Vitamin A vs Vitamin C: Difference and Comparison

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A healthy human body is everyone’s wish. It is more important than anything.

As a result, it is vital to consume health supplements and nutrients from a blend of sources. Two such components are, Vitamin A and Vitamin C, are essential to living a healthy life and a healthy body.

Key Takeaways

  1. Vitamin A supports vision, immune system function, and cell growth, while Vitamin C primarily boosts the immune system and aids in collagen production.
  2. Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin stored in the liver, whereas Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin, and excess amounts are excreted through urine.
  3. Foods rich in Vitamin A include carrots, sweet potatoes, and spinach; Vitamin C sources include citrus fruits, strawberries, and bell peppers.

Vitamin A Vs Vitamin C

The differences between Vitamin A and Vitamin C are that Vitamin A is a non-liquid soluble component needed for the goodness of the human body. On the other hand, Vitamin C is a liquid-soluble component essential for the human body. Both are present in different products and food items.

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Vitamin A is a type of vitamin that aids in the prevention of visual infections. It helps enhance the correct functioning of the visual system by providing nutrients to the eyes and aiding in restoring sight.

This element is available in many eatables, and some are available in tablet form.

Vitamin C is a vitamin that is used for the prevention of certain kinds of illnesses. It helps enhance the functioning of the immune system by fighting off infections and other diseases inside your body.

This kind of vitamin is available in many foods naturally, and some are available inorganically.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonVitamin AVitamin C
ContentGreen foods like vegetables and leafy vegetables have vitamin A content in them.Tomato, broccoli, and citrus fruits have numerous Vitamin C content.
BenefitsVitamin A foods are recommended for the skin and eyes because of their strong antioxidant content.Vitamin C meals are essential for the growth of bones, healing wounds, and the prevention of infections.
Blood AbsorptionVitamin A cannot be absorbed into the bloodstream without the presence of lipids.Vitamin C is taken directly into the bloodstream without the need for lipids.
CollagenVitamin A does not produce collagen content in their foods.Vitamin C produces collagen content in their foods.
Main UseVitamin A is mainly taken into consideration for body deficiencies.Vitamin C is mainly taken into consideration for skin deficiencies.
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What is Vitamin A?

Vitamin A is a necessary component of the human body. It treats all forms of vision problems. It also boosts protein production, which is vital for good health.

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Fortunately, as long as vitamin A is present in our food, our bodies can produce it on their own.

Pre-formed vitamin A can be present in a variety of foods in variable levels called retinol.

Animal sources of this element make it naturally present in their livers or kidneys.

Importantly, there is no plant source of pre-formed here. Foods packed with vitamin A include many tasty fruits, crunchy vegetables, and dark green leaves that should be in your lunch.

It’s important to mention that vitamin A supplements can easily become toxic if taken in unreasonable amounts. Understanding how to get this essential vitamin, which many doctors recommend taking daily as a source of your diet, begins with understanding the dietary information.

This is important for the immune system as it prevents you from catching a cold and keeps you from the doctor.

This Vitamin A works alongside its vitamin partners, E, C, and D, for normal immunity and vision. It protects the skin from infection and cancer and helps with young skin.

vitamin a

What is Vitamin C?

Vitamin C is a primary nutrient that the body can not develop by itself. It is executed by eating a variety of grains as well as drinking tangerine juice and other fruit juices.

Currently, it is used in multiple applications like supplements, scientific research, cosmetics, and food fortification. For people who avoid an assortment of foods such as citrus fruits and berries, taking a supplement may be necessary.

If you have never taken vitamin C before or are aiming on taking high doses of it, consult with your general practitioner first.

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They can help determine your ideal dosage level as well as address any concerns that you may have about this essential nutrient.

Tablets or mega-doses of this vitamin, on the other hand, are not recommended because they are difficult for the body to handle, and natural Vitamin C is preferable.

Although daily consumption is endorsed, an organic version is cheaper than natural alternatives. This vitamin is used in beauty products and skin creams. Both forms are safe and effective when taken at the recommended dosage.

This element in the diet is especially beneficial for athletes and people under constant stress. During warm days, this is the most suggested vitamin.

vitamin c

Main Differences Between Vitamin A and Vitamin C

  1. Vitamin A can accumulate in the liver or fatty tissues of the body if it is over-consumed. On the other hand, Vitamin C cannot be stored by the body, meaning that it is easily flushed out if you overdose on this vitamin.
  2. Vitamin C is an immune system booster increase component. However, Vitamin A is not an immune booster increase component but a skin betterment component.
  3. Vitamin C should not be taken directly by the human body. It is necessary to consume it through food or supplements. However, Vitamin A can be taken directly to the body.
  4. For a balanced diet, it is advisable to take 1000gm of Vitamin C only, whereas in Vitamin A it is advisable to take 15000 unit food content.
  5. Vitamin C is said to be a specialist in absorbents and they are called L-ascorbic acid. On the other hand, Vitamin A is not a specialist in absorbents and but they help in promoting the growth cells.
Difference Between Vitamin A and Vitamin C
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About Author

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.