Cozen vs Cousin: Difference and Comparison

When writing in a dialect, a writer must use caution. Only because two terms sound similar (mainly because they are heterotrophs (a subset of homophones) doesn’t imply one to be swapped with the other.

The writing should be clear, with good word usage and spelling, to understand the meaning. To better grasp it, a comparison between Cozen and Cousin.

Key Takeaways

  1. Cozen is a verb meaning to deceive or trick someone, while cousin is a noun referring to a relative with whom one shares a common ancestor.
  2. Cozen is derived from the Old French word “coçon,” meaning a cheat, whereas cousin comes from the Latin word “consobrinus,” meaning the child of one’s mother’s sister.
  3. Cozening involves dishonesty and manipulation, while the term cousin describes a familial relationship.

Cozen Vs Cousin

The difference between cozen and cousin is that cozen implies fooling, winning over, or persuading others to do something through artful persuasion, weaselling, or cunning deceit. On the other hand, cousin refers to a first cousin, a bond of the identical era in which the most recently shared progenitor is a grandparent.

Cozen Vs Cousin

Cozen is a verb component that implies “to deceive, defraud,” 1560s, of dubious provenance; possibly from French cousiner “to cheat under the guise of becoming a cozen,” or even from Middle English cosyn “fraud, trickery” (mid-15c. ), which would be possibly connected to Old French coçon “vendor, merchant, intermediary,” from Latin cocionem “animal dealer.”

Cousin, in a broader sense, in the Grammar world’s longitudinal kinship ties, a cousin is a type of personal connection in which two members are two or more familial generations away from their most recent times common ancestor.

The terms “degrees” and “removals” are used to characterise the relationship between cousins more specifically.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonCozenCousin
DefinitionThrough clever persuasion and weaseling, cozen indicates to cheat, deceive, or persuade people to accomplish something.A cousin is a first-generation relative in which the most notable consensual progenitor is a grandfather.
OriginCozen dates from the late 16th century, which is considered to be taken from the archaic Italian cozzonare ‘to deceive.’Cousin comes from the Latin term “consobrinus,” which enlarged its meaning when adopted into English in the 1200s.
EntityThe aftermath of a person being fooled or cozen is more of a feeling entity.Cousin refers to both male and female living entities.
Figure of SpeechThere is no other figure of speech for cozening; it is exclusively employed as a verb (transitive).Cousin is a noun that can only be used as a noun.
ExamplePoker players are an example of cozen in a gambling game.The infant born to one’s mother’s sister is an example of a cousin.
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What Is Cozen?

Cozen is a broad term that refers to various behaviours intended to circumvent rules to gain an undue advantage, known as fraud or deceiving.

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It encompasses bribery, cronyism, and favouritism in any society where people are given preferential treatment based on erroneous criteria.

The broken rules may be stated or come from such unspoken rules of behaviour based on ethics, or habit, making detecting fraud behaviour a discretionary procedure.

A “cheater” is someone who does not necessarily cheat all of the time but relies on deception to gain a reputation for it.

In sports, “cozening” is the deliberate breach of regulations to achieve competitive advantages over the opposing team or player.

Sports are regulated by both conventions and specific rules defining what is permitted and prohibited on and off the field. Academic cheating, known as “cozening,” is a very common occurrence in American schools and colleges.

Statistics show that 64% of public school students confess to cheating on exams. Plagiarism is reported by 58 percent of the respondents.

Coaching is another area where Cozen can be found. Fraud and gratuities in the player hiring process are two of the most prominent examples.

Such methods are common in all sports but common in college sports recruiting. Profiteering, in conjunction with bettors and spot-fixing, are two more prominent forms of professional cheating.

fraud 1

What Is Cousin?

People are connected in a cousin connection if they share a similar ancestor and are divided by two or more decades with their most common ancestral.

This indicates that no person is the other’s ancestor.

They do not share a parent (they aren’t siblings) they are not related to each other’s mom and dad (they are not someone else’s uncle or granddaughter).

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The terminology “degrees” and “removals” are employed to understand the relationship between cousins in further depth.

The generational distance between the cousins’ most recently shared lineage and a parent of one or two cousins is displayed in degrees, whereas the generational distance between the cousins individually is shown in removal (s).

The shared ancestor has three (rather than two) descendants, making a second cousin a cousin from a distant family.

It is the person, a first cousin if no degree is known. “Once removed” refers to a cousin who has only one removal.

Various governmental institutions have constructed systems of law that can describe kinship with closest relatives any couple of generations before; in medicine and law, for example, a first cousin is a type of 3rd relative.

A prenatal cousin is related to the clan’s mother’s side, while a patrilineal cousin is related to the clan’s father’s side.

This relationship isn’t mutual, as one person’s mother’s cousin is another person’s fraternal cousin.


Main Differences Between Cozen and Cousin

  1. Cozen is assumed to be taken from the archaic Italian cozzonare, which means “to deceive,” while cousin is derived from the Latin term “consobrinus,” which expanded its definition when it was introduced into English in the 1200s.
  2. Cozen is tricking, misleading, or persuading others to do something through skilful reasoning and weaselling, whereas a cousin is a relative from the same era with whom the most recent shared ancestor is Grandpa.
  3. The result of a person being duped or cozen is a more emotional entity, whereas a cousin relates to both male and female living things.
  4. Cozen has no further figures of speech; it is only used as a verb (transitive), whereas cousin is a noun that can only be used as a noun.
  5. Poker players are an example of a cozen in a gambling game, whereas a newborn born to one’s mother’s sister is an instance of a cousin.
Cozen vs Cousin – Difference Between Cozen and Cousin

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About Author

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.