Soccer vs Rugby Cleats: Difference and Comparison

Cleats are the external attachments to a shoe that provides the necessary suction and traction to a shoe’s surface to use the shoe on a slippery or non-uniform surface such that the wearer can get comfortable.

Cleats or studs are made for sports purposes like Soccer or Rugby. 

Key Takeaways

  1. Soccer cleats feature a low-cut design for enhanced agility and range of motion, while rugby cleats offer a higher cut for ankle support and stability.
  2. Soccer cleats have a lighter construction for speed and quick movements, whereas rugby cleats are built with a more robust, durable design.
  3. Soccer cleats have shorter, more evenly distributed studs for better traction on grass, while rugby cleats have longer, more aggressive studs for improved grip on muddy surfaces.

Soccer Cleats vs Rugby Cleats

Soccer cleats are designed to provide good traction on grass or turf and be lightweight and flexible to allow for quick movements. Rugby cleats are designed to provide more support and protection for the foot and ankle. Rugby cleats may also have a different stud configuration than soccer cleats.

Soccer Cleats vs Rugby Cleats

Soccer cleats are used while playing Soccer. Football boots or Football shoes are called because they are made to play a Soccer game.

Soccer cleats have protrusions or external studs attached over the base of the shoe to make a stable grip on grassy pitches.

Similarly, Rugby cleats are used while playing Rugby.

They are referred to as Rugby boots or Rugby shoes, just like other cleats used in a sport. The protrusions on the Rugby cleats are made externally moulded with plastic or short metals.

They don’t have sharp edges or other blurrings.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonSoccer CleatsRugby Cleats
Legal specificationsSoccer cleats can be of any material like leather, metal, or plastic and can have sharp edges for kicking. Rugby cleats are strict as they cannot have sharp edges and cannot exceed 21 mm in length.
Number of spikesThe cleats or spikes in Soccer cleats are 16.The Rugby cleats have 10 spikes.
Toe cleatSoccer shoes or cleats have an additional cleat known as the toe cleat.The toe cleat in Rugby shoes or cleats is absent.
StructureThe Soccer cleats are low ankle and have resistance in support.Rugby cleats are high in the ankle and do not come with resistance.
HeavinessSoccer cleats are made light in weight to kick the ball and maintain accuracy.Rugby cleats are heavier and massive than Soccer cleats.
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What is Soccer Cleats?

Soccer cleats or Soccer shoes are those boots that are rich in the number of spikes or soles to maintain a player’s accuracy on the ground and the technique to kick the football.

The spikes or soles made out of the shoe’s base externally are called cleats.

They are made low on the ankle and come with thin paddings to provide maximum comfort to the wearer as the player runs with the cleats and kicks the ball whenever the chance comes.

Soccer cleats are light in weight and have a toe cleat present just below the toe to give support to the toe.

The movement is made softly by a Soccer cleat as the shoe material is full-grained, like Kangaroo leather. It comes with 16 spikes.

The cleats or spikes can be sharp and come from different materials like plastic, metal, or rubber.

Different materials of cleats have different purposes because the shoes are used on hard grounds, soft surfaces, grassy fields, and wet grounds.

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The cleats are also made in a wedge-like structure for a more impressive play. Moreover, they are good at the grip and are well.

soccer cleats

What is Rugby Cleats?

Rugby cleats are Rugby boots that are specifically designed to play Rugby.

\Rugby cleats are not made lightly or more accurately because they are used only for running purposes, and unlike Football cleats, they are not used to kick.

Rugby cleats are also less in the number of spikes. They come with ten soles mounted over the shoe’s base.

The cleats are also made with strict legal guidelines.

They must not exceed 2.1 cm in length and should not be made with a wedge-like structure as they are sharp and are considered dangerous in the game.

The sharp cleats are a sign of danger. Besides these, Rugby cleats’ construction is done with durable material leather. The spikes or studs in the cleats are soft and secure.

They don’t come with a toe cleat. The spikes or cleats are also moulded with a metal or plastic build.

Moreover, the Rugby cleats are massive and much heavier than other cleats as they are made of durable leather material.

They are made heavier to maintain the player’s stability on the ground. They come with high-topped ankles with no paddings for jerky protection.

rugby cleats

Main Differences Between Soccer Cleats and Rugby Cleats

  1. All Soccer cleats cannot be used in the Rugby game because of sharp edges, whereas Rugby cleats can be used in Soccer.
  2. Soccer cleats are much more expensive depending on the brand, whereas Rugby cleats are less expensive than Soccer cleats and still depend upon the brand.
  3. Soccer cleats have the support of thin paddings for resisting jerks, whereas Rugby cleats do not come with protection of any kind.
  4. Soccer cleats come in almost all top sports brands, whereas Rugby cleats are under the category of selective brands only.
  5. Soccer cleats are more popular and have a comfort factor, whereas Rugby cleats are less popular and do not provide comfort as a necessary element.
Difference Between Soccer and Rugby Cleats

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Emma Smith
Emma Smith

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.


  1. That’s a very informative article about cleats. It makes me understand the differences between Rugby and Soccer cleats!

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