Bootstrap vs Tailwind: Difference and Comparison

To create an interface between computers and people, developers use front-end frameworks. These frameworks are designed and developed to create sites for people.

They allow developers and users to have adequate control. Bootstrap and Tailwind are also two such CSS front-end frameworks used on a large scale.

No single web developer is not familiar with these two platforms.

Key Takeaways

  1. Bootstrap is a popular front-end framework with pre-designed components, making it easier for developers to create responsive web designs.
  2. Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework that provides developers with low-level building blocks to create custom designs.
  3. Bootstrap focuses on ready-to-use components, while Tailwind emphasizes flexibility and customization.

Bootstrap vs Tailwind

Bootstrap is a front-end framework that provides a set of pre-built HTML, CSS, and JavaScript components. Tailwind is a newer front-end framework that takes a different approach to web development. Bootstrap is great for quick responsive websites, while Tailwind is better for custom designs.

Bootstrap vs Tailwind

Bootstrap is a front-end framework to develop websites based on the CSS framework. It offers pre-built interface elements such as navigation, typography, buttons, and forms.

The templates provided by Bootstrap are designed using either JavaScript or CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). Many web designers recommend bootstrap because it creates responsive and fast websites.

Tailwind is also a CSS framework responsible for creating a website. Tailwind is very trendy among web developers. It is used by about 260k web developers around the world.

Tailwind offers excellent control over its features, and a developer feels free to design. The styling process in Tailwind CSS is speedy than other front-end frameworks.

Comparison Table

Parameters Of ComparisonBootstrapTailwind
LaunchedBootstrap framework for creating a website was launched on 19 August 2011.Tailwind framework for creating a website was launched on 1 November 2017.
DevelopersBootstrap framework is developed by Jacob Thornton and Mark Otto, and other developers at Twitter.Tailwind framework is developed by Adam Wathan as a single entity.
FunctionalityThe bootstrap framework provides mobile-first tools with a pre-styled user interface kit.Tailwind CSS framework provides predesigned widgets that facilitate developers to create a website from scratch.
OutputThe website was created with the help of Bootstrap based on a generic pattern and look similar.Tailwind framework offers utility classes that are responsible for creating an original and neat user interface.
Original nameWhen Bootstrap was launched, it was officially titled Twitter Blueprint.The original name of the Tailwind framework is Tailwind, but it is commonly referred to as Tailwind CSS.
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What is Bootstrap?

Bootstrap is a CSS-based open-source and free front-end framework for website development. The Bootstrap versions prior to 3.1.0 were licensed to Apache, and the rest of the versions are licensed to MIT Licence.

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It is a web platform that was launched in 2011 and developed by Bootstrap Core Team.

Bootstrap is one of the most common platforms in the current time to create web applications and sites. Bootstrap has a bunch of HTML and CSS-based tools and templates to offer.

It provides pre-built forms and buttons to design the desired interface. Apart from HTML and CSS, Bootstrap also supports JavaScript.

Bootstrap framework is written in multiple programming languages such as CSS, HTML, Sass, Less, and JavaScript.

The original name of Bootstrap was Twitter Blueprint. It was developed on Twitter to access internal tools.

Another reason to create Bootstrap was to encourage consistency because, before Bootstrap, developers used numerous libraries to design interfaces. Such interfaces were difficult to maintain and full of inconsistencies.

A small group developed it at Twitter, but many developers joined the project later. It was then renamed to Bootstrap from Twitter Blueprint, and they launched it as open-source.

Many developers worldwide now use bootstrap because it is convenient, advanced, and affordable.


What is Tailwind?

Tailwind is also known to people as Tailwind CSS because it is described as a utility-first CSS framework. It is widely used for its fast and responsive performance.

Like Bootstrap, it is also utilized to create web applications and websites. The Tailwind framework provides building blocks that help developers create a site from scratch.

It is customizable and very convenient to control. The process of creating a user interface in Tailwind CSS is swift than other frameworks.

Tailwind requires a few lines of code to create the project, and that’s the beauty of it. The components offered by Tailwind are highly customizable, which makes a web page quite responsive.

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Each block can be designed in the desired terms. Around 500k websites are designed using Tailwind.

Tailwind was initially been developed by Adam Wathan and introduced to the world in 2017. Tailwind helps developers to create a website by providing flexible and convenient tools.

The 2.2 version of Tailwind CSS has been launched, and it has now become one of the most common frameworks for website development.

Tailwind is suitable for various types of projects, and that’s the reason of popularity of it within a short time. Tailwind works differently than other CSS frameworks, and a person has to spend some time to understand its functionality of it.

Also, it lacks some of the beneficial components, yet it is considered to be an attractive solution.

Main Differences Between Bootstrap and Tailwind

  1. A website that is created in the Bootstrap framework is very responsive and flawless. On the other hand, the Tailwind framework makes a more customizable website.
  2. Bootstrap has been around for a long time and has a large community of developers. On the other hand, Tailwind is not that old, and it is constantly growing its community.
  3. Most famous companies and applications like Spotify, Lyft, and Twitter use the Bootstrap framework. On the other hand, Bazzite, BlaBlaCar, and Examples are based on Tailwind.
  4. The programming language used to develop Bootstrap is Less, Sass, JavaScript, and HTML. On the other hand, Tailwind is written using PostCSS and CSS.
  5. Bootstrap is developed by Jacob Thornton and Mark Otto, and other developers. On the other hand, Tailwind was designed by Adam Wathan.
Difference Between Bootstrap and Tailwind
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Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.