Dell PowerEdge vs Cisco UCS: Difference and Comparison

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In the past 20 years, computers have increased in the market at a very fast pace and owing to this shift in technology, many companies have constantly been competing with one another by launching their own computer servers from time to time.

Such two very popular computer servers are present in the market, namely Dell PowerEdge and Cisco UCS. While they might look similar, there are a lot of intrinsic differences between these two systems. 

Key Takeaways

  1. Dell PowerEdge servers focus on affordability and customization, whereas Cisco UCS emphasizes integration and streamlined management.
  2. Cisco UCS offers a unified architecture with centralized management, while Dell PowerEdge servers rely on individual management tools.
  3. Dell PowerEdge provides a broader range of server options, while Cisco UCS focuses on high-density and modular solutions.

Dell PowerEdge vs Cisco UCS 

Dell PowerEdge are servers designed for businesses of all sizes which offer a wide range of performance and storage options to meet different needs. Cisco UCS servers are designed for large enterprises and data centers with features like integrated network and storage connectivity and more.

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Dell PowerEdge was launched in the year 1996 by Dell owing to a particular demand in the consumer market for specified computing servers.

This particular product uses the inbuilt products manufactured by Intel and can support Windows operating system as well as Linux operating system also. 

But on the other hand, Cisco UCS stands for a unified computing system launched by Cisco Systems in the year 2009 as a result of the huge demand for computer servers in the consumer market.

The biggest unique selling proposition behind this particular product was that it marketed a whole range of products that could easily be used as a single unit. 

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Comparison Table

Parameters of Comparison Dell PowerEdge Cisco UCS 
Meaning  It refers to a particular computer server launched by Dell. It refers to a particular computer server system launched by Cisco systems. 
Another name  This product does not carry any other name. This product is also known as the cisco unified computing system. 
Launched in This product was launched in the year 1996. This product was launched in the year 2009. 
Versions  Certain popular versions are PowerEdge 3250, PowerEdge 7150, and PowerEdge 7250. The b-series and c-series UCS are the two versions of this product. 
Unique selling proposition The compatibility of this particular product has always been the USP behind its marketing. The unique selling proposition behind this particular product is its capability of being used as a single unit even after being made up of a series of hardware systems. 
Unique characteristics  This product is compatible with all the operating systems available. This product was recently updated to a newer version comprising more memory sockets. 
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What is Dell PowerEdge? 

The PowerEdge represents a specialized line of computer servers uniquely manufactured and marketed by Dell.

This product has been in the market for the past 25 years and has seen all the ups and downs of being a computer server in the age of computing.

In the eyes of customers, this product is a very reliable product, and there are multiple versions of this product available in the market to cater to the needs of different types of people.

Certain popular versions of this product are PowerEdge 3250, PowerEdge 7150, PowerEdge 6950, PowerEdge SC1435, and PowerEdge 7250.

This product comes with an exclusive inbuilt material produced by Intel owing to the specific deal between Dell and Intel regarding the incorporation of Intel processors in the entire series of PowerEdge products. 

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A very major end prominent feature behind the popularity of this particular product is that it is compatible with all kinds of operating systems available for computer hardware such as Windows operating system and Linux operating system.

However, recently the company had announced the incorporation of AMD Opteron processors in this series of products as well. 

dell poweredge

What is Cisco UCS? 

Cisco unified computing system, also known as Cisco UCS’s a very diversified and unique type of computer server series launched by Cisco Systems in the year 2009, and since then, the product has acquired and diverse customer market share in terms of computer servers owing to the facilities and characteristics provided. 

The product was launched in the March of 2009, and since then, it has been in the market for the past ten years, consistently thriving.

The company has marketed this product on a very specific term that is known as scalability and represents the ability of the hardware to cope with all the additional work that can be added onto it by adding multiple resources from time to time and this particular product manages all these resources as a single unit and thereby makes the work easier. 

The unique selling proposition behind this particular product is its capability of being used as a single unit even after being made up of a series of hardware systems, and the B-Series and C-Series UCS are the two most popular versions of this product. 

cisco ucs scaled

Main Differences Between Dell PowerEdge and Cisco UCS 

  1. Dell PowerEdge is a line of computer servers manufactured by Dell, while on the other hand, Cisco UCS is a line of computer servers manufactured by Cisco Systems. 
  2. Dell PowerEdge does not carry any alternative name, while on the other hand, Cisco UCS also stands for Cisco unified computing system. 
  3. Dell PowerEdge was launched in the year 1996, while on the other hand, Cisco UCS was launched in the year 2009 and is a recent product. 
  4. Dell PowerEdge is compatible with almost all the operating systems available, while on the other hand, Cisco UCS works in a different manner by uniting different sets of servers into a single unit. 
  5. Dell PowerEdge has certain popular versions are PowerEdge 3250, PowerEdge 7150 and PowerEdge 7250, while on the other hand, Cisco UCS has b-series and c-series UCS. 


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About Author

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.