Visa vs Solo: Difference and Comparison

This era is highly technological. Now people do not need calculators, watches, letterboxes, cameras, recorders, etc. only a smartphone is enough to do the job.

In the case of money, people also do not need to carry cash notes in their pockets. The new debit cards have made the world cashless. 

The emergence of debit cards facilities many people. Huge transactions are normally carried in debit cards. And the pocket pickers have no use in picking debit cards as it requires a pin.

There are two kinds of debit cards found around the globe. One is a Visa card, and the other is a Solo card. Here are a few differences between these cards.

Key Takeaways

  1. Visa and Solo are both debit cards issued by different financial institutions.
  2. Visa is accepted worldwide, while Solo is only accepted in the UK.
  3. Visa has more features and benefits than Solo, such as rewards programs and travel insurance.

Visa vs Solo

Visa is a type of payment card which is a widely accepted credit card brand that allows users to borrow money from a bank or financial institution. Solo is a type of type of payment debit card that allows users to access funds from their own bank account for purchases and withdrawals.

Visa vs Solo

The visa debit card was first issued in June 1987. This card is formerly known as Visa Delta. This card originated from the United States of America.

Now this card is also used by many countries. This debit card is very easy to use and is accepted everywhere.

The solo debit card was first issued in July 1997. This card originates from the United Kingdom. This card is called the sister of the existing Switch card of that time.

The solo card is issued by Switch Card Scheme. This card was issued to cardholders who were not eligible for the Switch debit card. This card was discontinued from the year 2011.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonVisaSolo
Issued byVisa Inc.Switch Card Scheme
First issued onJune 1987July 1997
In presentThis is still in use at the present time.This was discontinued in 2011
Identity of cardIt can be used abroad with the Visa logoIt can be used abroad with the Maestro logo
Age eligibilityApplicant should be above 18 years oldApplicant should be above 11 years old

What is Visa?

The visa debit card was first issued in June 1987. This card is formerly known as Visa Delta. This card originated from the United States of America.

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Now this card is also used by many countries. This debit card is very easy to use and is accepted everywhere.

The countries which use these Visa debit cards are the United States, United Kingdom, Russia, Germany, Canada, Australia, Greece, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Pakistan, etc.

There are many banks that issue this Visa debit card in their country. There are many types of debit cards available.

The banks that issue Visa debit cards also put their logo so that these cards can be linked with the bank account. Card payment is preferred when a huge amount of money is to be transacted.

Debit cards are also safe as compared to cash during traveling. The user can withdraw money from any ATM machine in the route of the journey. ATM is widely available now. Nowadays, online payment is also possible with a Visa card. 

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What is Solo?

The solo debit card was first issued in July 1997. This card originates from the United Kingdom. This card is called the sister of the existing Switch card of that time.

Switch Card Scheme issues the solo card. This card was issued to cardholders who were not eligible for the Switch debit card. This card was discontinued from the year 2011.

This card was used as a multi-functional cash card. This Solo card was mainly issued to teenagers. The Royal Bank of Scotland issues the card to holders who are above the age of 11.

The HSBC bank, which is now known as Midland bank, issues cards to holders above the age of 13. As teenagers cannot apply for the Switch card, they are allowed to use the Solo card for their usage.

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The solo card was also widely accepted with the Maestro logo abroad. As the Switch card merged with Maestro, this Solo card which was a part of Switch also belongs to Maestro.

This cash card was also used to purchase goods and provide payments. This can be used by swiping method and PIN provided. Now this card is not in use.

Main Differences Between Visa and Solo

  1. On the other hand, Visa Inc. issues the Visa card, and Switch Card Scheme issues the Solo card.
  2. The Visa card was first issued in June 1987 in the United States of America, whereas the Solo card was first issued in July 1997 in the United Kingdom.
  3. The Visa card is still widely used in the present time, but the Solo card was decommissioned on 31 March 2011.
  4. To use the card abroad, the Vis card should have the Visa logo, whereas the Solo card abroad should have the Maestro logo.
  5. The age eligibility to get a Visa card is above 18 years; on the other hand, for the Solo card is the applicant should be above 11 years.

Last Updated : 13 July, 2023

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11 thoughts on “Visa vs Solo: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The advances brought by debit cards and the implications of their development showcase the transformative nature of financial technology.

  2. It’s interesting how Visa and Solo are linked to different financial institutions, I’d like to learn more about the implications of this.

  3. Visa’s advantages make it ideal for most people and businesses. In contrast, Solo is less flexible and has less international use

    • Also, Visa’s rewards programs and travel insurance give users more benefits. However, I believe the cards are tailored to different user segments.

  4. Great to see the evolution of payment methods through history, the Visa and Solo cards provide a good example of this.


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