Inkjet vs Ink Tank vs Laser: Difference and Comparison

Key Takeaways

  1. Inkjet printers use microscopic nozzles to propel ink droplets onto paper, offering high-quality color printing but slower speeds. They are more affordable initially but have higher ongoing ink cartridge costs.
  2. Ink tank printers: These inkjet printers use large refillable ink tanks, providing cost savings in the long run. They offer similar print quality to inkjet printers but have higher upfront costs.
  3. Laser printers use a laser beam to transfer toner particles onto paper, resulting in sharp text documents. Laser printers are faster and more suitable for high-volume printing but have higher initial costs and toner cartridge expenses.

What is Inkjet?

Inkjet is one of the types of printers that is available for general use. An Inkjet printer works on the technology with tiny nozzles from where the liquid ink is sprayed onto the paper. The printing quality of inkjet paper is excellent and is best for printing photos or text documents.

They are affordable and durable so they can be found in homes, small offices, schools, etc. They are available in various sizes and capabilities depending on the customer’s need for homes or high-quality models for professional work.

What is Ink Tank?

An ink tank printer is another type of printer that is available for a somewhat similar purpose. An Ink Tank printer has ink tanks that can be refilled and directly integrated into the printer, unlike an inkjet where the refills are non-refillable. They are famous for their high quality and low cost per page.

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An ink tank printer is suitable for both office and home purposes. They are a good option for printing graphics, documents, or photos. They are also environmentally friendly as they produce less waste, but there is still no proper disposing of practice.    

What is Laser?

A laser printer is the third type available in the market and is mainly used by professionals. A laser printer works on the technology, which includes a toner (powdered ink) that gets fused onto the paper because of the heat and pressure. These are best known for their fast printing in less time; in other words, a laser printer has an approximate printing speed of 20-50 pages per minute.

They are most suitable for printing simple graphics or high-volume text documents, so they are commonly found in large offices, schools, shops, etc. Also, they are cost-effective and require the least maintenance compared to other printers.

Difference Between Inkjet and Ink Tank and Laser

  1. Inkjet printer works on the technology with tiny nozzles from where the liquid ink is sprayed onto the paper; Ink Tank printer has ink tanks that can be refilled and directly integrated into the printer. At the same time, the laser printer works on the technology, which includes a toner (powdered ink) that gets fused onto the paper because of the heat and pressure.
  2. The printing speed of the inkjet printer is around 10-20 pages per minute; for an ink tank printer, the speed is approximately 20-30 pages per minute, and a laser printer has a speed of 20-50 pages per minute.
  3. The printing quality of the inkjet is best for the text, the ink tank is suitable for both text and images, and the laser printer is excellent for printing simple graphics and text.
  4. The cost per page for an inkjet printer is moderate, an ink tank printer is low, and the laser printer is the least.
  5. An inkjet printer requires frequent maintenance, an ink tank printer requires less frequent, and a laser printer requires minor maintenance.
  6. An inkjet contributes to electric waste as the ink cartridges are difficult to recycle; the ink tank is eco-friendly and produces less waste. And in contrast, a laser printer uses eco-friendly toner cartridges that are still not disposed of properly.
  7. Inkjet is best for homes and offices, the ink tank is suitable for small homes and offices and printing high-volume documents, and a laser is excellent for printing high-volume documents and office use.
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Comparison Between Inkjet and Ink Tank and Laser

Parameter of ComparisonInkjetInk TankLaser
Printing TechnologyIt has tiny nozzles from where liquid ink is sprayed onto the paperIt has ink tanks that can be refilled, and it directly integrates into the printerIt has toner (powdered ink) that gets fused onto the paper because of the heat and pressure
Print Speed10-20 pages per minute20-30 pages per minute20-50 pages per minute
Print QualityBest for textSuitable for both text and imagesExcellent for simple graphics and text
Cost per PageModerateLowLeast
MaintenanceFrequentLess frequentMinimal
Environmental ImpactContributes to electric waste as the ink cartridges are difficult to recycleEco-friendly and produces less waste, but it doesn’t have proper disposalUse toner cartridges which is recyclable but still contribute towards electric waste
Ideal ForSmall offices or homes used to print photos  Small office, home, high volume text documentsPrinting large volumes of documents, office use
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About Author

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.