Encryption vs Cryptography: Difference and Comparison

With Viruses, Hacking, and whatnot, today we need some really good securing for Online activities, whether personal or business-related. And that’s where the use of Encryption and Cryptography come in handy.

These are both processes that help in making an unsecured message into a secured one. Though people get confused between the two, even using the two in place of each other, Encryption is a process in Cryptography.

Key Takeaways

  1. Encryption and Cryptography are both techniques to secure data, but Cryptography also includes studying the techniques to decipher the encrypted data.
  2. Encryption is the process of converting plaintext into ciphertext, whereas Cryptography is the practice of securing communication from adversaries.
  3. Encryption is just a part of Cryptography, and it only deals with transforming data into a secret code. At the same time, Cryptography is much broader and involves many techniques to ensure data security.

Encryption vs Cryptography

Cryptography is a much more significant concept than Encryption. Encryption is just a process that runs throughout the procedure of Cryptography. A step that is used to make our particular plain text into a cypher that protects the data from being hijacked by unidentified and untrusted sources that can use this sensitive information for evil purposes.

Encryption vs Cryptography

Encryption starts converting plain text into a tough one, so it shouldn’t be easy to crack. Nowadays, it is mainly used on various sites online to save users’ passwords. The process is completed by another method, ‘ decryption,’ once a person wants to read the plain text.

Encryption is a part of Cryptography. Hence it is smaller in terms of topic.

Cryptography is a way of securing an unsecured message, text, or anything from ways for it to be hacked. It was started in 400 BC, and now with the rise of modernization as ever, it is even more in use. Many forms of Cryptography of various computer bits make a text into a ‘cypher’.

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Once the message gets to the receiver’s place, they have a ‘key’ to convert the letter back into the original one so the receiver can go through it.

Conclusion Table

Parameters of ComparisonEncryptionCryptography
DefinitionIt is the process of converting plain text into a cypher, which can’t be figured out without a key.Cryptography means securing a message using encryption and decryption methods.
SizeEncryption is a minor term that comes under Cryptography.Cryptography comprises the term Encryption as it’s part of the Cryptography process.
TypesSymmetric and AsymmetricDEA, AES, RSA, and many more.
Name came fromGreekEgypt
Discover byGiovanni Battista BellasoJulius Caesar
SynonymsEncodingNetwork security/ Cybersecurity
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What is Encryption?

The word came from the Greek language verb-“Kryptein”, which in turn means “Kryptos”, translating to ‘hiding away”. Encryption is a step in the Cryptography process that means converting a plain message into a difficult one that can’t be read.

It safeguards the message from hacking sites, devices, and even people.

Some terms cover the topic of Encryption. These are Keys, Algorithms, and Cipher.

Keys are a sheet with codes to close and open the message. Like a standard lock, Close when one encrypts a message and opens when decoding the message.

An algorithm is a process of changing that plain text into a complicated one.

The cypher is the message that is converted in the Encryption process and now isn’t helpful for hacking as it is not the same message and wouldn’t make sense to the third party.

There are two types of Encryptions:

Symmetric Encryption: Symmetric Encryption uses the same key that is used for encrypting a message and

Decrypting. Both the parties, receiver and sender, should have a key that is a way to express the decrypting of the cypher back into a simple message.

Asymmetric Encryption: Asymmetric Encryption has two different sets of keys. A different one is

used by the sender, and the receiver uses the other different one. Public key Cryptography is

also a term that is used for Asymmetric Encryption.

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What is Cryptography?

Cryptography is a vast topic that contains the process of the Encryption method. Though now, it is used mainly throughout electronic devices, securing them. 

The king of Rome first thought of the idea of thinking about – Julius Cipher/Ceasor Cipher, who used it to send messages through his messenger to other kings in a kind of algorithm that only the receiver of the message could decode; so that if something was to happen to the messenger or an attack took place, the message couldn’t be read or be destroyed.

Just as Encryption has its two types, Cryptography also has its types: DES, AES, and RSA. These are the ways that help in the process of creating plain text into a safe uncrackable one.

There are many types of Cryptography now, and DEA or DEA 3 is not even used as it has a great chance of being hacked.

These are the steps in the process of Cryptography:

  1. Changing the message into a difficult one so that it is safe. That is part of Encryption. The revised notice is called a cypher.
  2. The cypher travels, and when it reaches the receiver, then the process of decryption starts.
  3. Once decrypting is done, the receiver finally gets the message sent by the sender.

Main Differences Between Encryption and Cryptography

  1. The main difference between the two terminologies is that Cryptography is a more extensive process, of which Encryption is just a part.
  2. There are two types of Encryption: Symmetric and Asymmetric, but many kinds of Cryptography are now added now and then to make our online activities as secure as possible.
  3. Cryptography is a much older process, some 4000 years ago, and the Encryption process came way after it.
  4. Encryption is more about the mathematical process, and Cryptography, on the other hand, is a field that can be studied.
  5. Cryptography takes a longer time to be done as opposed to Encryption since Cryptography has two processes to follow: Encryption and Decryption.
Difference Between Encryption and Cryptography
  1. https://books.google.co.in/books?id=BuQlBQAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=Encryption+and+cryptography&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiHt5as4f3vAhXCSH0KHa53CogQ6AEwAHoECAEQAw
  2. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/6182134/
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Chara Yadav
Chara Yadav

Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.


  1. The breakdown of terms related to Encryption is very helpful in simplifying the technical aspects of the process.

  2. The summary table comparing Encryption and Cryptography is a great addition, providing a quick reference for the key differences.

  3. The explanation of the types of Cryptography is enlightening, showcasing the advancements in securing electronic devices.

  4. This article provides a comprehensive explanation of Encryption and Cryptography, making it easier to understand the difference between the two.

  5. The distinction between Symmetric and Asymmetric Encryption is very well articulated, providing a clear understanding of the different methods used for securing data.

  6. The historical reference to Julius Cipher adds a touch of intrigue to the topic, making it more engaging to read about.

  7. I appreciate the comparison between Symmetric and Asymmetric Encryption, it really clarifies the different methods used for securing messages.

    • It’s great to see such a detailed breakdown of the topic, really helps in grasping the complexity of Encryption and Cryptography.

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