Dyslipidemia vs Hyperlipidemia: Difference and Comparison

There are several complex terms that are frequently used in the medical field, but people do not know the meanings of such terms.

It is common to be confused by the words like Dyslipidemia and Hyperlipidemia. It is necessary to understand the definitions and differences between the words like Dyslipidemia and Hyperlipidemia as medical conditions.

Key Takeaways

  1. Dyslipidemia refers to any abnormality in blood lipid levels, while hyperlipidemia indicates elevated blood lipid levels.
  2. Dyslipidemia includes high and low lipid levels, whereas hyperlipidemia only involves high ones.
  3. Both dyslipidemia and hyperlipidemia can contribute to cardiovascular diseases, but the management and treatment strategies may differ depending on the specific lipid abnormalities present.

Dyslipidemia vs Hyperlipidemia

Dyslipidemia is a condition where there are abnormal levels of fats (lipids) in the blood, such as cholesterol and triglycerides. It can be caused by factors such as genetics, diet and inactivity. Hyperlipidemia is a condition where there is an excessive amount of lipids in the blood. It is caused by factors such as diet, inactivity. 

Dyslipidemia vs Hyperlipidemia

The word Dyslipidemia is used to refer to the medical condition that occurs very commonly. It refers to the abnormalities in the lipid levels of the human body.

Irregularities include a very high increase in lipid levels or a steep decline. So, the word dyslipidemia is used to denote both excessively high and low lipid levels.

The word Hyperlipidemia is used to refer to the medical condition that occurs very commonly. It refers to the extreme elevation or increase of lipid levels in the human body.

Hyperlipidemia is similar to dyslipidemia and is sometimes used interchangeably. But Hyperlipidemia is only when there is a steep increase in lipid levels.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonDyslipidemiaHyperlipidemia
MeaningIt refers to abnormalities in lipid levels.It refers to the elevation of lipid levels.
Lipid levelsIt is when there is an extreme increase or extreme decrease in lipid levels.It is when there is an extreme increase in lipid levels.
InterchangeableIt can be used to denote hyperlipidemia too.It cannot be used to denote dyslipidemia.
CausesSmoking, obesity, fatty food consumption and etc.Health conditions, medications, etc., are some causes.
TreatmentIt is treated by the usage of Statin and other lifestyle changes.Lifestyle changes like a healthy diet and gym are some solutions.
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What is Dyslipidemia?

The word Dyslipidemia is used to refer to the medical condition that deals with lipid levels. The human body is vulnerable to diseases, and it is crucial to maintain a healthy body to have protection from those diseases.

There are a few diseases like Dyslipidemia that can occur to anyone if their body is not maintained properly. Lipid levels are nothing but cholesterol levels in the human body. 

It is a risk to have both extremely high and low cholesterol levels in our bodies. Dyslipidemia is a medical condition that occurs in people with abnormalities in their lipid levels.

The word abnormalities in this context refer to people with abnormal increase or decrease in their lipid levels. Dyslipidemia is also used to denote Hyperlipidemia too.

Dyslipidemia is a very common medical condition. Over a hundred million people around the world are affected by it. 

The reasons behind dyslipidemia are lifestyle habits. The habit of smoking regularly, eating foods with high-fat content, and staying obese are some reasons for Dyslipidemia.

It is treated with the usage of Statin. This medicine engages with cholesterol production and ensures stable levels. Also, lifestyle changes, like a healthy diet and active body, are advised to patients with Dyslipidemia. 

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What is Hyperlipidemia?

The word Hyperlipidemia is used to refer to the word the medical condition that deals with lipid levels. The human body is vulnerable to diseases.

Hence, it is crucial to protect ourselves from those diseases. Diseases like Hyperlipidemia can occur to anyone if their body is not maintained properly.

Lipid levels are another word for cholesterol levels in the human body. The word Hyperlipidemia is also sometimes mentioned as Dyslipidemia to denote the abnormal increase of lipid levels.

It is a risk to have extremely high cholesterol levels in our bodies. Hyperlipidemia is a medical condition that occurs in people with a steep increase in the lipid levels in their bodies.

The sudden and extreme increase of cholesterol is an issue that is faced by millions of people around the world. It is a common medical condition. It has to be treated immediately, and the lipid levels must be stable.

The reasons behind Hyperlipidemia are the lifestyle habits, health conditions of the body, and other medications. There are other instances of familial Hyperlipidemia that pass through the genes.

Unbalanced and unhealthy diet, inactive and obese body leads to Hyperlipidemia. It can be treated by making changes to the lifestyle. 

Main Differences Between Dyslipidemia and Hyperlipidemia

  1. The word Dyslipidemia refers to the abnormalities in the lipid levels. Meanwhile, Hyperlipidemia refers to the elevation of lipid or cholesterol levels.
  2. In cases of Dyslipidemia, there is either an extreme rise or decline of lipid levels of the body. In cases of Hyperlipidemia, there is an excessive rise in lipid levels of the body.
  3. The word Dyslipidemia can also be used in the context of Hyperlipidemia conditions. The word Hyperlipidemia cannot be used in the cases of Dyslipidemia.
  4. Smoking, consuming fatty food, and obesity are a few reasons behind Dyslipidemia. Health conditions, lifestyle choices, and medications are a few primary reasons behind Hyperlipidemia.
  5. Dyslipidemia can be treated through the usage of Statin drug and other lifestyle changes. A healthy diet and exercise are advised to treat Hyperlipidemia.
Difference Between Dyslipidemia and Hyperlipidemia
  1. https://doi.org/10.7326/AITC201712050
  2. https://doi.org/10.1542/pir.2019-0053
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About Author

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.