ALS vs BLS: Difference and Comparison

ALS and BLS are two significant types of support systems in case of any medical emergency. Both are life-supporting systems; the difference is that one aims to give primary treatment, and the other seeks to provide advanced treatment.

Key Takeaways

  1. ALS stands for Advanced Life Support, a level of emergency medical care that includes invasive procedures and advanced equipment. In contrast, BLS stands for Basic Life Support, a level of emergency medical care that includes basic procedures and equipment.
  2. ALS is provided by paramedics and other advanced medical professionals, while emergency medical technicians and other basic medical professionals provide BLS.
  3. ALS is used for patients with more serious medical conditions, while BLS is used for patients with less serious medical conditions.


ALS (Advanced Life Support) is a more advanced level of medical care than BLS (Basic Life Support), which includes advanced medical procedures such as intubation and defibrillation. BLS focuses on basic life support measures like CPR and using an AED.

BLS is non-invasive, which means that the technicians in a BLS ambulance cannot perform any surgery or medical treatments requiring needles and other instruments that make cuts and cannot provide any severe medicines. On the other hand, the technicians in an ALS ambulance can perform any surgery or medical treatments.


ALS is the short form of advanced life support. An ALS provider can use injections and medicines of high doses for a patient as basic first aid.

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An advanced mechanism technician in the ambulance has an ALS provider. ALS provides advanced care for patients in critical conditions.

The technicians in a BLS ambulance cannot perform any surgery or medical treatments.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonALSBLS
Short formALS is the short form of Advanced Life Support.BLS is the short form of Basic Life Support.
UsesThe technicians in an ALS ambulance can perform pre-authorized surgery or medical treatments.The technicians in a BLS ambulance cannot perform any surgery or medical treatments.
Number of techniciansThere are two medical technicians in a BLS ambulance.There are medical technicians as well as a paramedic.
SkillsA technician in ALS requires more training than a technician in BLS.A technician in BLS needs basic and less training compared to ALS.
EquipmentThe ambulance of the ALS provider has the equipment to support the airway, cardiac monitors, and cardiac supporting machines.The ambulance of the BLS provider does not provide the equipment to support the airway, cardiac monitors, or cardiac supporting machines.
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What is ALS?

ALS is the short form of Advanced Life Support. An ALS provider can use injections and medicines of high doses for a patient going through some medication-related severe cuts or even heart strokes as the basic first aid.

An advanced mechanism technician in the ambulance has an ALS provider. ALS provides advanced care for patients in critical conditions.

The ambulance of ALS providers has features such as equipment to support the airway, cardiac monitors, cardiac supporting machines, and a device that tests the glucose level of a patient in the ambulance.

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Medications are also carried out on board in an ALS ambulance.


What is BLS?

BLS is the short form of Basic Life Support.

Patients under the BLS treatment have common fractures, are transferred from ICU to the general ward, and must be shifted to non-emergency travel vehicles.

A BLS has two medical technicians in the ambulance for one patient to be cared for.


Main Differences Between ALS and BLS

  1. ALS is the short form of Advanced Life Support; on the other hand, BLS is the short form of Basic Life Support.
  2. The technicians in a BLS ambulance cannot perform any surgery or medical treatments requiring needles and other instruments that make cuts and cannot provide any severe medicines. On the other hand, the technicians in an ALS ambulance can perform any surgery or medical treatments.
  3. There are two medical technicians in a BLS ambulance; on the other hand, there are medical technicians and a paramedic.
  4. A technician in ALS requires more training than a technician in BLS; conversely, a technician in BLS needs basic and less movement than ALS.
  5. The ambulance of the ALS provider has the equipment to support the airway, cardiac monitors, cardiac supporting machines, and the device that tests the glucose level of a patient. In contrast, the BLS does not have all this equipment.
Difference Between ALS and BLS

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About Author

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.