Gideon’s Bible vs KJV: Difference and Comparison

Confusion arises as there are a lot of similar terms in the English dictionary. The people do not understand the difference between Gideon’s bible and KJV or king version.

Let me tell you there are many similarities between them, but Gideon’s and the KJV’s are different.

Key Takeaways

  1. Gideon’s Bible is a widely distributed, free version placed in hotels, hospitals, and other public locations by the Gideons International organization.
  2. The King James Version (KJV) is a well-known English translation of the Bible completed in 1611, known for its literary and historical significance.
  3. Although Gideon’s Bibles use the KJV text, they may also use other translations and include additional resources geared towards evangelism and outreach.

Gideon’s Bible vs KJV

The Gideons Bible is a New Testament Bible distributed by Gideons International to hotels, motels, hospitals, and other public places, used for evangelistic purposes. The KJV is a highly respected translation of the Bible that was first published in 1611 under the direction of King James I of England.

Gideons bible vs KJV 1

The word Gideon means woodsman, and it has a Hebrew origin. It is told that in the Bible, Gideon had a direct message from God from Midian to Israel.

The union was given the name from the biblical figure Gideon. In 1908 the Gideons started to distribute free Bibles, and now the primary activity is to give free Bibles to people.

The word KJV is known as the King James Bible or an authorized version. It is an English translation of the Christian bible for the church of England, and it is the most accurate and word-to-word translation of the English bible besides NASAB.


Comparison Table

Parameter of ComparisonGideon’s bible KJV
MeaningGideon means woodsman. It is the bible distributed by the association of Gideon free of cost.Kjv is a King James Bible, the English Christian Bible translation.
Aim It aims to create faith in people’s hearts and believe in its judgment, having faith, obedience, and humility.It has no aim as it is only the word-to-word translation of the Christian bible.
Distribution Gideon has distributed the bible in 194 countries and 94 different languages.Gideon’s association uses the king James bible distribution in hotels and motels for free.
Founded Gideon’s bible was founded in Janesville, Wisconsin, in 1899.It was authorized by the Church of England and started translating the Christian Bible in 1604 and finished in 1611.
Difference Gideon’s bible is the association that uses KJV for distribution in hotels, motels, and hospitals.KJV is the most accurate and word-to-word translation of the Christian bible authorized by England’s church.
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What is Gideon’s Bible?

Gideon’s bible is also known as Gideons international. Gideons international is a biblical association whose main focus is to give free copies of the bible.

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Gideon has distributed the bible in 194 countries and 94 different languages. One of Gideons’ international features is they place the bible in hospitals, motels, and hotel rooms.

The association mainly uses the King JAMES Version for its distribution. Sometimes they also use the new king James bible and testaments for distribution purposes.

It is also called MEV, the modern English version of bibles and testaments. It is given only when the hotel or buyer wants to buy the MEV bible.

This association was founded in Janesville, Wisconsin, in 1899. This organization aims to create faith in each member’s heart that they are willing to do God’s work with their judgment, obedience, and humanity.

The association started work in 1908 when the first bible was kept in a superior hotel room in a city called Superior, Montana. The Bible is also distributed to military personnel of various countries, nursing homes, prisons, etc., free of cost.

gideons bible

What is KJV?

The KJV is also known as King James Version or the official version. Translation of the Christian bible was started in 1604 when the church of England approved the English translation, and translating was finished in 1611; 85 years later, the first translation of the new testament into English appeared, and KJV was printed for the first time by the king’s printer baker.

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This version of the English translation is considered the third English translation. The first version of the English translation was done during the rule of King Henry 8. 

Another translation of the Bishops’ Bible was done in 1568. Forty-seven greek scholars translated the new testament, which was translated from the textus receptus, and the old testament was translated from Hebrew text to English. The Apocrypha was translated from the Greek Septuagint.

The authorized version, or KJV, is the standard version for the scholar for the English-speaking scholar. During the 19th century, KJV became history’s most largely printed book.

The title of the First edition of KJV in the translation of early modern English was”THE HOLY BIBLE.” Its language greatly influenced the literature of the past 400 years.

It is in the public domain in the United States. 


Main Differences Between Gideon’s Bible and KJV

  1. Gideon’s bible is a bible; on the other hand, KJV is an English translation of the Christian bible.
  2. Gideon has distributed the bible in 194 countries and 94 different languages. It uses KJV for distribution in hotels, motels, hospitals, etc.
  3. Gideons is an association founded in Janesville, Wisconsin, in 1899, whereas KJV is an English translation of the Christian bible, which was started in 1604 and finished in 1611. 
  4. Gideon aims to create faith in people’s hearts and believe in its judgment, having faith, obedience, and humility. On the other hand, KJV is an English translation of the Christian bible, so it follows the same aim as written in the bible.
  5. One of Gideon’s international’s most important features is placing the bible in hospitals, motels, and hotel rooms. On the other hand, Gideon uses KJV or authorized bible to place in hotels and hospitals.
Difference Between Gideons Bible and KJV

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Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.