Bold vs Clean Bold: Difference and Comparison

In Cricket sport there are various ways to make the batsman out. It can be achieved either by run-out, catch, etc.

When the batsman gets out either by the dismal method or any other form, it is called Bold, and when a batsman gets out without even hitting the ball, it is called Clean Bold, i.e., when no contact is made with the ball.

Key Takeaways

  1. Bold text is a font style that emphasizes words or phrases by thickening the characters.
  2. Clean bold is a version of the bold text with smoother edges and a more polished appearance.
  3. Both bold and clean bold styles draw attention to specific text elements but differ in visual presentation.

Bold vs Clean Bold

The difference between Bold and Clean Bold is that when the batsman is bold by either form like runout, review method, or catch, it is referred to as Bold. On the other hand, when the batsman gets out without even making contact with the ball, i.e., the ball directly hits the stumps, it is called Clean Bold.

Bold vs Clean Bold

A batsman who is on the strike side can be referred to as bold out when he tries to hit the ball, but when it hits, either he gets blood by catching the ball or by some other means such as runout or any DRS review form.

In this, if the ball travels between the legs and makes a turn and hoit, the wicket is also counted under Bold out.

When a batsman gets knocked out without even hitting the ball, it is referred to as the Clean Bold. In this, the middle stump is aimed, which is referred to as the hardest to make someone knock out.

To make this happen, the baller needs years of experience to achieve this.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonBold Clean Bold
Definition When the batsman gets out by any form except by knocking with middle stumps. When the batsman gets knocked out by the ball hitting the middle stump directly.
Aimed Baller can aim anything in this it can be either LBW, catch, or any other forms by which the batsman gets out.Only the middle stump is aimed 
Precision or AccuracyLess Accuracy High Accuracy need to aim the Middle stump
Experience Needs less experience Needs High level of experience
Credits Baller is credited with the wicketBaller is credited with the wicket 
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What is Bold?

In cricket, for any baller, its only aim is to make the batsman who is on strike position out or bold. It is not easy to get the wicket.

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It needs a level of experience even if you are experienced, sometimes it fails to get the wicket.

Ballers mostly try to make the batsman hit the ball and make it either catch out or run out. When the batsman gets out by any other form except hitting the middle stump is called simple Bold or Out.

Sometimes the batsman also gets out when the umpires do not have the answer who reached the first bat on the reach line or ball to the stumps.

For this, usually, the DRS( Decision Review System ) is used to know what happened. It uses software technology with the help of amplified frequency of ball to get the result.

This form of the method by which a batsman gets out is also called Bold only.

Baller who are new to the game after playing 1-2 matches also gets the experience of how to take the wickets, the only thing which requires here is how much you are aiming to get the wicket of the batsman.

There are ballers in history who have taken all the 10 wickets in a single match by just these forms. Ultimately the final thing which counts is how many wickets the baller took.

What is Clean Bold?

This is one of the hardest methods by which the batsman can get out. It includes the middle stump by which the batsman gets Bold, and it is referred to as the ” Clean Bold”.

Not every baller aims for the middle stump as it requires a high level of accuracy and precision to get that thing into the pocket.

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The Clean Bold is counted when the ball does not get hit by the batsman and travels all the way to hit the middle stump. The ball can travel between the legs, or sometimes it travels from the outside of the leg to make this thing happen.

Baller uses the technique of Spin to make this thing happen. The more your ball rotates around its centre, the more chances are there it will directly take the middle stump.

When the ball rotates at the maximum axis, it changes its patch since it gets hit to the pitch, which makes the batsman confused, and it gets directly hit the stumps.

The first aim for the ballers is to analyze the batsman how he is playing. The experienced baller makes this happen when it’s their third or fourth over for the same batsman, as till then, it is very much familiar how he plays.

Main Differences Between Bold and Clean Bold

  1. Bold is referred to any form by which the batsman gets out like catch out, run out or DRS review, or any other except hitting the middle wicket, while the Clean Bold is referred to when the ball gets hit the middle stump without even touching the bat.
  2. For making the batsman Bold, if the baller is new, also it is easy for him to take the wicket, whereas, for Clean Bold, the one should have many years of experience and should know how his batsman is playing.
  3. In making the batsman Bold the baller can aim anything like Legs or catch, but in Clean Bold, the ballers only aim for the middle stumps.
  4. Bold methods need less accuracy as it is much easier as compared to the Clean Bold, which requires a high level of accuracy to get that thing done.
  5. In Bold, if before getting out the batsman makes a run, it gets counted, while in the Clean Bold batsman does not have any time to make the run as it directly hits the wicket.
Difference Between Bold and Clean Bold
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About Author

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.