14 SEER vs 15 SEER: Difference and Comparison

Energy saving in the air conditioner is taken into consideration these days. The important thing to rely on is the size of your new air conditioning system.

There are different types of AC units that you can use in your home, the most common one is split-type AC which is either 14-seer or 15-seer.

Key Takeaways

  1. SEER stands for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio, which measures an air conditioning system’s efficiency.
  2. A 15 SEER air conditioner is more energy-efficient than a 14 SEER unit.
  3. Higher SEER ratings lead to lower energy costs but may have a higher initial purchase price.

14 Seer vs 15 Seer

The difference between the 14 Seer and 15 Seer is that the 14 Seer air conditioner is less energy efficient, meaning that it will cost you more money to cool a room of 150 sq ft. The 15 Seer air conditioner energy consumption will be able to cool space for less money.

14 Seer vs 15 Seer

14 Seer stands for 14 (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio), a seasonal energy efficiency ratio rating. It is calculated over 10 years and indicates how well the system delivers cooling or heating over one year.

It is a popular unit of volume used in refrigeration and air-conditioning.

15 Seer also stands for 15 (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio). Because of the higher ratings, which means more energy will be converted into cooling instead of wasted heat.

The cooling capacity at a given outdoor temperature, taking into account the cooling capacity of the central air conditioner, the ambient temperature, and humidity.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of Comparison14 SEER15 SEER
Meaning14 SEER is a temperature rating of a central air conditioning system. The central air conditioner is the part of your system that helps keep your home cool during hot summer months.15 SEER air conditioner is a product with high efficiency. It was developed for a more powerful, more energy-efficient, and more environmentally friendly cooling system.
FeaturesSingle-stage compressors,dual-speed fan motors, and insulated aluminum fins all contribute to a unit’s ability to keep your home cool.It consists of an evaporator coil, blower, ductwork, and registers to distribute conditioned air throughout your home.
Usage Area14 SEER units are most commonly used in single family homes because of their average size and energy efficiency.15 SEER air conditioners are more suited for commercial buildings because they’re more powerful than units with lower seers and can handle large areas.
Noise LevelA 14 SEER unit has an average noise level of 60 decibels. A 15 SEER unit produces an average noise level of 67 decibels.
EfficiencyA 14 SEER air conditioner removes 85% of the humidity from the air in your home and is 67% more efficient than a standard 10 SEER unit.The 15 SEER air conditioner removes 83% of the humidity from the air in your home and is 69% more efficient than a standard 10 SEER unit.
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What is 14 SEER ?

14 SEER Heating and Air Conditioning System is the most common central air conditioning and heating system type. The system includes a compressor, condenser coil, fan, and an outdoor unit.

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The outdoor unit contains the compressor and condenser coils, while the indoor unit contains a fan and evaporator coils. These coils have different sizes and shapes depending on the type of system used.

14 seer air conditioners are used in central air conditioning systems in most homes and businesses. A 14-seer system is also known as a 2-ton unit.

The system has two compressors: one to run the air handler (the device that distributes conditioned air throughout your home) and one to run the condenser, which pumps heat out of the house to dissipate into the atmosphere. For every ton of cooling capacity, a seer unit adds 14 degrees Fahrenheit, 32 degrees Celsius, or 1.4 kilograms per square centimeter of pressure to a room.

What is 15 SEER?

15-SEER can be applied to both central air conditioning systems and heat pumps. It measures how much energy an air conditioner or heat pump uses in cooling or heating compared to the amount of energy it puts out.

A 15 SEER system works by exchanging heat between indoor and outdoor air via an air handler, which is similar to an air conditioner except that it has no compressor or condenser coil. It consists of an evaporator coil, blower, ductwork, and registers to distribute conditioned air throughout your home.

Heat is transferred from the warm indoor air to cool outdoor air through the evaporator coil. This 15-seer heat pump is a unit that is defined to have a cooling capacity of 15 Btuh/watt at an outdoor design temperature of 95ºF.

The specific definition of a 15 seer is that the unit must perform at the listed rating when cooled to 95ºF with 35ºF outdoor air.

Main Differences Between 14 SEER and 15 SEER

  1. 14 Seer air conditioners can cool a house that is 1,500 square feet. A 15 Seer air conditioner can cool a house that is up to 1,800 square feet.
  2. A 14-seer system runs at approximately 1360 BTUs per hour, while a 15-seer system runs at approximately 1400 BTUs per hour.
  3. 15 seer air conditioner will be more energy-efficient than a 14-seer air conditioner because it will use less energy to provide the same amount of cooling.
  4. A 14-seer (1.5-ton) air conditioning unit means that it can cool approximately 1.5 tons in an hour. On the other hand, a 15-seer (1.5-ton) air conditioning unit can cool approximately 1.8 tons in an hour.
  5. The average lifespan of a 14-seer air conditioner is longer than that of a 15-seer air conditioner.
  1. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2213138815000442
  2. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0378778817334801

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About Author

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.