Aquaculture vs Mariculture: Difference and Comparison

Aquaculture and Mariculture are both concerned with the cultivation of aquatic items under regulated circumstances.

Though both are concerned with increasing aquatic output, they vary in that one is concerned with developing fish items in freshwater resources and the other with seawater.

Key Takeaways

  1. Aquaculture is farming aquatic animals and plants in freshwater or saltwater environments, while mariculture refers specifically to farming marine organisms in saltwater environments.
  2. Aquaculture can include farming fish, crustaceans, and mollusks, while mariculture focuses on fish and other marine organisms.
  3. Mariculture is more expensive and complex than aquaculture due to the challenges of farming in marine environments.

Aquaculture vs Mariculture

Aquaculture is farming aquatic organisms, such as fish, shellfish, and aquatic plants, under controlled conditions. Mariculture is a specialized type of aquaculture that specifically refers to farming marine organisms, such as fish, shellfish, and seaweed, in marine environments.

Aquaculture vs Mariculture

Aquaculture is a subset of agricultural production that specializes in the manufacture of fish and other aquatic organisms (such as shrimp or snails) rather than cattle.

Aquaculture may, in fact, include the cultivation of aquatic plants. Many commercial enterprises concentrate on cultivating freshwater fish, although specialist facilities may also produce saltwater (marine) fish.

Mariculture is a subcategory of Aquaculture. Freshwater fish farming is possible in some mariculture businesses, although it is significantly less widespread.

It takes to happen in open water and in confined areas. Wild fish are not collected from the ocean in mariculture, yet they are farmed in it.

Mariculture is similar to aquaculture; however, it takes place in open water rather than inside containers.

Comparison Table

Parameters of comparisonAquacultureMariculture
DefinitionCultivation of freshwater and saltwater creaturesA subset of aquaculture that involves the growing of marine creatures
Origin2500 BC19th century
Water conditionsFreshwaterSeawater
Cultivated goodsCatfish, tilapia, carp, etc.,Prawns, shrimp, snapper
BenefitsImproves the number of available employment, saves fishermen timeImproved human diets, the progressive abolition of unsustainable fishing
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What is Aquaculture?

Aquaculture is the breeding, raising, and harvesting of aquatic flora and fauna in salt or freshwater for economic purposes. It is also known as the blue revolution.

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Aquaculture aids in nutrient accumulation, inhibits non-native species from fleeing into local rivers, reduces infectious diseases in aquatic life, and improves product quality.

As the consumption of seafood has grown, technology has enabled food to be grown in both coastal marine waters and the open ocean.

Aquaculture is a means of producing food and other commercial items, restoring habitat, replenishing wild stocks, and rebuilding vulnerable and endangered wildlife populations.

Aquaculture is classified into two types: marine and freshwater.

Aquaculture can take place in completely artificial establishments built on the site (nearshore aquaculture),

such as aquariums, lakes, or conduits, where the living conditions are connected to a network; in well-sheltered deep waters near the coast of a waterbody (inshore aquaculture),

where the nurturing animals are confined to comparatively more naturalistic setting; or in portions of the open sea away from the coast surrounded by walls (offshore aquaculture)

Aquaculture expands the market’s available work opportunities. It produces new items for the market and work possibilities because labour is needed to maintain the pools and collect the developed organisms.

Aquaculture also spares fishermen’s energy because they no longer need to spend their days at sea fishing. It gives them more time to pursue other economic pursuits, such as starting new firms.

This encourages entrepreneurship and opens up additional employment opportunities and job opportunities.


What is Mariculture?

Mariculture is a subset of aquaculture that involves growing marine creatures in the open ocean for food and other goods.

Mariculture aids in creating commercial food, removing toxicity from sewage water, and developing compounds for industrial, medical, and food manufacturing businesses.

Mariculture also includes the cultivation of plants such as seaweed.

These sea plant and animal species are employed in a variety of sectors, including cosmetics and jewellery, where collagen derived from seaweed is used to manufacture face treatments.

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Pearls are extracted from molluscs and used to make fashion items.

Sea ranching is a type of mariculture that is commonly employed throughout the business. Around 1974, sea ranching became popular in the sector.

When it comes to the efficacy of this method of fish production, it must be set up in the proper environment. When marine ranching is carried out in the appropriate habitat for the species

Raising marine creatures in exposed, high-energy ocean habitats away from considerable coastal influence is a relatively recent technique to mariculture.

Some thought has gone into how open ocean mariculture might work in tandem with offshore energy deployment systems like wind farms to make better use of ocean areas.

Mariculture has grown quickly over the last two decades as a result of new technology, advances in formulated feeds, a better biological knowledge of farmed species, improved water quality inside closed farm systems,

increased demand for fishery products, site development, and government involvement.


Main Differences Between Aquaculture And Mariculture

  1. Aquaculture refers to the cultivation of freshwater and saltwater creatures such as molluscs, crustaceans, and aquatic plants. Conversely, Mariculture is a subset of aquaculture that involves growing marine creatures for food and other goods in the open ocean or ponds.
  2. Aquaculture may be dated back to 2500 BC, with its origins in China, where it was originally created. Meanwhile, Kokichi Mikimoto of Japan discovered mariculture in the nineteenth century.
  3. Freshwater is associated with aquaculture. Mariculture is associated with seawater.
  4. In terms of items growing in Aquaculture, they include catfish, tilapia, carp, and salmon. While in Mariculture, they include prawns, shrimp, and snapper.
  5. Aquaculture improves the number of available employments in the marketplace, saves fishermen time by eliminating the need for them to spend most of their time at sea fishing, and provides a way of reducing the trade imbalance. Meanwhile, mariculture offers economic and environmental advantages, such as improved human diets and the progressive abolition of unsustainable fishing.
Difference Between Aquaculture And Mariculture

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About Author

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.