Dell Ultrasharp vs Professional: Difference and Comparison

In the modern day, computers and laptops are the most important part of the line. There are many companies producing monitors and desktops. One of the best products in the market is Dell monitors.

They have many series of monitors. Two of these series are Professional and Ultrasharp. So to know these series better, here are some differences between them.

Key Takeaways

  1. Dell Ultrasharp monitors focus on color accuracy and image quality, making them ideal for creative professionals.
  2. Dell Professional monitors prioritize productivity features such as adjustable stands, connectivity options, and energy efficiency.
  3. Ultrasharp monitors have higher resolution displays and wider color gamuts than Professional monitors.

Dell Ultrasharp vs Professional

The difference between the Dell Ultrasharp and Dell Professional is the display screen size. The monitors of the Dell Ultrasharp have a display screen of 24 inches. On the other hand, the Dell Professional series monitors have an average display screen of 28 inches.

Dell Ultrasharp vs Professional

The Dell Ultrasharp series is a very famous series and consists of many models. These monitors also carry a very elegant look.

These are thin and have in-plane display technology, which makes them beautiful at first look. The display has luminescent brightness, and this brightness can be extended up to 300md/m2.

The model of this series also has huge sales in the present day. These are monitor dimensions as height*width as 14.02*6.94 inches. These also have a bigger display panel of 28.3 inches.

The bigger the display screens, the better visibility. The monitor display screen’s brightness is comparatively less compared to other series. The maximum level of brightness is 250md/m2.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonDell UltrasharpDell Professional
Monitor dimensions12.35*21.2 inches14.02*6.94 inches
Display screen size24 inches28.3 inch
Weight of item3 kg 130 g3 kg 260g
Response time5 ms8ms
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What is Dell Ultrasharp?

The Dell Ultrasharp series is a very famous series and consists of many models. These series are very famous in the market. The ultrasharp series is also known as the U series.

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These series have gained a lot of popularity in the market due to the technology used.

The monitors produce in this series have a dimension of 12.35*21.2 inches. The dimensions sometimes vary with respect to the model.

But the average dimensions of height and width of the monitors of the series are the same. When coming to the screen size or display of the monitors.

These monitors have good display visibility of 24 inches. The display’s brightness and contrast are also more than up to the mark. These have a display resolution of 1920*1080.

These monitors also carry a very elegant look. These are thin and have in-plane display technology, which makes them beautiful at first look.

The display has luminescent brightness, and this brightness can be extended up to 300md/m2. The monitors weigh around 3kg and 130g.

Another advantage of these monitors is that they take less than 5 milliseconds to respond. The fast response time of these monitors makes them useful in important areas of work.

As time is a very considerable quantity in the workplace.

dell monitor

What is Dell Professional?

These are the Dell series popular as the P series. The Dell professional series are also very famous around technical workers. The model of this series also has huge sales in the present day.

These are monitor dimensions as height*width as 14.02*6.94 inches. These also have a bigger display panel of 28.3 inches. The bigger the display screens, the better visibility. 

As the rightness is lower, the color visibility and saturation level also decrease. This property results in less quality of display visibility in comparison to the ultrasharp series.

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The connecting ports are provided on the backside of the monitor panel. The weight of the product is nearly 3kg 260 g. The weight is measured with the packing.

These are a little cheaper in the budget as a comparison to other series.

The monitor screen of these series models is coated with antiglare material. Due to these coating, the eyes of the working person get less affected and tired due to the light emitting from the screen.

The people who have their duty in computers may even have to spend fourteen houses in front of the screen light. If the anti-glare is present, it helps the working person work comfortably for a long time.

dell professional

Main Differences Between Dell Ultrasharp and Professional

  1. The monitors of the Dell Ultrasharp series are 12.35*21.2 inches. On the other hand, the monitors of the Dell Professional series are 14.02*6.94 inches.
  2. The monitor display screen of the Dell Ultrasharp series is 24 inches on average, in contrast to that of the Dell Professional series, which is 28.3 inches on average.
  3. The monitors of the Dell Ultrasharp series weigh 3 kg 130 g. On the other hand, the monitors of Dell Professional weigh 3 kg 260g.
  4. The response time of monitors of the Dell Ultrasharp series is normally nearly 5 milliseconds, and in contrast to that, the monitors of the Dell Professional series normally have a response time of nearly 8 milliseconds.
  5. The price of the monitors of the Dell Ultrasharp series is comparatively more. On the other hand, the costs of the monitors belonging to the Dell Professional series are less.

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About Author

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.