Punjabi vs Gurumukhi: Difference and Comparison

Many people are of thought that Punjabi is a language and Gurumukhi is one more language in which Guru Granth Sahib is composed.

Key Takeaways

  1. Punjabi is a language spoken in the Punjab region, while Gurumukhi is a script used to write Punjabi and other languages.
  2. Gurumukhi is an abugida script, meaning each character represents a consonant with an inherent vowel, while separate symbols represent vowels.
  3. While Gurumukhi is the primary script used to write Punjabi, the language can also be written in other scripts like Shahmukhi.

Punjabi vs Gurumukhi

Punjabi is a language that is spoken by over 100 million people around the world, primarily in the Punjab region of India and Pakistan. It is an Indo-Aryan language that is closely related to Hindi and Urdu. Gurumukhi is a script that is used to write the Punjabi language. It was developed in the 16th century by the Sikh Guru, Guru Angad Dev, who used to write Punjabi before Gurumukhi.

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Punjabi is a language so profoundly advanced with a style that it has procured the situation with the 11th most mainstream language in the world.

Gurmukhi is the Sikh language of supplication wherein the Guru Granth Sahib is composed. “Gurmukhi” signifies “of the master’s mouth.” The second Sikh Master, Angad Dev, accentuated perusing sacred text day by day.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonPunjabiGurumukhi
MeaningPunjabi is a language. Gurumukhi isn’t a language, it is the content that is the way the Punjabi is composed, actually like Devnagri being the content of Hindi.
OriginPunjabi is gotten from the Gurumukhi script.Gurumukhi is abugida gotten from the Brahmi script normalized continuously Guru of the Sikhs.
LimitationPunjabi is composed additionally like the Hindi and Urdu scripts.The Sikhs who communicate in Punjabi for the most part compose it in the Gurumukhi script.
SpreadPunjabi is spoken by 44% of the number of inhabitants in Pakistan and 3 per cent of the all-out populace in India.Gurumukhi is the most broadly utilized content to compose Punjabi in India.
ScopePunjabi is a language in the gurumukhi script.Anything that the master talks are Gurmukhi, regardless of whether it’s Punjabi, Farsi, Arabic and so on.

What is Punjabi?

Punjabi language, Punjabi likewise spelt Panjabi, perhaps the most communicated in Indo-Aryan dialects. The old British spelling “Punjabi” stays in more normal general utilization than the scholastically exact “Panjabi.”

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It is an advanced Indo-Aryan language spoken basically in the Punjab conditions of the two India and Pakistan. It nearly resembles Hindi and Urdu.

There are likewise significant abroad networks of Punjabi speakers, especially in Canada and the United Kingdom—wherein in the mid-21st century, they separately established the third and fourth biggest phonetic gatherings in the public populaces—just as in a few pieces of the United States.

In disdain of Punjabi’s extremely enormous quantities of speakers and rich customs of mainstream verse, the normalization of the language was verifiably restrained by the absence of true acknowledgement just as by the distinctive social inclinations of the three primary nearby strict networks of Muslims, Hindus, and Sikhs.


What is Gurumukhi?

In India, Punjabi is written in the unmistakable Gurmukhi script, which is especially connected with the Sikhs.

That content is an individual from the Indic group of contents, composed from left to right, however, in its association, it contrasts essentially with the Devanagari used to compose Hindi.

Punjabi is additionally composed utilizing Urdu and Hindi content. In opposition to another prevalent view, Guru Ji didn’t create Gurmukhi without any preparation; he changed the Landa script.

If one peruses that piece of Guru Granth Sahib, which is known as Patti, one tracks down that this Gurbani composed by the principal Guru Ji specifies the letters of Gurmukhi by similar names as we probably are aware of them today.

