronto sign etc. Downtown parks include Allan Gardens, Little Norway Park, Moss Park, Queen’s Park, Christie Pits, Grange Park, Riverdale Park and Trinity Bellwoods Park.

Toronto is the industrial and financial capital of Canada. The Toronto Stock Exchange is the seventh-largest in terms of market capitalization.


What is Vancouver? 

Vancouver is one of the top five cities in the world, providing quality of life and livability. According to scientists and historians, settlement in Vancouver by indigenous people began some 8000 to 10,000 years ago.

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In the modern era, the city was named after Gassy Jack Gastown. But in 1886, it was renamed Vancouver after having a deal with Canadian Pacific Railway. The natural seaport of Vancouver is very useful in trade and has extensions from East Asia, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and Eastern Canada.

Due to Vancouver’s forest and natural surroundings, Tourism and Forestry are some of the largest industries there. Some of the film production studios have turned Vancouver and Burnaby into Greater Vancouver.

Now it has one of the largest production studios in North America and is nicknamed “Hollywood North”. The vegetation of Vancouver consists of temperate rainforest, conifers, red cedar, hemlock etc.

It has one of the warmest climates during the summer season. During the rainy season, it is also one of the wettest places in Canada.

The architecture of Vancouver includes the Vancouver art Gallery, Hotel Vancouver and the gothic-styled Christ Church Cathedral. All these buildings have become very important for heritage. Modern buildings include Vancouver Library Square, Robson Square, Harbour Centre, Vancouver Law Courts, and Woodward’s buildings.

Vancouver is the eighth most populous city in Canada. The Metropolitan area of Vancouver is called Greater Vancouver and has more than 2.4 million people.

It is referred to as the ‘city of neighbourhoods’ because every neighbourhood has its unique character and ethnicity.


Main Differences Between Toronto and Vancouver

  1. Toronto is situated in the province of Ontario. Vancouver is situated in the province of British Columbia.
  2. The weather in Toronto is a very tough climate and sub-zero temperatures during winter. The weather in Vancouver is milder. It is the wettest and hot and humid in summer during the rainy season.
  3. The cost of living in Toronto is cheaper. The cost of living in Vancouver is expensive.
  4. There are 6 districts and various neighbourhoods in Toronto. Vancouver is a city of neighbourhoods consisting of 22.
  5. The per capita income of Toronto is $57,004. The per capita income of Vancouver is $56,159.
Difference Between Toronto and Vancouver
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About Author

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.