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Spices are used in all cuisines around the world. They give flavour to the food. Some spices can enhance the taste of the food.

Besides these uses, Spices have also proven to be medicinally important. Different plant parts,, like a leaf, bark, root, fruit, sap, and flowers,,, are used as spices…

Key Takeaways

  1. Cilantro refers to the fresh leaves of the Coriandrum sativum plant, while coriander refers to the seeds of the same plant.
  2. Cilantro has a bright, citrusy flavor, whereas coriander seeds taste warm and earthy.
  3. Cilantro is commonly used in Mexican, Indian, and Southeast Asian cuisines, while coriander seeds are used in various global dishes.

Cilantro vs Coriander

Coriandrum sativum is a herb commonly used in cooking and refers to dried seeds in the United States. Cilantro is used to refer to the fresh leaves and stems of the plant. In other parts of the world, including the United Kingdom and Canada, coriander refers to new leaves and stems.

Cilantro vs Coriander

The word Cilantro has a Spanish origin. It means the leaves of Coriander in Spanish.

Cilantro is green and has thin leaves. It gives a fresh mild citrus flavour. It is added to soups, salads, and many other dishes.

Though many people like Cilantrohate the aroma.

Coriander is a dried seed that is used as a spice. It has a sharp and warm aroma. It is used along with cinnamon and cumin.

The seeds are collected from the plant,,, dried,,, and ground to get coriander powder. But in some countries, this term indicates the entire plant.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonCilantroCoriander
NutrientsVitamins A, K, and C, Manganese, Zinc, Copper, Iron, etcRich in Iron, Magnesium, Calcium, Copper, Phosphorus, and Fiber
Medicinal valuesAnti-aging. Prevents blood clots and AntimicrobialAnti-cancerous, Decreases blood sugar and heart disease
FlavourFresh, CitrusySpicy, hot, Nutty
DishesGuacamole, Salsa, Soups, Salads, Chutney, and AcordaCurries, Meat rubs, some bread, vegetable pickles, etc

What is Cilantro?

It is the herb commonly used to season seafood dishes. Adding extra fats and calories gives the food a refreshing flavour.

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Cilantro leaves, and stalks are chopped and added to food either raw or at the end of cooking. It is not exposed to boiling water or scorching food.

This is to prevent the loss of flavour. Since Cilantro leaves are tender,,, they may lose their aroma and texture if boiled or cooked.

Cilantro is grown by farmers and sold in markets and shops. But they are one of the most short crops to grow in your kitchen garden.

Always chop the leaves with sharp knives to avoid bruising them. Cilantro is a good choice of seasoning for fish dishes, Thai, Mexican and Indian dishes.

They are added to salads and tacos. It goes well with various dishes, which one can use according to their interests.

The leaves can be dried and added to dishes,,, but the new form is preferred. They are rich in vitamins and less in minerals. They have a tremendous amount of water.

Cilantro has antioxidant properties that are useful in fighting against free radicals. Some studies suggest that Cilantro has anti-ageing properties.

It is also helpful to prevent blood clots and thus offers good heart health. It is effective against high blood pressure and sugar levels.

Cilantro is antimicrobial and helps fight infections.


What is Coriander?

Coriander seeds are golden brown. They are rounded,,, and the sources are present inside the shell.

Coriander powder is significant in making South Asian dishes like curry, rice dishes, and soup. It can also be used in seasoning certain dishes.

They can be used in meat rubs. Coriander powder has a unique place in Indian cuisine.

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The seeds are roasted before grounding, which helps to intensify the flavour. These seeds have an incredible amount of minerals and less water.

They are rich in manganese and iron. Besides being a good ingredient in the kitchen,,, it has immense medicinal uses.

They are used in traditional medicines.

Just like Cilantro, Coriander is also rich in antioxidants. They are found to cure inflammation and have anti-cancerous abilities.

It has an inhibiting effect on colon, breast, lung, prostate, and stomach cancers. It can also decrease the risk of getting heart disease.

Adding them to the diet can help reduce blood pressure.

Coriander powder can be bought from grocery stores. Making your coriander powder is also a good idea for which one should plant their Coriander plant.

Coriander plant is easy to grow. Ground coriander powder loses its aroma quickly, so it is always better to use freshly ground coriander powder. The seeds are infused in some particular beer types and added to rye bread making.


Main Differences Between Cilantro and Coriander

  1. Cilantro has high water and vitamin content, but Coriander has low water and high mineral content.
  2. Cilantro is effective against skin ageing and can delay it, while Coriander is anti-cancerous
  3. Cilantro is used in the fresh form as a garnish for soups and salads, but Coriander is toasted, grounded, and used in dishes or used as a whole in liquor making
  4. Cilantro has a refreshing citrusy aroma, whereas, Coriander has a nutty, hot, spicy flavour which makes it a spice.
  5. Cilantro comprises the stalk and leaves. It comes under the category of herbs but Coriander is dried seeds and is categorized as a spice
Difference Between Cilantro and Coriander
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By Sandeep Bhandari

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.