Main Differences between Punjabi and Gurumukhi

  1. Punjabi is spoken by 44% of the number of inhabitants in Pakistan and 3 per cent of the all-out populace in India while Gurumukhi is the most broadly utilized content to compose Punjabi in India.
  2. Punjabi is a language in gurumukhi script though anything that the master talks are Gurmukhi, regardless of whether it’s Punjabi, Farsi, Pashto, Arabic and so on.
  1. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/7014740/
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Last Updated : 17 August, 2023

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25 thoughts on “Punjabi vs Gurumukhi: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The article’s coverage of Punjabi and Gurumukhi is extensive and intellectually enriching. It delves deep into the historical context and unique features of both, offering valuable insights into their roles and significance.

    • Completely agree, Wright. This article provides a well-researched and detailed exploration of Punjabi and Gurumukhi, making it an essential reading for those interested in linguistic studies.

  2. The detailed comparison and historical insights in the article make it an invaluable piece for anyone interested in Punjabi and Gurumukhi. It’s a commendable resource on the subject.

    • I found the article’s in-depth analysis of Punjabi and Gurumukhi to be highly informative. It’s a testament to the research and expertise behind it.

    • Absolutely, Joe. The article’s comprehensive approach to dissecting Punjabi and Gurumukhi makes it an excellent resource for linguistic enthusiasts.

  3. The detailed content in the article serves as a valuable source of knowledge on Punjabi and Gurumukhi. The historical background and comparison table were particularly enlightening.

    • I found the historical context and the detailed comparison to be the highlights of the article. It’s an informative piece on Punjabi and Gurumukhi.

    • I absolutely agree, Amy. The article’s detailed exploration of Punjabi and Gurumukhi offers readers a comprehensive understanding of their relationship.

  4. The article offers an insightful comparison of Punjabi as a language and Gurumukhi as a script, revealing their key differences and origins. It’s a valuable resource for those looking to understand the nuances of each system.

    • I share your perspective, Ujackson. The article effectively covers the essential aspects of Punjabi and Gurumukhi, making it a worthwhile read for linguistic enthusiasts.

    • I agree, the article is an excellent reference for gaining an in-depth understanding of Punjabi and Gurumukhi. It provides a comprehensive overview of both systems.

  5. The article effectively presents the distinctive features of Punjabi as a language and Gurumukhi as a script. It’s a fascinating read with valuable insights about both systems.

    • Absolutely, the depth of information in the article is commendable. It’s an enriching resource on the differences between Punjabi and Gurumukhi.

    • I share your sentiment, Joanne. The article provides a thorough examination of Punjabi and Gurumukhi, shedding light on their significance and usage.

  6. The comprehensive explanation of Punjabi and Gurumukhi in the article is beneficial for those looking to understand their differences. The details on the script’s origin and purpose are particularly intriguing.

    • Absolutely, Williams. The article’s insights into how Gurumukhi came to be and its significance in writing Punjabi are enlightening.

    • I agree with you both. The coverage of Punjabi and Gurumukhi in the article is extensive and enlightening, offering a well-rounded understanding of the topic.

  7. The article provides a well-researched explanation of Punjabi and Gurumukhi, highlighting their significance and usage. It’s a valuable resource for those interested in linguistic studies.

    • I couldn’t agree more, James. This article is an excellent reference for understanding the differences between Punjabi and Gurumukhi in detail.

  8. The comparison of Punjabi and Gurumukhi in the article is clear and educational. I appreciated the historical context provided and the breakdown of the two in the comparison table.

    • Yes, I found the comparison table to be very helpful in understanding the fundamental differences between Punjabi and Gurumukhi. It’s a comprehensive guide.

    • I agree, Anderson. The table made it easier to grasp the distinctions. The article is a great resource on this topic.

  9. The article is informative about the unique script of Gurmukhi and its association with the Sikh community as well. It’s good to see such valuable information available for readers.

  10. The article provided detailed information on the difference between Punjabi and Gurumukhi, including the number of people who speak Punjabi and the Guru’s role in developing Gurumukhi. It is well-sourced and very informative.

    • I completely agree with you, Lucy. The article did a great job of explaining the background and context of the Punjabi language and Gurumukhi script.


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