Civil Rights vs Human Rights: Difference and Comparison

Once a human being makes any mistake, then that person has to suffer for their entire life. But there are some laws available that will protect them from this. Civil Rights and Human Rights will protect humans, and they will work differently and be available in all countries to help people. 

Key Takeaways

  1. Civil Rights are the rights the government grants its citizens, while Human Rights are inherent and apply to all human beings.
  2. Civil Rights focus on specific groups within a society, while Human Rights are universal and apply to all individuals regardless of their characteristics.
  3. The government can limit Civil Rights, while Human Rights are considered universal and inalienable.

Civil Rights vs Human Rights

Human rights are what one acquires by being alive, while civil rights are rights one obtains by being a legal member of a certain political state. The former is received by the government for the citizens of that country, while the latter is derived from natural law and is universally protected and applied.

Civil Rights vs Human Rights

Civil rights are created to protect people. The main aim of civil rights is to give personal rights to an individual. If he or she finds anything lacking in their life and which is the right for their life, then they can file a complaint to get their rights.

But these all should be done legally and not in any form of shortcut by giving bribes to higher authorities or government staff.

Human Rights are some basic rights that should be given to every human being in the country. There are still people in many countries suffering from other people because of the small mistakes made by them.

Many government organizations are trying to help them. But they can’t reach everybody. Only a few can be helped. Others should fight for their torturous life and release them.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonCivil RightsHuman Rights
MotiveTo provide rights in citizenshipTo protect humans
RulesIt will differ depending upon the place.It is the same everywhere.
State DifferenceYesNo
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What are Civil Rights?

Civil rights are used to give freedom to a human. These are called which are created personally to protect citizens of their country. With the help of these rights, we can fight for what we want in this country if it’s right or legal.

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If it’s not right or illegal, then your voice will lose its speech, and you won’t be given any freedom to do what you want to do. 

In the world, there are almost eight civil rights that are currently available and can be sued by people. It is very important only then we can raise our voice in front of others.

Even in elections, we are given the opportunity to vote only because of these civil rights. The government gave right to people to put votes in elections to select the correct candidate to serve our country. 

But there are some rules to be followed before you use them for your benefit. Even some worst things, like going to jail, could also happen in your life. There are still many issues in our country regarding civil rights are happening.

And many people are not even aware of what is happening around them. We must create some basic awareness for uneducated people so that they will get some idea about civil rights and the rules and regulations. 

civil rights

What are Human Rights?

Human rights are rights given to humans which will be incorporated the moment a mother gives birth to a child. It will be followed till the child dies. These are some basic rights that should be given to humans at times so that they can live their life peacefully.

In many countries still, people are working as slaves to meet their daily requirements like food and shelter. All these will be changed once they are given the proper human rights.

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With the help of these rights, humans can choose the way they want to live their life. They can live their life with complete freedom. They don’t have to work like slaves for somebody else.

There are even articles that will provide all the five basic human rights which are available in society. Most people are still not given any details about them. Because of this, they are not at all speaking when they face any issue in their life.

There are many types of human rights available in this society. To learn more about human rights, you should take law as your subject in higher studies. It is very much needed when you take law as your main subject.

Even students will get some basic knowledge about this in social studies subject. Social Science is the place where many schools will teach about the government and what are all the things that are happening in society.

human rights

Main Differences Between Civil Rights and Human Rights

  1. The rules of civil rights will depend on the type of country they live in. On the other hand, human rights will apply everywhere.
  2. Civil rights will protect a person from others’ mistakes so that they can live peacefully. On the other hand, human rights the government will help people in human rights.
  3. Civil rights are different in each country, and it is not the same everywhere. But human rights are the same for the entire country. 
  4. Civil rights will differ based on the law, state, and religion. On the other hand, human rights will see whether the person is a human or not.
  5. Civil rights are given more importance to the citizenship of that country. Human rights are given importance to a single person.
Difference Between Civil Rights and Human Rights

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About Author

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.