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  • Enter the mass and volume for your substance.
  • Select the appropriate units for mass and volume.
  • Click "Calculate Density" to calculate the density.
  • Your result will be displayed below.
  • Keep track of your calculations in the history section.
  • Click "Clear Inputs" to reset the input fields.

Detailed Calculation and Explanation

Calculation History

    A density calculator is a tool that helps you calculate the density of an object or substance. Density is defined as the mass of an object per unit volume. In this article, we will discuss the concepts, formulae, benefits, and interesting facts about density calculators.


    Density is a fundamental concept in physics and chemistry. It is defined as the mass of an object per unit volume. The formula for calculating density is:

    density = mass / volume


    • density is the density of the object
    • mass is the mass of the object
    • volume is the volume of the object
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    The formula for calculating the density of an object is:

    density = mass / volume


    • density is the density of the object
    • mass is the mass of the object
    • volume is the volume of the object


    Density calculators offer several benefits, including:

    • Convenience: Density calculators can save you time and effort by performing complex calculations quickly and accurately.
    • Accuracy: Density calculators are very accurate, as they use sophisticated mathematical algorithms to perform their calculations.
    • Versatility: Density calculators can be used to calculate the density of a wide range of objects and substances, including liquids, gases, and solids.
    • Educational: Density calculators can be used as an educational tool to teach students about the concept of density and how it is calculated.

    Interesting Facts

    • The density of an object can be used to determine whether it will float or sink in a fluid.
    • The density of water is 1 gram per cubic centimeter.
    • The density of air is approximately 1.2 kilograms per cubic meter.
    • The density of the Earth is approximately 5.52 grams per cubic centimeter.
    • The density of the Sun is approximately 1.41 grams per cubic centimeter.

    Here are some scholarly references that you may find useful:

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    By Emma Smith

    Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.