Diffuser vs Volute Casing: Difference and Comparison

Home is the place in the whole world where we find peace and happiness people do everything to their limit to make their surroundings clean, comfortable, and joyful.

As we know industrialization and technological advancement is growing rapidly, the air quality is deteriorating day by day.

Therefore, to maintain the air purity and moistures people take the help of Diffuser and Volute Casing techniques.

Key Takeaways

  1. A diffuser is a device used to reduce the velocity of the fluid and increase its pressure in a pump or compressor. At the same time, a spiral casing is a spiral-shaped casing that collects and directs fluid from the impeller to the outlet.
  2. Diffusers are commonly used in centrifugal pumps and compressors to improve efficiency and reduce turbulence, while volute casings are used in pumps to convert kinetic energy into pressure energy.
  3. Diffusers are more suitable for high-head, low-flow applications, while volute casings are better suited for low-head, high-flow applications.

Diffuser vs Volute Casing

Diffusers are commonly used in air handling systems to smooth out the flow of air and reduce turbulence, and in fluid systems to help distribute fluid evenly. Volute casing is a curved housing that surrounds the impeller in a pump and helps to guide the fluid to the discharge pipe.

Diffuser vs Volute Casing

A Diffuser is a machine that disintegrates essential oils into simpler compounds and disperses them into the atmosphere for a soothing or relaxing impact, based on the type of oil used.

Various essential oils make several claims—lavender, for instance, is said to help you sleep.

The Diffuser’s function is to equally scatter the molecules at a level that is pleasant to breathe but does not overpower the space.

Volute Casings are spiral-shaped pump casings that are commonly employed in centrifugal pumps. As the propeller releases the fluid via the casing tip, the volute converts the liquid’s velocity to force.

It’s a spiral kind of an area where the liquid flow increases slowly. The velocity of flow reduces as the area of flow increases. The force of fluid passing through the casing rises as the velocity of the fluid drops. 

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonDiffuserVolute Casing
ShapeRound, rectangularSpiral-shaped pump
PurposeTo boost pressure by decreasing the velocity of the flow leaving the impellerTo transform the liquid speed to pressure as the propeller releases the fluid via casing tip or nozzle.
TypesNebulizing, ultrasonic, heat, and evaporative diffuserSingle volute and double volute.
Used inBoth all-air and air-water HVAC systemsCentrifugal pumps
Also, known asSprinklerSpiral Casing
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What is a Diffuser?

A Diffuser is a device that emits droplets of essential oils into the air, it is available in different varieties, but they all function to supply the user with the aromatherapy advantages of the essential oil.

It enables faster inhalation, allowing the benefits to be noticed sooner.

Diffusers are widely used because they are portable and can be used anywhere: at home, at work, and even in the automobile! Additionally, Diffuser jewelry products are available, such as necklaces and bracelets, to make it easy to carry essential oils with you.

As we know that  Diffuser provides us with the most authentic aroma and fresh surrounding that is beneficial for our mental and physical health. To do so they are available in different varieties, such as:

1) Nebulizer Diffusers: If you want to get more of the organic advantages that essential oils have to offer, this essential oil diffuser is a perfect choice.

2) Water Diffuser: This is the sort that the majority of people are acquainted with, and it is also one of the most economical. These come with a pitcher that you fill with water and your favorite essential oils.

3) Fan-Style Diffusers: Another approach that does not require the use of water is Fan-Style Diffusers. Rather, the oils are put in a fan diffuser, either on an absorbing pad or in some form of plate.


What is a Volute Casing?

A volute is a spiral-like design that reduces liquid velocity while boosting static pressure by raising a through the area. The impeller liquid is distributed towards the casing outlet tip after departing the impeller.

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Inside a Volute Casing the impeller releases into a single casing stream with a progressive rising area known as a volute, and the majority of the conversion occurs in the conical discharging tip.

The volute centrifugal pump does not have a diffusion blade and rather uses a spiral casing.

A centrifugal pump’s volute collects fluid being pumped by the impeller and maintains the fluid’s speed till it reaches the Diffuser.

The kinetic energy of the fluid exiting the impeller is transferred to the volute, which guides the flow to the outlet.

There are two variances of a Volute Casing, which are as follows:

1) A single Volute Casing: It has an impeller that releases into a single volute, which surrounds the impeller. There is a cutwater in this type of casing, which directs the liquid flow towards the pump outlets.

2) Double Volute Casing: The two cutwaters in a double Volute Casing are 180 degrees apart.

In general, we can identify double volute pumps by simply glancing at their outlet flange: a noticeable vane is located within the nozzle that separates the inner diameter of the releasing tip.

Main Differences Between Diffuser and Volute Casing

1) Using the fluid velocity at the tips of the blade, a Diffuser is used to recover pressure. On the other hand, a Volute Casing permits fluid to escape the pump at the rotational velocity attained at the blade tips, with little drop in pressure.

2) Diffusers have a radically symmetric pattern of diffusing tunnels that encircle the impeller. Volutes, on the other hand, are distinguished by one or two scroll-shaped diffusing channels, which vary based on the pump design.

3) The design and layout of Diffuser are more compact as compared to Volute Casing.

4) The design of Diffusers is more efficient at the highest efficiency rate of flow compared to a Volute Casing.

5) With Diffuser pumps, the volute is replaced by a Diffuser surrounding the impeller with a series of stationary vanes. A volute pump’s casing widens at its discharge point, forming a chamber (volute).

Difference Between Diffuser and Volute Casing
  1. https://asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/GT/proceedings-abstract/GT2016/V02DT42A024/239564
  2. https://ogst.ifpenergiesnouvelles.fr/articles/ogst/abs/2011/05/ogst100074
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About Author

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.