Bank Guarantee vs Bonds: Difference and Comparison

Bank Guarantee is a form of financial commitment issued by a bank, guaranteeing the fulfillment of a contract or payment obligation between two parties. Bonds, on the other hand, represent debt securities issued by governments or corporations to raise capital, providing fixed interest payments over a specified period.

Key Takeaways

  1. Bank guarantees are contractual agreements in which a bank ensures payment on behalf of its client if the client fails to fulfill obligations; bonds are debt securities issued by entities to raise funds, with an obligation to repay the principal and interest.
  2. Bank guarantees provide a safety net for transactions, reducing risk for the beneficiary; bonds are investment instruments that generate income for investors.
  3. Bank guarantees are contingent liabilities for banks, while bonds create debt for the issuing entity.

Bank Guarantee vs Bonds

A Bank Guarantee is a written agreement between a bank and a customer, where the bank commits to make payment to a third party if the customer fails to fulfill a contractual obligation. Bonds are debt securities issued by corporations, governments, and other entities to raise capital.

Bank Guarantee vs Bonds

A Bank Guarantee is given along with a loan as a provision that if the borrower fails to repay the amount, the bank will cover the losses. At the same time, a Bond acts as a surety against one of the parties who agree to break it.

Bank Guarantees, also known as a letter of credit, ensure that payments between the seller and buyer go smoothly, whereas Bonds, also known as surety bonds, protect the parties from the risk of broken contracts.


Comparison Table

Bank Guarantee vs. Bonds

FeatureBank GuaranteeBond
Definitionpromise by a bank to fulfill a financial obligation if the primary party fails to do sodebt instrument issued by an entity (government, corporation) to borrow money from investors
Issued byBanksGovernments, corporations, and sometimes even large institutions
PurposeTo provide security to a third party (beneficiary) in a transactionTo raise capital for the issuing entity
GuaranteeBank guarantees payment if the primary party defaultsNo guarantee of repayment, but investors receive interest payments and the principal amount at maturity
RiskLower risk for the beneficiary, higher risk for the bank (if the primary party defaults)Higher risk for investors, as they are not guaranteed repayment
CostBank charges a fee for the guaranteeInvestors purchase bonds at a certain price and receive interest payments and the principal amount at maturity
ExamplesUsed in international trade, rental agreements, construction contractsUsed to raise funds for infrastructure projects, corporate expansion, etc.
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What is Bank Guarantee?

Definition and Purpose:

A bank guarantee is a financial instrument provided by a bank on behalf of a customer, promising to cover a specific amount of money to a beneficiary if the customer fails to fulfill their contractual or financial obligations. This guarantee serves as a form of assurance to the beneficiary, ensuring that they will receive compensation in case of default by the customer.

Types of Bank Guarantees:

Bank guarantees come in various forms, tailored to meet different business needs and requirements:

  1. Payment Guarantee: This type of guarantee ensures that the beneficiary will receive payment for goods or services rendered by the customer if the customer fails to make the payment as per the agreed terms.
  2. Performance Guarantee: Performance guarantees are issued to guarantee the completion of a project or fulfillment of contractual obligations by the customer. If the customer fails to deliver as promised, the beneficiary can claim compensation under the guarantee.
  3. Bid Bond: Bid bonds are commonly used in the procurement process, where bidders provide guarantees to demonstrate their commitment to entering into a contract if awarded. If the winning bidder fails to proceed with the contract, the bid bond ensures that the beneficiary receives compensation for any losses incurred.
  4. Advance Payment Guarantee: In certain transactions, customers may receive advance payments from beneficiaries. An advance payment guarantee ensures that the customer will fulfill their obligations and repay the advance amount if they fail to perform as agreed.
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Process of Obtaining a Bank Guarantee:

  1. Application: The customer seeking the bank guarantee submits a formal application to their bank, detailing the type and amount of guarantee required, as well as the terms and conditions of the underlying contract.
  2. Assessment and Approval: The bank evaluates the customer’s creditworthiness and assesses the risks associated with issuing the guarantee. Once satisfied, the bank approves the request and determines the fees and charges applicable.
  3. Issuance: Upon approval, the bank issues the guarantee document, outlining the terms and conditions, including the expiry date, maximum liability amount, and beneficiary details. The beneficiary is notified of the issuance of the guarantee, providing them with the necessary assurance.
  4. Monitoring and Closure: Throughout the validity period of the guarantee, the bank monitors the customer’s performance and ensures compliance with the terms of the guarantee. Upon completion of the underlying transaction or expiration of the guarantee, the bank releases any collateral held and closes the guarantee.
bank guarantee

What are Bonds?

Definition and Purpose:

Bonds are fixed-income securities issued by governments, municipalities, or corporations to raise capital. Essentially, bonds represent a loan made by an investor to the issuer. In return, the issuer promises to repay the principal amount (the face value or par value) at a specified maturity date, along with periodic interest payments (coupon payments) paid semi-annually. Bonds serve various purposes, including financing infrastructure projects, funding government operations, or raising capital for corporate expansion.

