Ace Inhibitor vs Beta Blocker: Difference and Comparison

Ace inhibitors and Beta blockers are drugs that doctors prescribe to patients with high blood pressure. They work by reducing the workload of your heart, thereby lowering blood pressure levels.

Ace Inhibitors are effective for people who have a history of angina or chest pain, while Beta Blockers are more suitable for those who don’t suffer from these symptoms.

Key Takeaways

  1. ACE inhibitor lowers blood pressure by blocking the production of angiotensin II, while beta-blockers lower blood pressure by blocking the action of adrenaline.
  2. ACE inhibitor is more effective in treating heart failure, while beta-blocker is more effective in treating angina.
  3. ACE inhibitor has a lower risk of causing side effects such as fatigue and depression than beta-blocker.

Ace Inhibitor vs Beta Blocker

Ace Inhibitors lower the blood pressure by relaxing blood vessels in the body, while Beta Blockers mainly lower the heart rate but also lower the blood pressure. Side effects of ace inhibitors are dry cough, dizziness and confusion, and that of beta blockers is constipation, insomnia, etc.

Ace Inhibitor vs Beta Blocker

Ace Inhibitors are drugs that doctors prescribe to patients with high blood pressure. They work by reducing the workload of your heart, thereby lowering blood pressure levels.

Ace Inhibitors are effective for people who have a history of angina or chest pain, while Beta Blockers are more suitable for those who don’t suffer from these symptoms. Beta-Blocker drugs are made up of a group of medicines that decrease the workload on your heart and help lower high blood pressure.

People who have a history of angina or chest pain are prescribed an Ace Inhibitor, but Beta Blockers can also be used for those with no previous symptoms.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonAce InhibitorBeta-Blocker
DefinitionAce inhibitors are drugs that work in the kidney to help control high blood pressure by reducing swelling and fluid retention.Beta-blockers, or beta-adrenergic blocking agents, refers to a class of drugs that compete with epinephrine for binding at the beta-adrenergic receptors in the heart, slow down and reduce a person’s heartbeat.
UsesThe ace inhibitor is used to treat high cholesterol, coronary artery disease (CAD), angina pectoris, other conditions.The beta-blocker is used primarily in a person with high blood pressure, either as an adjunct therapy or alone.
Mechanism of actionThe ace inhibitor works by blocking the substance (angiotensin II) which causes vasoconstriction and increased levels of aldosterone and other hormones that cause the kidneys to retain water.The beta-blocker works by blocking one of the substances (beta-adrenergic receptor agonists) from binding to receptors on cells in specific areas of your body that are responsible for raising your blood pressure.
TreatmentAce Inhibitor treats the body’s production of a substance called angiotensin II which causes vasoconstriction and increased levels of aldosterone and other hormones that cause the kidneys to retain water.Beta-blocker is a medication that treats high blood pressure, chest pain (angina), heart rhythm problems (arrhythmias) and other conditions.
Duration of actionThe ACE inhibitor has an extended-lasting effect.The beta-blocker will only last for the length of time that you take it.
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What is Ace Inhibitor?

Ace Inhibitors work by reducing the workload of your heart and lower blood pressure. They are used for people who have a history of angina or chest pain but can also be prescribed to individuals without these symptoms with careful consideration from their doctor.

Ace Inhibitors, like Captopril and Lisinopril, can be prescribed to people with high blood pressure. They work by slowing down the process of converting a substance called angiotensin I into another chemical that makes it harder for your heart to pump blood.

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This can reduce chest pain as well as lower your chances of developing a heart attack. Ace Inhibitors are recommended for people who have high blood pressure.

They can help to reduce chest pain and decrease the chance of a heart attack developing. Side effects from Ace Inhibitors may include nausea, headache, dizziness, fainting or lightheadedness upon standing up, and difficulty breathing.

Ace inhibitors work by preventing a chemical called angiotensin II from binding to its receptors in the body. This makes it easier for your muscles to relax, which can lower your blood pressure as well as decrease how much strain is on the walls of your arteries.

ace inhibitor

What is Beta Blocker?

Beta Blockers, which are made up of Carvedilol, Metoprolol, and Propranolol, work by blocking the effect of hormones like adrenaline on your heart. This makes it easier for you to breathe as it relaxes your airways, decreases the workload of your heart, and can help lower high blood pressure or angina symptoms.

Beta-blockers are drugs that work to slow down or block the process of converting a substance called angiotensin II into another chemical that makes it harder for your heart to pump blood. They do this by slowing this conversion, reducing chest pain as well as lowering your chances of developing a heart attack.

Beta-Blockers like Atenolol and Nadroparin work by blocking the effect of adrenaline on your heart. This can make it easier to relax, so they are used for people with a panic disorder or hyperactivity as well as anxiety-related chest pain.

They also have benefits in treating angina, high blood pressure, and other heart-related conditions. Side effects from Beta-Blockers may include dizziness, lightheadedness upon standing up, fatigue or tiredness, feeling cold when others feel hot in warm weather (cold extremities), a slow heart rate that can limit exercise tolerance, sleep problems such as insomnia or daytime drowsiness, depression or mood swings.

beta blocker

Main Differences Between Ace Inhibitor and Beta Blocker

  1. They work in different ways to control heart rate and blood pressure.
  2. Ace inhibitors reduce the risk of stroke and death from a new MI, while Beta-blockers are prescribed for hypertension or other cardiac conditions, like angina (chest pain).
  3. They also have different side effects, that as Ace inhibitors can lead to dry coughs, while beta-blockers can lead to lightheadedness or dizziness.
  4. The ace inhibitor is a prescription drug, but a beta-blocker is not.
  5. The ace inhibitor is taken orally, while beta-blockers are administered by injection.
Difference Between Ace Inhibitor and Beta Blocker

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About Author

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.