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The NPC, or National Physique Committee of the USA, Inc., is the United States of America’s IFBB Professional League affiliate. This league hosts a variety of bodybuilding events that have been well-received and supported by a large number of people.

Because of the training and dedication that these tournaments demand, many people have dedicated their lives to participating in the events organised by them.

There are a variety of categories in the league, but the bikini and figure competitions are the two most popular among the many.

According to what people have heard, there doesn’t seem to be much of a difference between the two competitions, which is the reason why some people have trouble telling them apart.

It is preferable to define each competition to understand the major distinctions between these two competitions.

Key Takeaways

  1. Figure Competition focuses on a more muscular and toned physique, while Bikini Competition emphasizes a curvier and softer look.
  2. Figure Competition requires intense training and strict dieting to build muscle and reduce body fat, while Bikini Competition focuses more on maintaining a fit and healthy body.
  3. Figure Competition involves posing routines that showcase the competitor’s muscle definition, while Bikini Competition requires more emphasis on the overall presentation, including stage presence and personality.

Figure Competition vs Bikini Competition

The difference between figure competition and bikini competition is that figure Competition is all about toned muscles, a tanned body and overall posture. However, in bikini completion, along with a healthy body, attire, presentation, makeup, skin tone, and complexion also holds a lot of importance. The women competing in figure competitions do not put on heavy makeup or high heels. Rather the women competing in bikini competitions are bound to put on high heels and makeup too.

Figure Competition vs Bikini Competition

The female competitors who compete in figure competition possess prominent muscles. Here, in this competition, the overall muscles and body proportions are taken into account.

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In this competition, more emphasis is put on the shapely lines with overall muscle tone. Makeup is not a key factor in this competition, and wearing heels is not important as well.

Here in this competition, what women wear is not important at all. The marking criteria also depend upon the competitor’s body posture.

The women competitors who compete in bikini competitions possess much fewer muscles than those who are interested in a figure competition. Here in this competition, a flowy and beach kind of look is highly in demand, where no muscle sticks out more than the other muscle.

In this competition, physical appearance matters. Factors like complexion, skin tone and overall presentation matter. In this competition, makeup holds importance. However, wearing long heels is also mandatory.

Here, the way women present themselves in front of the audience is important. The casualty in the same can lead to failure.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonFigure CompetitionBikini Competition
MusclesWomen possess prominent muscles.Women possess comparatively fewer muscles.
EmphasisShapely lines and overall muscle tone.Skin tone, complexion and overall presentation.
PostureOverall muscle mass is considered.Flowy and a beach kind of look is preferred.
Make-upMake-up or wearing heels is not a key factor.Make-up is needed. Long heels are mandatory.
Marking criteriaAttire is not important. Body posture is.Attire and presentation are equally important as other factors.

What is Figure Competition?

Competitors wear high heels and a two-piece posing suit. Isn’t it entertaining? A lot of finance and work was put into these suits. However, they’re customised and are bedazzled with the help of gems and rhinestones.

The IFBB refers to the high heels as a “classic stiletto pump,” while the rest of the audience refers to them as “stripper heels” with a 5-inch heel. Jewellery gets a thumbs up as a part of its overall appearance and presentation.

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At the time of the judging rounds, the female contestants walk to the centre of the stage. Then they do quarter turns and finally face the judges before moving to one side of the stage. In a comparison round, all the women get lined up to do quarter turns. There’s no need to stress!

figure competition

What is Bikini Competition?

This group is for ladies who maintain a healthy lifestyle and eat well. The overall balance, shape, and proportions of the body, as well as a healthy appearance and body tone, are all taken into account.

Doing high-intensity weight training or building firm, lean muscles is unnecessary. The emphasis is put on a model-like, well-shaped, healthy, fit, and beautiful appearance.

High heels are necessary for women competing in bikini competitions. However, jewellery is also permitted. Posing costumes can be purchased off the shelf, but they are expected to be in “good taste.” Competitors who don’t have proper attire are cautioned, and their scores may suffer as a result.

bikini competition

Main Differences Between Figure Competition and Bikini Competition

  1. The women competing in figure competitions possess many prominent muscles; however, the women competing in bikini competitions possess comparatively fewer muscles.
  2. For figure competition, the overall muscle mass is taken into account. However, a flowy and beach look is preferred for a bikini competition, where no muscle sticks out more than the other.
  3. In figure competition, the emphasis is given to the shapely lines and overall muscle tone. However, in a bikini competition, physical appearance matters, like skin tone, complexion and overall presentation.
  4. In the case of figure competition, makeup is not a key factor or wearing heels is important. However, in a bikini competition, makeup have importance and wearing long heels is mandatory.
  5. In figure competition, what you wear is not important. You are marked according to your body posture. However, in a bikini competition, the way you present yourself in front of the audience is important and a casualty in which can lead to failure.
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By Emma Smith

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.