Aikido vs Pencak Silat: Difference and Comparison

Martial arts are a codified system used for many reasons, such as self-defence. It could be armed and unarmed arts.  Aikido and Pencak Silat are a type of martial art of different countries. 

Key Takeaways

  1. Aikido is a Japanese martial art that emphasizes using an opponent’s energy and movements to neutralize attacks. At the same time, Pencak Silat is a martial art that originated in Southeast Asia and included strikes, throws, and joint locks.
  2. Aikido is more defensive and focuses on redirecting an opponent’s energy, while Pencak Silat is more offensive and includes striking and grappling techniques.
  3. Aikido techniques involve circular movements, while Pencak Silat techniques involve linear movements.

Aikido vs Pencak Silat

Aikido is a martial art that emphasizes using an opponent’s energy against them through circular movements and joint locks. Pencak Silat is a martial art that has a wider range of techniques that include striking, grappling, and weapons. It also places greater emphasis on aggressive techniques.

Aikido vs Pencak Silat

Aikido is a martial art of Japan. In the martial arts of Aikido, the attacker uses his full energy to throw his opponent. This is an accurate and attractive style that appears like a dance.

Pencak silat is a martial art in Indonesia. It is also known as skilful fighting. It is a weapon-based martial art. The moves and techniques are taken from India and China.

Comparison Table

Parameters of comparisonAikidoPencak Silat
DefinitionAikido is a martial art of JapanPencak silat is a martial art of Indonesia
Etymology Aikido is a Japanese word which forms three kanji: ai, ki, do which means a way of combining forces.Pencak silat is an umbrella term that is used for Indonesian martial arts. 
Technique In Aikido, the attacker is focused on throwing the opponent using his full energy.It is known as skillful fighting. It is a weapon-based martial art.
UniformsAikido uniforms are trousers and wraparound jackets which are in white colorTwo-piece black uniform.
HistoryMorihei Ueshiba first discovered this martial art in Japan Its exact origin is not confirmed yet by those who discovered this martial art

What is Aikido?

Aikido is a Japanese martial art and is mainly used for the self-defence system. It looks at its purpose of controlling the power and speed of the attacker and the use of curved and thrower techniques like Jujitsu and Judo.

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Aikido is a martial art of Japan. In Aikido, the attacker is focused on throwing using his full energy. This is an accurate and attractive style that appears like a dance and enchanting. 

Aikido is a basic martial art that originated in Japan in the 14th century. In the early 20th century, Ueshiba Morihei considered its father, arranged it in its modern form through his work study.

Aikido uniforms are trousers and wraparound jackets, which are in white. The promotion in this martial art is based on grades. There are two ranks in this martial art: Kyu and Dan. The white belt is for Kyu, and the black belt is for Dan


What is Pencak Silat?

Pencak Silat is an Indonesian/Malay island martial art. It has hundreds of different forms. In this martial art, every part of the body is planned and maintains the mental balance of each person.

Silat enhances and strengthens the sense of self-awareness, self-discipline, integrity, responsibility, loyalty, and cooperation. Pencak Silat was included in the Asian Beach Games in 2008 and 2009 by the Asian Indoor Games.

It is also known as skilful fighting. It is a weapon-based martial art. The moves and techniques are taken from India and China. This martial art is a combination of striking, kicking, and weapons. 

The Pencak Silat World Championship is organized every two to three years by Parasilat, the highest level of competition that sees participation from the largest number of countries.

pencak silat

Main Differences Between Aikido and Pencak Silat

  1. Aikido Martial Arts doesn’t use any kind of weapons, whereas in Pencak Silat, individuals can use weapons.
  2. Aikido is not globally practised and famous, whereas Pencak Silat is organized internationally as a sport by the PERSILAT organization.
Difference Between Aikido and Pencak Silat
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Last Updated : 26 August, 2023

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12 thoughts on “Aikido vs Pencak Silat: Difference and Comparison”

  1. This is an essential article to read for anyone interested in martial arts. The author offers a well-detailed and comprehensive overview of Aikido and Pencak Silat.

  2. This article provides an interesting comparison of Aikido and Pencak Silat. Although I feel that the information on Pencak Silat could have been more detailed.

  3. I found the tone of the article to be too formal, and the content lacked a lively and engaging narrative. It would benefit from a more engaging style to captivate the audience.

  4. The author does an excellent job explaining the unique characteristics of Aikido and Pencak Silat, which I found to be valuable.

  5. Considering that this article offers an in-depth view of these martial arts, I feel the content could help readers develop a comprehensive understanding of these martial arts with great detail.

  6. The article is convincing and informational, and the differences pointed out in both martial arts are well explained.

  7. Interesting topic choice. It would be beneficial to acknowledge and consider the historical, cultural, and societal aspect of the martial arts.


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