Loan Payment Table Generator

loan payment table generator 662598
  • Enter your loan amount, interest rate, loan term, and any extra payment (optional).
  • Click "Generate Table" to calculate the loan payment schedule.
  • Your loan payment schedule will be displayed in the table below.
  • You can also see a chart representing the principal and interest payments over time.
  • Use the "Clear" button to reset the table and chart.
  • Use the "Copy" button to copy the payment table to your clipboard.
Calculation History

    A Loan Payment Table Generator is a digital tool designed to provide a comprehensive overview of loan payments over time. This tool simplifies the complex calculations involved in loan management, providing users with clear and concise information regarding their loan amortization, the distribution of payments between principal and interest, and the remaining balance over the life of a loan. It’s instrumental for borrowers, financial planners, and loan officers in making informed financial decisions.

    Concept and Calculations

    Understanding Loan Amortization

    Loan amortization is the process of paying off a debt over time through regular payments. A portion of each payment is for the interest, and the remaining amount is applied towards the principal balance. Initially, a larger portion of each payment is for the interest, but as the loan matures, the portion allocated to the principal increases.

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    Key Formulae

    1. Monthly Payment Calculation: The formula for calculating the monthly payment on an amortizing loan is: M = P[r(1 + r)^n] / [(1 + r)^n – 1] where:
      • M is the total monthly mortgage payment.
      • P is the principal loan amount.
      • r is the monthly interest rate. This is your annual interest rate divided by 12.
      • n is your number of payments (the number of months you will be paying the loan).
    2. Calculating Interest and Principal Components: In each period, the interest payment is calculated by multiplying the remaining balance by the interest rate per period. The principal payment is the total payment minus the interest payment.
    3. Remaining Balance Calculation: The remaining balance at any point is calculated by subtracting the cumulative principal payments from the original loan amount.

    Benefits of Using a Loan Payment Table Generator

    Clear Financial Planning

    The tool provides a clear schedule of payments, helping borrowers understand how each payment affects their loan balance and interest paid over time. This aids in effective financial planning and budgeting.

    Informed Decision Making

    With a detailed breakdown of the amortization process, borrowers can make informed decisions, like whether making extra payments would be beneficial or how different loan terms might affect the total interest paid.


    Manual calculations, especially for complex loans like mortgages, can be time-consuming and prone to error. A Loan Payment Table Generator automates these calculations, saving time and reducing errors.

    Comparison of Loan Offers

    Borrowers can use this tool to compare different loan offers, understanding how variations in interest rates and loan terms can impact their payments and total interest over the life of the loan.

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    Interesting Facts

    • Early Loans and Amortization: The concept of amortization has been around for centuries, with early forms of amortizing loans being used in medieval Europe.
    • Impact of Extra Payments: Even a small extra payment towards the principal can significantly reduce the total interest paid and the loan’s term.
    • Loan Amortization in Different Cultures: Different cultures have unique approaches to loans and interest, impacting how loan amortization is viewed and calculated globally.


    A Loan Payment Table Generator is more than just a tool; it’s a financial planning ally. It demystifies the complexities of loan amortization, providing transparency and empowering users to make informed decisions. Its significance is evident in its widespread use by individuals and professionals alike, proving that understanding your loan in detail can lead to more confident and sound financial choices.

    1. “The Mathematics of Amortized Loans.” Journal of Financial Education.
    2. “Consumer Finance and the Amortization of Debt.” Journal of Money, Credit and Banking.
    3. “Financial Literacy and the Success of Small Businesses: An Observation from a Small Business Development Center.” Numerica: A Journal of Financial Literacy.
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    About Author

    Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.