Single Use Plan vs Standing Plan: Difference and Comparison

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Key Takeaways

  1. Single-use plans are developed for specific and temporary situations or goals, such as projects, events, or budgets. They are used once and are not intended to be ongoing or repeated.
  2. Standing plans, on the other hand, are ongoing plans that provide guidance and direction for repetitive or routine activities within an organization. They include policies, procedures, and rules that establish consistent practices.
  3. Single-use plans are time-bound and expire once the specific situation or goal is achieved. Standing plans remain in effect until they are revised or updated to reflect changes in the organization’s needs or external factors.

What is a Single Use Plan?

The single-use plan is a technique used to solve a specific one-time situation. This kind of strategy can not be used repeatedly. They are created to achieve a unique goal. They become worthless after they serve their purpose once. They are also known as ‘Specific Plans.’

The length of single-use plans can vary depending on the goal. The goal can be achieved in one day or take weeks or months. The benefit of a single-use plan is that it can be distinct and precise as it is made for a particular situation. The single-use plan strategy maximizes the efficiency of the process, and it also minimizes the cost of the operation. The average level of management prepares these types of plans. And for every new problem, a new plan is created.

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There are three types of single-use plans – Programs, projects, and budgets. For example, a single plan is created to achieve a one-time goal in a program. In a project, a set of plans are created to attain a one-time goal, and a single budget cannot be used every year, so a new budget is developed yearly.

What is a Standing Plan?                                                                             

The standing plan is a strategy created to manage regular activities or events. They are meant to be used again and again repeatedly for recurring common problems. This technique is flexible and can be used for a long period. They are also known as multiple-use plans or repeated-use plans.

The standing plan is created once and can be adjusted and modified according to the need without creating a new one for different issues. This plan improves the efficiency of affairs, which requires periodic decision-making. They have remarkable benefits in overcoming weak management. These plans are stable and ensure the business’s smooth running and internal operations. Top-level managers prepare the standing plan and involve more than one department.

The five essential aspects of the standing plan are – Policies which include employee evaluations, Objectives that are targeted to be accomplished, Procedure that is actions set out to be followed in certain circumstances, Rules for employees’ manners and behavior; and Methods, i.e., standard way of doing repetitive jobs. Some examples of a standing plan are hiring policies, employee interaction policies, and procedures for reporting issues or complaints to human resources.

Difference Between Single Use Plan and Standing Plan

  1. A single-use plan accomplishes a specific goal, whereas a standing plan manages regular activities.
  2. A Single-use plan can be used only once, whereas a standing plan can be used repeatedly.
  3. A Single-use plan is prepared by middle-level management, whereas a standing plan is prepared by top-level management.
  4. Single-use plans are made for a short period, whereas standing plans are made for a long period.
  5. The Single-use plan only helps fix a one-time problem, whereas the standing plan ensures the smooth running of the business.
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Comparison Between Single Use Plan and Standing Plan

Parameters of ComparisonSingle Use PlanStanding Plan
DefinitionIt is used to solve a specific one-time situationPeriod
NatureIt can be used only onceIt can be used multiple times
Formulated      They are prepared by middle-level managementThey are prepared by top-level management
It only fixes a one-time problemShort TermLong Term
ObjectivesOnly fixes a one-time problemEnsures the smooth running of the business
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About Author

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.