Types of Bonds:

  1. Government Bonds: Issued by national governments, government bonds are considered one of the safest investment options due to the backing of the issuing government’s credit. They can include Treasury bonds, Treasury notes, and Treasury bills in the United States, or government bonds issued by other countries.
  2. Municipal Bonds: Municipalities issue municipal bonds to finance public projects such as schools, roads, and utilities. These bonds are exempt from federal income tax and, in some cases, state and local taxes, making them attractive to investors seeking tax-exempt income.
  3. Corporate Bonds: Corporations issue corporate bonds to raise capital for various purposes, including expansion, acquisitions, or debt refinancing. Corporate bonds offer higher yields compared to government bonds but carry higher credit risk depending on the issuer’s financial health.
  4. Agency Bonds: Issued by government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs) or federal agencies, agency bonds include securities such as those issued by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, or Ginnie Mae in the United States. These bonds carry implicit or explicit guarantees from the issuing agency or government entity.

Characteristics of Bonds:

  1. Maturity: Bonds have a specified maturity date, ranging from short-term (less than one year) to long-term (over 30 years). The maturity determines the duration of the bond and when the principal amount will be repaid to investors.
  2. Coupon Rate: The coupon rate, also known as the interest rate, represents the fixed annual interest payment as a percentage of the bond’s face value. Investors receive periodic coupon payments throughout the bond’s term, semi-annually.
  3. Yield: The yield of a bond reflects the total return an investor can expect to receive, taking into account both the coupon payments and any changes in the bond’s price. Yield can fluctuate based on market conditions, interest rate movements, and the creditworthiness of the issuer.
  4. Credit Rating: Bonds are assigned credit ratings by credit rating agencies based on the issuer’s creditworthiness and the risk of default. Higher-rated bonds (such as AAA or AA) are considered safer investments, while lower-rated bonds (such as BB or below) carry higher risk but offer potentially higher yields.
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Buying and Selling Bonds:

Investors can buy and sell bonds through various channels, including financial institutions, brokerage firms, and bond exchanges. Bonds are traded in the secondary market, where prices are influenced by factors such as interest rates, market demand, and the issuer’s credit quality. Investors may also hold bonds until maturity to receive the full principal amount and all accrued interest payments.


Main Differences Between Bank Guarantees and Bonds

  1. Nature of Instrument:
    • Bank Guarantees: Bank guarantees are financial commitments issued by banks on behalf of customers, ensuring the fulfillment of contractual obligations.
    • Bonds: Bonds are debt securities issued by governments, municipalities, or corporations to raise capital, providing fixed interest payments and repayment of principal at maturity.
  2. Purpose and Function:
    • Bank Guarantees: Bank guarantees primarily serve as a form of assurance for specific transactions, ensuring payment or performance in case of default by the customer.
    • Bonds: Bonds serve as investment vehicles, allowing investors to lend money to issuers in exchange for periodic interest payments and repayment of principal at maturity.
  3. Issuer and Recipient:
    • Bank Guarantees: Bank guarantees involve a tripartite relationship between the issuing bank, the customer (or principal), and the beneficiary (party receiving the guarantee).
    • Bonds: Bonds involve a direct relationship between the issuer (government, municipality, or corporation) and investors who purchase the bonds.
  4. Term and Duration:
    • Bank Guarantees: Bank guarantees have shorter durations tied to specific transactions or contracts, expiring upon completion of the underlying obligation.
    • Bonds: Bonds have fixed maturity dates, ranging from short-term (less than one year) to long-term (over 30 years), with investors receiving periodic interest payments until maturity.
  5. Risk and Security:
    • Bank Guarantees: Bank guarantees mitigate risks associated with non-payment or non-performance in specific transactions, providing security to beneficiaries.
    • Bonds: Bonds carry varying degrees of credit risk depending on the issuer’s creditworthiness, with higher-rated bonds considered safer investments, while lower-rated bonds carry higher risk.
  6. Market and Trading:
    • Bank Guarantees: Bank guarantees are not traded in public markets but are privately negotiated between parties involved in the transaction.
    • Bonds: Bonds are actively traded in public markets, allowing investors to buy and sell them on exchanges or through brokerage firms, with prices influenced by market demand and interest rate fluctuations.
  7. Regulatory Considerations:
    • Bank Guarantees: Bank guarantees may be subject to specific regulatory requirements and banking laws governing their issuance and usage.
    • Bonds: Bonds are subject to regulations set by government agencies and regulatory bodies overseeing securities markets, ensuring transparency and investor protection.
  8. Cost and Fees:
    • Bank Guarantees: Bank guarantees may involve fees charged by the issuing bank, based on factors such as the guarantee amount, duration, and perceived risk.
    • Bonds: Bonds may incur transaction costs such as brokerage fees when buying or selling in the secondary market, in addition to potential issuance costs borne by the issuer.
Difference Between Bank Guarantee and Bonds
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About Author

Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.