God vs Jesus Christ: Difference and Comparison

The existence of ultimate power has always been a great question. The abstract form, believed to be the universe’s controller, is always questionable.

There are people, religions, or beliefs that maintain the idea of the figure of God, which is certainly hypothetical. Sometimes this abstract form of control over the universe is also addressed as ‘nature’.

Undoubtedly, there is something that is holding on to the universe, there is some reason for the existence of even a microorganism, but the sole question arises ‘who is that controller?’.

Key Takeaways

  1. In Christian theology, God is considered the universe’s supreme being, creator, and ruler. At the same time, Jesus Christ is believed to be the son of God, who became human to provide salvation to humanity.
  2. Jesus Christ, as part of the Holy Trinity, is considered divine and one with God, but he is also distinct as the person who lived on earth, died and was resurrected.
  3. Understanding the relationship between God and Jesus Christ is essential for grasping Christianity’s core beliefs and teachings.

God vs Jesus Christ

The difference between God and Jesus Christ is their visible existence. God and Jesus are entirely different from each other, Jesus can be a part or incarnation of the abstract form, but Jesus cannot be addressed as God.

God vs Jesus Christ

In religions like Hinduism or Jainism, God is depicted as the incarnation of lords. There is always a vast difference between God and something like God.

The debate about what God is is never ending; it is a vicious structure of debates and discussions. Thus every interpretation is said to be correct in its way.


Comparison Table

Parameters of comparisonGodJesus Christ
Form of powerThe abstract form of powerHuman being
Basic interpretationThe creator of all beings and the universe.The Messiah of God
LifeImmortal ( as per scriptures)mortal, as Jesus died (seen in records).
Mentions in BibleReferred GodReferred to as human being
Extent of knowledgeUnlimited knowledgeLimited knowledge
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Who is God?

God is called “thinking structure”; it is an abstract form. There is no specific definition of God.

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“God” is a belief of people.

There is no specific word that defines the divine. God is considered the supreme power who is the creator of all the visible and invisible things or all the tangible and intangible substances.

The existence of God persists in the minds, as God is eternal and immortal; nobody in the world can claim the figure of actual God; thus, in scriptures, God is referred to as ‘spirit’. Like every religion, Christianity also refers to God as the supreme power; the abstract form is unlimited power and knowledge.

The Bible mentions God as the purest soul and also mentions the love of God towards humanity. The understanding of God is vicious.

The deeper a person thinks, the more interpretations are made. There are no certain written records of what God looks like or what God is.

Even the bible or any holy book is the creation of human beings, again an interpretation of a human mind.


Who is Jesus Christ?

Jesus Christ is considered the son of God, the son of man and the son of spirit. Jesus Christ was predominantly a human being.

He said that he is not God. Jesus Christ was born with the holy spirit from the womb of the Virgin Mary, as mentioned in the second major part of the Bible.

Unlike God, Jesus Christ was a person whose existence can be easily claimed through history, as the bible and other records mention the works of Christ.

It is certain that Jesus Christ was a person, and whatever was mentioned about him was his own words and not just interpretations of people. He was a creation of God, just like any other person.

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Jesus Nazareth was considered a messiah for people sent by God. ‘Christ’ was the title the people later gave him.

Most probably, this title of Christ was added to his name after his death. As per the historical records, Jesus was caught by some enemies through the deceptive methods of one of his disciples Judas Iscariot.

He was then executed, which is considered a sacrifice for the sins of mankind. After the third day of electrocution, Jesus woke up and went to heaven to get along with God the father.

And this is how the prophecy of him as messiah was fulfilled. During his lifespan, Jesus worried for humanity, preached to people, did miracles, forgave sinners and led the church’s foundation; during his travels, he made twelve disciples whom he gave the task of spreading love.

Jesus Christ

Main Differences Between God and Jesus Christ

  1. God is a spirit ( according to the scriptures), whereas Jesus himself declared not to be a spirit. Instead, he considered himself human with flesh and bones.
  2. God is said to have unlimited knowledge, while Jesus being a person, is said to limited knowledge.
  3. As per the scriptures, God is immortal; on the contrary, Jesus died, which is also evident in records.
  4. God is considered the supreme creator of all living or living things, bible or invisible things, whereas Jesus was a Messiah or saviour.
  5. God is defined as perfection, whereas Jesus attained perfection through his sufferings during his lifespan.
Difference Between God and Jesus Christ

  1. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=QGISBwAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PP1&dq=God+and+Jesus+Christ&ots=tvZX5P4CzD&sig=tDnjzVjCF6IQblls0nPJTw0OFHg
  2. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/004057369705400304
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Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.