Waiting vs Awaiting: Difference and Comparison

Waiting and Awaiting are two different words used in the English language. These two words have the very same meaning and so there are confused with one another.

Though the words cannot be used in place of each other as the meaning changes according to the grammar. These words are identical though are not interchangeable.

Key Takeaways

  1. “Waiting” is a general term for staying in expectation, while “awaiting” denotes anticipating something specific.
  2. “Awaiting” is more formal and less commonly used in everyday conversation than “waiting.”
  3. “Awaiting” requires a direct object, whereas “waiting” can be used with or without an object.

Waiting vs Awaiting

The difference between waiting and awaiting is that waiting means to hold up for someone, to pass the time, or to stay at a place and do nothing until someone comes or something happens. While awaiting is used when the wait is with expectation or hope. The wait is followed by a preposition while the word await doesn’t.

Waiting vs Awaiting

Waiting means to hold on somewhere and expect someone to reach there. Waiting is to bide one’s time. Usually, waiting is used to represent the time a person has spent on standby waiting for another person.

It is also sometimes used to represent the delay of an event.

Awaiting also means to stand by for a while expecting someone or something to occur. Awaiting is the present participle of the word await, which is a verb.

The word awaiting is mostly used to represent the hope or expectation of something happening.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonWaitingAwaiting
MeaningTo hold on or be on standby until someone shows up or something happens.To bid one’s time expecting hopefully for something to happen.
PronunciationIt is pronounced as “ vay-ting”.Awaiting is pronounced as “uh-vay-tuhng”.
VerbWaiting is an intransitive verb.Awaiting is a transitive verb.
Part of speechWaiting is used as a verb and a noun.Awaiting is used as a verb.
ExampleHe is waiting at home for me.The megastar is awaiting trial.
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What is meant by Waiting?

The word “waiting” or “wait” means to stay or hold in a particular place until someone arrives. Or another meaning is to be expecting something to happen.

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The word is used in reference to time and it can be a long time or a short time.

Waiting is the present participle of the word Wait. The word ‘wait’ is used as a verb or noun in speech.

And it is an intransitive verb, which means it does not allow a direct object. And it is not followed by who or what.

While used in a sentence the word is not followed by an object, it is mostly followed by a preposition.

Some examples using the word waiting are:

  1. I have been waiting for you.
  2. I am sorry to keep you waiting.
  3. Yes. I am waiting for my parcel to get delivered.
  4. I am waiting for confirmation from the officials on this project.
  5. Sita sent her son foreign to study and now she has been waiting for him to come back since forever.
  6. No, the train is late. We are still waiting.
  7. We are waiting for the doctor. Thanks for your patience.
  8. I hate waiting so I get all frustrated when someone is late.
  9. He paused as if waiting for a comment, but she gave none.
  10. I am waiting for the light to turn green. I will be home soon.

What is meant by Awaiting?

Awaiting is the present participle of the word Await. The word means to stay on hold for some time until something happens.

It is the expectation of the happening of an event or series of events. It can also be used to show the bid of time for someone to show up.

Awaiting is used as a verb in the sentences and it is a transitive verb. That means that it is followed directly by an object.

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Sometimes it takes more than one object. Some of the examples, using the word are mentioned below.

  1. I am not the only one awaiting his arrival.
  2. He is awaiting the results of the test.
  3. He opened his eyes hoping for a surprise not knowing what sight was awaiting him.
  4. He looked at her, awaiting an explanation of her actions.
  5. He prayed for his brother as a living and was always awaiting news of his return.
  6. Two thrones of stone sat opposite him, awaiting their masters.
  7. Give the guests a taste of the adventure awaiting them with a classic Fire and Ice-themed invitation.
  8. Her husband, after awaiting her in vain at Berlin, went on to Tokyo.
  9. Several state prisoners awaiting trial were ordered to another state and were killed on the way.
  10. They were awaiting the distribution of their yearly bonuses.

Main Differences Between Waiting And Awaiting

  1. Waiting is the gerund of the word Wait. And Awaiting is the present participle of the word Await.
  2. Waiting means holding up until something happens or someone arrives. Await means to expect something to happen.
  3. Waiting is an intransitive verb while Awaiting is a transitive verb.
  4. Waiting is pronounced as “vay-ting”. Awaiting is pronounced as “uh-vay-tuhng”.
  5. The grammar composition of these words differs as the word waiting is followed by a preposition and not by an object, while the word awaiting is followed by an object.
Difference Between Waiting And Awaiting
  1. https://journals.ametsoc.org/view/journals/mwre/119/8/1520-0493_1991_119_1979_tsfiab_2_0_co_2.xml
  2. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=JyxRAAAAMAAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PA1&dq=hurricane&ots=uIvpFg_QH5&sig=X7oy-2XwZFk9gEP1jB9R5kFLrL4

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Emma Smith
Emma Smith

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.


  1. I found the lighthearted juxtaposition between ‘waiting’ and ‘awaiting’ rather entertaining. The article succeeded in blending wit with thorough analysis.

  2. The author’s repeated emphasis on the differences between ‘waiting’ and ‘awaiting’ bordered on unnecessary redundancy. It detracted from the overall coherence of the article.

  3. Given the complexity of the subject, the author’s explanation could have been more concise in order to aid comprehension by a wider audience.

  4. I was thoroughly enlightened by the detailed analysis provided and will definitely use the details for further research and academic purposes.

    • I wholeheartedly agree. The author provided invaluable insight into the distinction between two often misunderstood words.

  5. The article provided a comprehensive comparison of ‘waiting’ and ‘awaiting’, and as a result, I now have a deeper understanding of the English language.

  6. The wealth of examples served to solidify my understanding of the nuanced difference between ‘waiting’ and ‘awaiting’.

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