Fosamax vs Actonel: Difference and Comparison

Fosamax and Actonel are the two most popular medications available in the market for the treatment of osteoporosis. They belong under the same group of biosulphonates.

However, it is strictly recommended to take the medication only under the guidance and prescription of respective medical professionals.

These drugs have several side effects which might cause harm or difficulty to our bodies. Hence, we can not use them as an alternative. Actonel might not be suitable for the patient who consumes Fosamax.

This is why it is important to know the characteristics of these drugs. The basic knowledge shall give us an idea and we shall treat it as precautions.

Also. overconsumption of these medicines is harmful to our bodies. In this article, we shall aim to learn about the two and find out their respective differences.

Key Takeaways

  1. Fosamax and Actonel are medications used to treat and prevent osteoporosis by slowing down bone loss and increasing bone mass.
  2. Fosamax (alendronate) is taken once a week, while Actonel (risedronate) can be taken daily, weekly, or monthly, depending on the prescribed dosage.
  3. Both medications belong to the bisphosphonate class of drugs and have similar side effects, but their dosing schedules and potency may vary.

Fosamax vs Actonel

Fosamax is a bisphosphonate that contains the active drug alendronate used to treat osteoporosis by decreasing the rate bone cells are absorbed which allows the body to increase bone density. Actonel is a bisphosphonate that contains the active drug risedronate. It increases less bone density than Fosamax.

Fosamax vs Actonel

Fosamax was primarily introduced in the year 1984. It was used in the United State in the form of generic medicine. It contains a non-hormonal group of drugs.

Fosamax is mainly effective for women after menopause. During that stage, it helps in rebuilding the bones.

It also helps in protecting them from fractures.

On the other hand, Actonel was primarily introduced in the year 1978. The main function of this drug is to slow down the rate at which the bones break down.

The process involves preventing the cells that eventually result in the breaking down of bones. It was originally used in Japan.

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The drug is very effective after a certain age and it helps to maintain strong bones. It is recommended not to take any other medications, especially calcium.

Comparison Table

Scientific nameFosamax is the name for sodium alendronate.Actonel is the name for sodium risedronate.
Introduction YearIt was introduced in the year 1984.It was introduced in the year 1978.
Side EffectsSide Effects include swollen body, bone pain, weight gain.Side Effects include joint pain, nausea, indigestion, irritation in the esophagus.
Calcium IntakePreferred to consume along with calcium tablets.Preferred not to consume along with calcium tablets.
Reason To PreferIt has the least side effects.It is the most effective drug on the market.
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What is Fosamax?

Fosamax falls under the group of biosulphonates and is effective for the treatment of osteoporosis. They are used in medication and osteoporosis.

It is available in the market in the form of pills. They are monthly pills and should be consumed by the patients only when prescribed by medical professionals.

The clinical test reported that Fosamax can increase bone density faster when compared to Actonel. It is considered the safest drug and also has minimum side effects.

Earlier, Fosamax pills were banned from the market.

This is because clinical research claimed that it leads to brittle bones. This, in turn, gets difficult for the fracture to get healed.

During the year 2010, this was a serious concern. However, Fosamax is known to have several side effects, which a patient needs to be aware of.

Research says that continued usage of Fosamax leads to hair loss of a good percentage of patients. This is a very serious side effect. Also, many people claim it leads to weight gain.

This information is however true to only a certain extent. One of the side effects of Fosamax is swollen body parts.

During this condition, the bodyweight of the patients tends to increase. Thus, this is only temporary and Fosamax is not directly related to weight gain.

What is Actonel?

Actonel also falls under the group of biosulphonates and is effective for the treatment of osteoporosis. It is useful as a medicine for people suffering from bone problems.

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It is considered the best treatment in the market.

It is known to work faster than the drug Fosamax and hence, is a very recommended drug. The way it works helps in reducing the possible chances of fracture.

First of all, it decreases the rate at which the bone cells get absorbed into our bodies. This total procedure of bond absorption causes the body to increase bone density.

It is known to work faster than the drug Fosamax and hence, is a very recommended drug. The way it works helps in reducing the possible chances of fracture.

First of all, it decreases the rate at which the bone cells get absorbed into our bodies. This total procedure of bond absorption causes the body to increase bone density.

However, this particular medication should be strictly guided by doctors and medical professionals. It may have certain severe side effects which include an extreme level of irritation in the stomach or the esophagus.

In such cases, people are reported to be hospitalized. This drug possesses several other side effects such as joint pain, nausea, and indigestion.

Proper precautions need to be taken while consuming Actonel tablets. Patients who have difficulties with digestion or problems in their esophagus are advised to avoid this drug.

Moreover, people with a lower percentage of calcium in their blood must consult their doctors. Actonel might have uncomfortable side-effects for these above-mentioned cases.


Main Differences Between Fosamax and Actonel

  1. The main difference between Fosamax and Actonel is their sub-groups. Although both belong to the biosulphonate group, Fosamax is called sodium alendronate. Whereas, Actonel is called sodium risedronate.
  2. It depends on the health of the person which drug suits them better. Fosamax has the least side effects while Actonel gives the fastest result.
  3. Side effects of any medicine are a very vital point of comparison. Fosamax shows side effects such as swollen body, bone pain, weight gain. On the other hand, Actonel shows side effects such as irritation in the esophagus, joint pain, nausea, etc.
  4. Fosamax was introduced in the market in the year 1984. Whereas, Actonel was introduced in the market in the year 1984.
  5. They have a distinctive point of difference related to the intake of calcium tablets. Fosamax is prescribed with calcium tablets. However, during the consumption of Actonel, calcium tablets are avoided.
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About Author

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.