YUM vs DNF: Difference and Comparison

Quiche vs Souffle 2023 07 27T124036.137

The YUM and the DNF are both package managers used for installing, updating, or removing software packages on Linux systems. YUM is the older one here. DNF came later. YUM was utilized as a dependency resolution performer. In recent times, YUM is going to be obsolete. DNF will replace it.

Key Takeaways

  1. YUM (Yellowdog Updater Modified) is a package manager used primarily on Red Hat-based Linux distributions for managing software installation and updates.
  2. DNF (Dandified Yum) is a more modern package manager, designed as a successor to YUM, offering improved performance and more advanced dependency resolution.
  3. DNF uses a different dependency-solving algorithm and is considered faster and more efficient than YUM, which it has replaced in many recent Linux distributions.
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Yum was the default package manager in RHEL 5 and earlier versions but was replaced by DNF with RHEL 6. DNF improves package management in RHEL and Fedora by using modern architecture and providing a better dependency resolution algorithm than Yum, resulting in faster and more reliable installation and updates.

YellowDog Updater Modified is called “YUM” in short. This is a package manager in the Linux system. It is responsible for downloading, updating, and removing other software packages. On the other hand, DNF is YUM’s new and improved version. It is better, faster, and far more reliable than YUM.

In the Linux system, YUM manages the resolution dependency. This manager is too old. It may work on Linux 6/7. In the newer version, it is unlikely to work. It is recommended not to use YUM in the newer distributions. People are shifting away from YUM.

DNF is the short form of “Dandified YUM.” It packs a lot of features. It offers far more freedom in installing, updating, or removing packages on Linux systems. It is highly recommended for newer Linux versions. It also works in the older version too. This is the default manager for CentOS 8.

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Comparison Table

Parameters Of ComparisonYUMDNF
Memory ConsumptionIt consumes a lot of memory. Otherwise, the user might face dependency issues.DNF is highly acclaimed for its memory-saving operation. It occupies very small storage.
APIThis API is public. So there is the access is unrestricted. However, the dependency is bad.  DNF uses libsolv as a dependency initiator. For this reason, there are hardly any dependency issues.
Resolution DependencyYUM has a dependency problem. It shows down the process. It hampered the overall I’m packing of the package.DNF does not have any dependency problems. It is a reliable package manager for Linux-based systems.
API DocumentationAPI is not fully documented. It only allows the python plugin for processing.API is not properly documented. It obstructs development
SpeedThe YUM is not a fast package manager. Due to its use of public API, it suffers from speed issues.DNF does not use public API. It uses a dedicated API. It offers better speed and operating capabilities.
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What is YUM?

In layman’s terms, there was a package manager in earlier times. It was the sole option for Linux systems to install, update, and remove any software package.

As you know, Linux is a very unique OS. The apps that are used here are also unique. When there was no other package manager, YUM was in a rage.

Users faced various problems regarding YUM. It took up too much space. Speed had become a constant issue for YUM. Dependency issues were on the rise.

Fixing this software is not exactly an easy task. It had about 56 thousand lines of coding. So fixing it line by line would have been a mammoth job.

This package manager was developed using the Python programming language only. It lacks versatility. DNF has more functionality than YUM.

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YUM used to have its strong points. This is a great package manager for Linux-based operating systems. It not only installs the package but also the prerequisites for the installation.

YUM was quite successful for its time. But the world moved forward, and technologies became much more complex. It became hard for YUM to handle newer technology.

What is DNF?

YUM was aging badly, and the tech world needed a solution. The DNF is the answer. It is the short form of “Dandified YUM.”

DNF is the answer to all the troubles. On RPM-based systems, it is an invaluable package manager.

This is the newer version of the package manager and the successor of YUM. It is better in all cases. It is faster. It takes up very little space. It is written in multiple coding languages. So it is easy to rewrite and make effective changes in functionality.

DNF has only 29K lines of coding. So it is relatively easier to rewrite, just in case. This is written in C, C++, and Python. So it is easily rewritable.

DNF is easy to use. This is an all-in-one dependency solution. Its algorithm is better than YUM. It is designed to handle more complex packages.

The DNF still retains some fundamental command prompt compatibility. The DNF system is known to use strict APT guidelines. But it encourages much more development than YUM.

DNF replaces the YUM on the sole basis of speed and function. It also overcomes the slowing problem of YUM.

Main Differences Between YUM and DNF

The following are the main differences between the YUM and DNF:

  1. YUM is slow in performance. It has dependency issues. On the other hand, DNF is faster.
  2. YUM occupies more space. On the other hand, DNF occupies comparatively less space.
  3. YUM is written in 56K lines of coding. On the other hand, the DNF has only 29K lines of coding. So DNF is comparatively easier to rewrite.
  4. YUM is written in Python language. DNF is written in C, C+/and Python language.
  5. YUM only allows only python plugins. On the other hand, DNF allows a variety of plugins.
  6. YUM has its full API documented. DNF’s API is undocumented. For this reason, the DNF offers a lot of features.
  1. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-1-4842-3882-0_4
  2. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-1-4842-5485-1_17

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Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.