Venue vs Jurisdiction: Difference and Comparison

The terms venue and jurisdiction are two words that are related to law. Both have legal meanings to them. Venue and jurisdiction, both in contrary terms, speak of a Specific place.

Since both these people’s words are related to law and place, many people have a big confusion about the meaning of both. But they have differences in their meanings and characteristics.

Key Takeaways

  1. Venue refers to the specific geographic location where a legal case is heard in court.
  2. Jurisdiction refers to the court’s authority to hear a particular case based on factors such as the subject matter, the parties’ location, and the type of legal claim.
  3. Choosing the correct venue is essential for ensuring convenience and fairness for both parties, while determining jurisdiction is crucial for assessing the validity of a legal case.

Venue vs Jurisdiction

A venue is a place where the hearing of the case will be conducted. It must be decided based on legal terms, thus keeping in view the easiness of both parties. Jurisdiction refers to the authority of someone over something. It can be a place, region, or authority over a person, etc.

Venue vs Jurisdiction

The term venue is the place where the case of a party is heard in a court. It is always considered that a venue is supposed to be a country or a district, or a state. It can never be any small village or place. The term venue is the place where a lawsuit heating will be held.

The term Jurisdiction is a place to which authority is granted a person or a body for dealing with legal matters of the state or country. It can also be the political leader for which this jurisdiction is authorized.

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The word jurisdiction is derived from the Latin words Juris, which means to oath, and dicere, which means to speak.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonVenueJurisdiction
MeaningIt is a place where the hearing of a lawsuit takes place.It is a place where a person has authority over overtaking decisions about important legal matters.
WaiverIt can be waivedIt cannot be waived.
CharacteristicIt is a geographic location.It is more than just a geographic location.
LocationIt can be any area under a state, a country or even a district.This should fall under the court while giving a hearing.
TypeThere are no different types in the venue.Personal jurisdiction, territorial jurisdiction and subject matter jurisdiction are three types of jurisdictions present.
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What is Venue?

The term venue is the place where the case of a party is heard in a court. It is always considered that a venue is supposed to be a country or a district, or a state. It can never be any small village or place. The term venue is the place where a lawsuit heating will be held.

The venue is the place where it is decided to file a lawsuit. It has to be to the knowledge of every person that the venue where the lawsuit is going to take place can be waived off by the person in opposition at the time of a trial that will take place.

A Plaintiff is also capable of giving the waiving of the venue at the time of a trial. A venue change can occur in a criminal and a civil case.

The only difference between both is that the in a civil case, the venue can be helpful in a place where it is changed only when neither of the party lives or holds their business there, and on the other hand, in a criminal case, there is asked for a change in a venue because witness wants a jury that may be I his support.


What Is Jurisdiction?

The term Jurisdiction is a place to which authority is granted a person or a body for dealing with legal matters of the state or country. It can also be the political leader for which this jurisdiction is authorized.

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The word jurisdiction is derived from the Latin words Juris, which means to oath, and dicere, which means to speak.

Jurisdiction can be defined as a place where a person can hold authority and point an authority at that place. This means in this place, and there is access for authority being exercised and granted both.

This is exactly why a person would observe a police officer saying this area is not under their jurisdiction.

Jurisdiction consists of three main parts: personal jurisdiction, subject matter jurisdiction, and territorial jurisdiction. When someone has authority over some other person, then that is called personal jurisdiction.

When authority is related to a place, then it is called territorial jurisdiction, and finally, any authority over a subject is called subject matter jurisdiction. Jurisdiction is also capable of defining the authority of a court.


Main Differences Between Venue and Jurisdiction

  1. A venue is a place where the hearing of a lawsuit is taking place, and on the other hand, a jurisdiction is a place where a person holds authority over it to make decisions regarding legal matters.
  2. A plaintiff or defender can waive off a venue on the day of the hearing; on the other hand, a party cannot waive the place of jurisdiction.
  3. A venue can be any state, country, or district, and on the other hand, a jurisdiction is a place that falls under a court while making a hearing.
  4. There is only one type of venue; on the other hand, there are three types of jurisdiction which are personal, territorial, and subject matter jurisdictions.
  5. A venue is initially just a geographic location; conversely, jurisdiction is based on more than just a geographic component.
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About Author

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.